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Obama ad: Romney "dishonest" on auto bailout
What???? Romney is lying about Jeep moving jobs to China? Confusednicker:Confusedhh:

[YOUTUBE="Romney lies!"]7iE5wBfM1LQ[/YOUTUBE]

Quote:The Obama campaign on Monday afternoon released an ad rebutting Mitt Romney's claim - which he has stated both on the stump and in advertising - that because of the Obama administration, production of Jeeps is moving to China.

The new Obama ad, "Collapse," will air in the crucial swing state of Ohio, where one in eight jobs are tied to the auto industry. It opens by spotlighting a Romney op-ed headlined "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" to claim that Romney "turned his back" on the auto industry at a crucial time.

This is not entirely fair: Romney did not actually use that phrase - it was the headline placed on an op-ed he wrote - and Mr. Obama's administration took GM and Chrysler through a "managed bankruptcy," which is what Romney advocated in the column. The difference is that while Mr. Obama used federal funds to help the industry, Romney advocated providing federal loan guarantees to banks that loaned Detroit the necessary money. Administration officials say those loans would never have come due to the financial crisis, and that Romney's position would have thus meant the end of the industry.

The narrator in the Obama ad goes on to say that "now, after Romney's false claim of Jeep outsourcing to China, Chrysler itself has refuted Romney's lie."

On Thursday, Romney said, "I saw a story today that one of the great manufacturers in this state Jeep -- now owned by the Italians -- is thinking of moving all production to China. I will fight for every good job in America. I'm going to fight to make sure trade is fair, and if it's fair America will win."

Chrysler called that claim "a leap that would be difficult even for professional circus acrobats."

"Jeep has no intention of shifting production of its Jeep models out of North America to China," said a spokesman. "It's simply reviewing the opportunities to return Jeep output to China for the world's largest auto market. U.S. Jeep assembly lines will continue to stay in operation."

Yet the Romney campaign is continuing to suggest Jeep jobs moving overseas: In a new campaign ad, a narrator says, "Obama took GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy and sold Chrysler to Italians who are going to build Jeeps in China." This is technically true, but it's misleading: Chrysler is considering building Jeeps in China for the Chinese market, but it has not indicated it will move American Jeep jobs overseas. The company has a Jeep production facility in Toledo, Ohio.

The Obama ad goes on to say the truth is that Jeep is adding Ohio jobs before deeming Romney "wrong" on the auto bailout and "dishonest now." It shows Romney saying "Let Detroit Go Bankrupt" on CBS News in 2011 in the context of a discussion of the controversial op-ed mentioned above.
What makes you believe that Romney is lying, rather than simply mistaken? Fiat is considering manufacturing Jeeps in China, but for export to the Chinese market. However, according to a new article in Bloomberg, Fiat is considering moving production of some Chrysler vehicles, including Jeeps, to Italy. Either way, Obama pressured Chrysler into a deal with Fiat and it is no longer an American company. The Italians are calling the shots. Chrysler is not an Obama success story.

Quote:Marchionne Seen Missing Fiat Sales Target by $19 Billion


To counter the severe slump in European sales, Marchionne is considering building Chrysler models in Italy, including Jeeps, for export to North America. The Italian government is evaluating tax rebates on export goods to help Fiat. Marchionne may announce details of his plan as soon as Oct. 30, the people said.

“This makes sense on multiple levels” as it will boost plant utilization and would cap “Chrysler’s own potential, limiting the likely cost to Fiat shareholders of buying out the Chrysler minorities,” Stuart Pearson, an analyst at Morgan Stanley in London, said in a note to investors today. “However we see no quick answers, and fear debt could surprise negatively first,” said Pearson, who rates the stock underweight with a target price at 3.90 euros.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:What makes you believe that Romney is lying, rather than simply mistaken? Fiat is considering manufacturing Jeeps in China, but for export to the Chinese market. However, according to a new article in Bloomberg, Fiat is considering moving production of some Chrysler vehicles, including Jeeps, to Italy. Either way, Obama pressured Chrysler into a deal with Fiat and it is no longer an American company. The Italians are calling the shots. Chrysler is not an Obama success story.

