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williamsburg 21 oliver springs TN 00
Dont be sorry gut, Wburg fans seem to get butt hurt quite often :biggrin:
First things first, you are correct, I would never attack a kid on this or any site. They are kids and are impressionable, I would hate to think that I said or did something to alter anyone of their lives in a negative way.:thanks: I will also say this, I think we have an opinion based on the facts that we are finding on film and on bases of schedule comparisons. I understand that our opinions are gonna be different than yours because you love your team. I think that is a good thing.:thanks: I think the proper way to put this in perspective is to say, based upon the scheduled results so far and the film I have seen, we are not sold on how tough yall are yet. That being said, I will somewhat be rooting for yall because I want to see 64 in BG with that stinking you got served sign sticking out his back side after hopefully my team hangs 56 on them.Confusednicker: I dont want to get all negative in here. Good luck and hopefully we will see yall in BG.:popcorn:
Gutless you are trolling and then edit. You are showing again you are an internet bully. You don't like what was said about you so you edit it. You are proving again you are a coward. A monitor shouldn't bait and then run and hide behind his ability to edit.
E's Army Wrote:Gutless you are trolling and then edit. You are showing again you are an internet bully. You don't like what was said about you so you edit it. You are proving again you are a coward. A monitor shouldn't bait and then run and hide behind his ability to edit.


E's Army Wrote:Gutless you are trolling and then edit. You are showing again you are an internet bully. You don't like what was said about you so you edit it. You are proving again you are a coward. A monitor shouldn't bait and then run and hide behind his ability to edit.

I'm still wandering what it was exactly that made me "gutless" and a "coward"?

I edited you because of the nasty comment. I have yet to make a nasty comment about one single Wburg person or player and yet, you all are so tore up that there are 4 of you wanting to burn me at the stake. That says something.....
However, this thread has ran its course...atleast for me anyways.
It was fun messing with you.

Wburg will breeze by the first and second round and then face Hazard in the regional final.
IMO Wburg at this point, seems to be a better quality team.

The playoffs should be a fun one.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I'm still wandering what it was exactly that made me "gutless" and a "coward"?

I edited you because of the nasty comment. I have yet to make a nasty comment about one single Berg person or player and yet, you all are so tore up that there are 4 of you wanting to burn me at the stake. That says something.....
Can I bring the marshmallow?

Ill being the graham crackers....
mmmmm s'mores
Dont think you'll get a lot of meat Confusednicker:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I'm still wandering what it was exactly that made me "gutless" and a "coward"?

I edited you because of the nasty comment. I have yet to make a nasty comment about one single Wburg person or player and yet, you all are so tore up that there are 4 of you wanting to burn me at the stake. That says something.....

No one wants you burnt at the stake. You are just pushing it to far when you think some of us are going to get on here and talk about what the players did to be punished. When you say we have dirty laundry every year you have no idea what you are talking about! You are the one who made this thread personal. I think or at least hope if the tables were turned you would defend your players the same way that we have. So how about we talk football instead of why boys were punished. Isn't that what this sight is for?
Confusedmoke:now let's start the run to bowling green join us :wieghts:
Jacket4Life Wrote:No one wants you burnt at the stake. You are just pushing it to far when you think some of us are going to get on here and talk about what the players did to be punished. When you say we have dirty laundry every year you have no idea what you are talking about! You are the one who made this thread personal. I think or at least hope if the tables were turned you would defend your players the same way that we have. So how about we talk football instead of why boys were punished. Isn't that what this sight is for?

I tried to move on to football a couple of post ago.
I know why the boys sit out. Did menton it? No. Its not that big a deal and even if it was, i still wouldnt post it. When i initially posted asking why i thought it was for a fight or something in another game that they had been ejected by the KHSAA for, i didnt know it was a team issue, and yet 14 Wburg fans start tearing me a new one since and i ran with it....

I would like to see Wburg run the table, however, i know the struggles ahead and off the field distractions in the last week of the season could be problematic for a team trying to get to Bowling Green.
If the tables were turned, ill be honest, i wouldnt take up for a kid, just as i do not when we dont play well. They know the consequences.

As far as the upcoming games go, Wburg will have two more blowout wins against the first and second round competetion. Then, they face Hazard, which IMO will be there toughest game of the year. Even tougher than Oneida. It's winnable though, and then its on to the state semis, where the test will be even tougher and, if the Jackets do manage to get past that one, Frankfort or Mayfield will await, and it will be better than any team Wburg has faced by far. Wburg needs to definitely clear some things up and get better over the next couple of weeks. I think you'll agree that the schedule thus far has NOT got Wburg ready for a tough, close game atmoshphere with everything on the line.
E's Army Wrote:Rednblack this sounds familar to the finals last year. If Mayfield were to throw 4 interceptions in the first half against a top 4 team in the state and not score they would be so far behind they could not come back either. This is a brilliant observation. I am glad you are so astute.