:thatsfunn:hilarious::hilarious::eyeroll: Mistaken? And you want him to be President? Would this be a "pants on fire" moment? :devilflam
TheRealVille Wrote::thatsfunn:hilarious::hilarious::eyeroll: Mistaken? And you want him to be President? Would this be a "pants on fire" moment? :devilflam
Is the fact that you continue to show a Romney/Ryan hat "made in China" in your sig, after I showed you that it is a hoax one of those "pants on fire" moments? Or were you just mistaken and simply have not gotten around to correcting your mistake?
Media outlets (not your liberal sources, but REAL media outlets) were reporting this before Romney brought it up. Of course, let's say if it is false, it'll be all over the media. Of course, they're not mentioning the two big whoppers Obama told in the third debate.

TRV, I refuse to believe anyone is as stupid as you act. I think you're just trying to yank our chains. I just have a hard time believing anybody could be this stupid.
"To counter the severe slump in European sales, Marchionne is considering building Chrysler models in Italy, including Jeeps, for export to North America."

It's amazing to watch you guys try to make lemonade out of lemons. The jobs and the cars will all be overseas. This is what is known as outsourcing jobs, and products, to foreigners. Jeep has a public image to try to uphold in this country despite being owned by Italy so they're doing their best to appear American. There is no better example of outsourcing American interests than imported Jeeps from Italy to the US, or to China for that matter.

No length is too great a stretch to make when trying to paint a republican as a liar for the dems and their supporters. But, Obama and Hillary were the same as 'singing in the choir' when they said Ambassador Stevens and the others got killed because of an anti-Islamic video I suppose?
TheRealThing Wrote:"To counter the severe slump in European sales, Marchionne is considering building Chrysler models in Italy, including Jeeps, for export to North America."

It's amazing to watch you guys try to make lemonade out of lemons. The jobs and the cars will all be overseas. This is what is known as outsourcing jobs, and products, to foreigners. Jeep has a public image to try to uphold in this country despite being owned by Italy so they're doing their best to appear American. There is no better example of outsourcing American interests than imported Jeeps from Italy to the US, or to China for that matter.

No length is to great to make the stretch when trying to paint a republican as a liar for the dems and their supporters. But, Obama and Hillary were the same as 'singing in the choir' when they said Ambassador Stevens and the others got killed because of an anti-Islamic video I suppose?
What are the chances that the Obama campaign is already lobbying Fiat to delay making any announcement regarding the possible move of manufacturing jobs until after the election? I think that there is a pretty good chance that this talk of moving jobs was a set-up and Romney fell for it. Fiat got a good deal on Chrysler because the Obama administration pressured them into agreeing to close the deal with Fiat in exchange for its bailout. Fiat owes Obama a big favor and he will probably collect it.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:What are the chances that the Obama campaign is already lobbying Fiat to delay making any announcement regarding the possible move of manufacturing jobs until after the election? I think that there is a pretty good chance that this talk of moving jobs was a set-up and Romney fell for it. Fiat got a good deal on Chrysler because the Obama administration pressured them into agreeing to close the deal with Fiat in exchange for its bailout. Fiat owes Obama a big favor and he will probably collect it.

Yeah, the 'end run', it's the only thing Obama does better than lying and distorting facts. Confusednicker:
I haven't read through all this yet, but let's say that Romney does have it wrong. At least his point, about shipping jobs overseas, etc. is on. With this hurricane going on, I think both candidates will be able to screw up a bit over the next few days and not get the media backlash they (especially Romney) would get.
vector Wrote:

First TRV, and now big bad Vector!
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Is the fact that you continue to show a Romney/Ryan hat "made in China" in your sig, after I showed you that it is a hoax one of those "pants on fire" moments? Or were you just mistaken and simply have not gotten around to correcting your mistake?
No, you didn't show it as a hoax. You showed that Romney's site doesn't have them. What makes you think that you have proof that a Romney support cell group isn't distributing them?
TheRealVille Wrote:No, you didn't show it as a hoax. You showed that Romney's site doesn't have them. What makes you think that you have proof that a Romney support cell group isn't distributing them?
You are making the allegation. It is up to you to prove it. Or just keep using the photo and continue demonstrating that you have no interest in the truth and are an eager spreader of Obama campaign lies. Your choice.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You are making the allegation. It is up to you to prove it. Or just keep using the photo and continue demonstrating that you have no interest in the truth and are an eager spreader of Obama campaign lies. Your choice.
Kind of like you guys making WMD's going to Syria? You guys here must surely have proof that the rest of the "government doesn't have? Since it's not the hats that are Romney's website, I will take the pic down. But, it is a Romney/Ryan hat that could have been put out by Romney supporters. Romney being "mistaken" is still classic.
TheRealVille Wrote:Kind of like you guys making WMD's going to Syria? You guys here must surely have proof that the rest of the "government doesn't have? Since it's not the hats that are Romney's website, I will take the pic down. But, it is a Romney/Ryan hat that could have been put out by Romney supporters.
Let your conscience be your guide because it's not my job to fact check your sigs. At least your new one shows Republicans. I could post one contrasting FDR, Truman, and JFK to Pelosi, Reid, and Al Sharpton, but then both of us would look childish. Confusednicker:
^ Now you've done it Hoot. I expect Vector to make a defense here shortly.
WideRight05 Wrote:^ Now you've done it Hoot. I expect Vector to make a defense here shortly.
Maybe, but it would be out of character for vector to create a sig of his own. RV has apparently found a Facebook page full of Photo-shopped anti-Romney photos and cartoons. Letting others do the thinking for you is so much easier than doing it yourself. Confusednicker:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Maybe, but it would be out of character for vector to create a sig of his own. RV has apparently found a Facebook page full of Photo-shopped anti-Romney photos and cartoons. Letting others do the thinking for you is so much easier than doing it yourself. Confusednicker:
Whoa now. It's pretty obvious that picture wasn't photoshopped. It might be a support group hat, but it isn't photoshopped, anybody can see that.:thatsfunn