It is very common knowledge we were beat up going into that game. Still.Hazard was deserving and had played and won against a much tougher schedule than Wburg has this year. Hazard was playing in their 3rd state final in 4 years. So comparing ur team and coaching staff to them and throwing out words like astute to valitate your very weak comparison is not going to convince anyone that the burg has a championship caliber D. I am not even saying u dont i have know idea but based on current info and past performance it is my opinion u dont. I will say this Mayfield had a young qb last year who was prone to throw int. He got exposed a little against Beechwood and we went to the wildcat with Jackson and won the game. Hazard exposed his youth by forcing us to goto the air and he threw 5 int and they kicked our ass. Here is the key our strength of schedule was weaker last year and our young qb wasnt exposed til it was to late. Now this year if you choose to play our qb the way Hazard did last year instead of 5 int you will see 5 td passes he has improved that much. He doesnt telegraph passes anymore he doesnt key on receivers anymore as evident to 7 dif receivers with td catches and his touch deep is 100 percent better. He has proven himself against much better comp this year than last which helps to validate his improvement. You guys are young and will be a force in 1a in the future but a young untested team traditionally doesnt do well in the playoffs. Hey good luck though.
rednblackattack Wrote:It is very common knowledge we were beat up going into that game. Still.Hazard was deserving and had played and won against a much tougher schedule than Wburg has this year. Hazard was playing in their 3rd state final in 4 years. So comparing ur team and coaching staff to them and throwing out words like astute to valitate your very weak comparison is not going to convince anyone that the burg has a championship caliber D. I am not even saying u dont i have know idea but based on current info and past performance it is my opinion u dont. I will say this Mayfield had a young qb last year who was prone to throw int. He got exposed a little against Beechwood and we went to the wildcat with Jackson and won the game. Hazard exposed his youth by forcing us to goto the air and he threw 5 int and they kicked our ass. Here is the key our strength of schedule was weaker last year and our young qb wasnt exposed til it was to late. Now this year if you choose to play our qb the way Hazard did last year instead of 5 int you will see 5 td passes he has improved that much. He doesnt telegraph passes anymore he doesnt key on receivers anymore as evident to 7 dif receivers with td catches and his touch deep is 100 percent better. He has proven himself against much better comp this year than last which helps to validate his improvement. You guys are young and will be a force in 1a in the future but a young untested team traditionally doesnt do well in the playoffs. Hey good luck though.

I think you will see how good the defense is during the playoffs. I do think Williamsburg is for real defensively, but they do struggle with their punt team and have been turnover prone. Being a good defensive ball club is more than just defense, it is your special teams units and protecting the football.
Hey guys, have yall noticed 64 has gotten really quiet since it is time for the playoffs.:biglmao: If any of you Wburg fans know who he is, please send someone to do a wellfare check on him.:Clap: I think the stress has gotten to the old fart.:biglmao: He may have had another stroke. I would appreciate it if yall would check on him.:yum:
mysonis55 Wrote:Hey guys, have yall noticed 64 has gotten really quiet since it is time for the playoffs.:biglmao: If any of you Wburg fans know who he is, please send someone to do a wellfare check on him.:Clap: I think the stress has gotten to the old fart.:biglmao: He may have had another stroke. I would appreciate it if yall would check on him.:yum:

Comparing teams by who they play is pretty pointless. Teams match up different to each other. Multiple factors are in play each week. Injuries, sickness, drama at home or school etc can affect a teams performance. Talking about how your team will blow out a team that another team beat doesn't always add up. For example Williamsburg beat Pineville by 50 some points. Hazard beat Pineville by a TD. Using the logic that was previously shown in this thread would then determine that Williamsburg would be Hazard by 3 or more TDs. LCA beat Harlan by a score, the same logic would then say that Williamsburg would beat LCA by 2 or more TDs. Bottom Line. You play the games for a reason. Good luck to all the mountain teams in the playoffs.
Hey Wburg fans, you can forget the welfare check on 64. I finally heard from him on another post of mine. Confusednicker: He seems to still be somewhat delirious though.Confusednicker: None of us know for certain what will really happen but, when I do this comparison, which has worked for me for a number of years, I feel pretty good about our chances. Good luck to all, unless of course you are playing us.:welcome:
64SUR is recuperating but plans on working tomorrow. I expect he will make up for lost time this week. Good luck to Mayfield. I hope to see you in Bowling Green. Getting there would be a great year for us. You guys would be sorely disappointed to get there and not take home the big trophy. Yourselves and Beechwood are the standard bearers in Class A. Whitley is a good bunch and I hope they get their rematch with the Bears.
Confusedinglepar:thanks::worthy::blabbermo:yikes::igiveup::igiveup::igiveup::igiveup:I use to enjoy reading these post......I don't anymore....Stick a fork in me........I'm done...I'm going to go to the adult posts and get away from the kid section....:insane::argue::lmao::please::lame::popcorn::ChairHit::thatsfunn:biglmao::dontthink:redboxer::Thumbs::flush:
:HitWall::moon::thanks::ChairHit::argue::Shaking::popcorn::1::insane::worthy::zzz::lmao::yum::redboxer::yikes::welcome::blabbermoTongueirateSho:lame::dontthink:please:Fever, Sorry to hear that.Confusednicker: We certainly dont mean to upset anyone on here.Confusednicker: I guess there are things you could do around the house.:welcome: If you get bored though, we will be here.TongueirateSho Come back anytime and enjoy it.:thatsfunnConfusednicker:

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