TheRealVille Wrote:Whoa now. It's pretty obvious that picture wasn't photoshopped. It might be a support group hat, but it isn't photoshopped, anybody can see that.:thatsfunn
I didn't say that it was. I said that the page it came from is full of Photoshopped images. Your current sig is obviously Photoshopped - and I am using the term generically - maybe the image was composed with Gimp, Corel, or some other image editor. As for the hat, any Democrat who owns a business that does embroidery work could have created it.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Maybe, but it would be out of character for vector to create a sig of his own. RV has apparently found a Facebook page full of Photo-shopped anti-Romney photos and cartoons. Letting others do the thinking for you is so much easier than doing it yourself. Confusednicker:

Who cares where the hat is made, hell for all I know you can only buy premade blank hats from foreign countries, it may not even be possible to buy American made anymore.

Thanks to Bill Clinton and GW for continuing on many of Clinton's policies regarding foreign trade, American manufacturing jobs continue to dwindle.

What has Obama done to stop the exportation of American jobs?
TheRealThing Wrote:"To counter the severe slump in European sales, Marchionne is considering building Chrysler models in Italy, including Jeeps, for export to North America."

It's amazing to watch you guys try to make lemonade out of lemons. The jobs and the cars will all be overseas. This is what is known as outsourcing jobs, and products, to foreigners. Jeep has a public image to try to uphold in this country despite being owned by Italy so they're doing their best to appear American. There is no better example of outsourcing American interests than imported Jeeps from Italy to the US, or to China for that matter.

No length is too great a stretch to make when trying to paint a republican as a liar for the dems and their supporters. But, Obama and Hillary were the same as 'singing in the choir' when they said Ambassador Stevens and the others got killed because of an anti-Islamic video I suppose?
It doesn't take much google searching to find that if they produce some vehicles in Italy, it is to help with US production. I'm sure you have already found that, though. You have never had a problem with posting a half truths, without an explanation of the whole truth, to support your agenda. Are there any Ford or GM products made overseas? But, to be honest, the thread is about that fact that as much as you two call Obama a liar, you have no qualms taking up for this obvious lie from Romney. I hate that any of the Big 3 are making vehicles overseas, but they all do. It's the nature of the beast, when they all are trying to make better profits.
This is not rocket science.

Q1. Where were the Jeeps currently sold in China manufactured?

. In the United States.

Q2. If Fiat builds a plant to manufacture Jeeps in China, then where will Jeeps sold in China be manufactured?

A2. In China.

Q3. If Fiat builds a plant to manufacture Jeeps and other Chrysler products in Italy or converts one of its current facilities to do the same and exports them to the United States, then will: A. Fewer or B. More Chrysler automobiles, including Jeeps, that are sold in the United States be manufactured in the United States?

A3. A. Fewer. Fiat is an Italian corporation and with President Obama's help and our tax dollars, purchased Chrysler at a bargain basement price to expand its presence in the U.S. market. Fiat has no reason to feel any loyalty to American auto workers.
TheRealVille Wrote:It doesn't take much google searching to find that if they produce some vehicles in Italy, it is to help with US production. I'm sure you have already found that, though. You have never had a problem with posting a half truths, without an explanation of the whole truth, to support your agenda. Are there any Ford or GM products made overseas? But, to be honest, the thread is about that fact that as much as you two call Obama a liar, you have no qualms taking up for this obvious lie from Romney. I hate that any of the Big 3 are making vehicles overseas, but they all do. It's the nature of the beast, when they all are trying to make better profits.

LOL, no wonder you fall for anything your monarch belches out. Reality for liberals is how you wish it to be, I understand. I'm sure Fiat isn't making business decisions calculated to lose money RV.

The whole deal with regard to what is known as the global economy is has taken on a life of it's own. We are all just prisoners here of our own device, as they say. It was Obama that first politicised the Romney portfolio, and Bain Capital. I can assure you that every little point and subpoint of your argument here is applicable to the business dealings of Bain Capital with equal ethics. Obama's distortions about the world of finance and money as they apply to Romney were untrue. Obama's own retirement portfolio has the very same types of investments, and that includes investments in China. Instead of running an honest campaign, the dems again chose to take the low road, slandering and mud slinging and distorting Romney's true record on an unprecedented scale. The whole thing has been a national shame. Romney has been forced to fend off salvo after salvo in what I call a political food fight. We have the Romney record, and it fairly sparkles in the sun compared to the abysmal failures of Mr Obama's antiquated, already tried and died, policies of the past.

His FDR era Keynesian fiscal policies have already been tried. They were abandoned by our government for what they were, a complex and well thought out effort to establish a sort of currency conveyor system, that didn't work. WWII, as I have said, broke the great depression's grip on the USA. And the principle of supply and demand dictates the health of the free enterprise system that is America. The more he tries to "fundametally transform" us, the worse things will get, until at some point we fade into the backwaters of a European style society, or are conquered outright.

No, lies are the modus~operandi of this administration, and the preferred default setting for politics ala the dems. When I went to school they taught me some basic principles of human behavior in psychology, people always blame others for their own faults, and accuse them of doing things they are really guilty of. From where I stand, things haven't changed a bit.
1 week away!!!!
Quote:Auto companies hit back against Romney ads

(CNN) – Democrats on Tuesday ramped up their pressure on the Romney campaign over two new ads on the auto bailout, as each side sought to sway voters in the crucial battleground state of Ohio.

Spokespeople for Obama's re-election effort pointed to quotes from General Motors and Chrysler executives blasting Mitt Romney over a new round of ads that accuse the auto giants of shifting jobs overseas.

"The ad is cynical campaign politics at its worst," General Motors spokesman Greg Martin told The New York Times. "We think creating jobs in the U.S. and repatriating profits back in this country should be a source of bipartisan pride."

The Romney radio ad, which aired in Ohio Tuesday, claims GM plans to double the number of cars built in China and that Chrysler plans to start making Jeeps in the same country.

"Mitt Romney: He'll stand up for the auto industry in Ohio, not China," the ad's narrator concludes.

The ad follows a television spot released over the weekend, which makes the same argument and faced wide criticism in recent days for its accuracy.

"Obama took GM and Chrysler into bankruptcy and sold Chrysler to Italians who are going to build Jeeps in China," the television spot's narrator says.

Romney originally floated that idea at a rally in Defiance, Ohio last week. He quoted a report about the majority owner of Chrysler, Fiat, saying it was considering producing its signature Jeep in China.

However, the Bloomberg report to which Romney was apparently referring said that the potential move would only affect cars produced for Chinese consumers.

Chrysler Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications Gualberto Ranieri emphatically denied the possibility U.S. production would be affected, writing in an online posting, "Let's set the record straight: Jeep has no intention of shifting production of its Jeep models out of North America to China."

The ad was rated "Pants on Fire" by the independent, fact-checking group And former President Bill Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden on Monday tag teamed in their attacks against Romney over the ad.

The Romney campaign did not highlight their television ad–or Tuesday's radio ad–with a press release to reporters, as they have with nearly every other spot, but CNN's ad tracker Kantar Media CMAG, spotted the ad running on broadcast television stations in Toledo and Youngstown, Ohio – two Ohio manufacturing strongholds.

Martin, the GM representative, said Romney's ads show that the candidate is "bereft of any fundamental understanding of the global automotive industry.

"All global manufacturers, whether General Motors, Ford, Chrysler or VW, build historically in the markets in which we sell," he continued.

Romney's campaign did not respond to a request for comment.
Imagine that - auto companies beholden to the federal government defending their benefactor.
The starting of this thread is beyond laughable.
Of course Romney was dishonest in his ad. This has already been proven.

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