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Belfry 17 Johnson Central 12
Wow. Leading 10-6 Belfry goes on a 98 yard drive that takes up 7:00 to ice it. JC adds a TD as Belfry lets them score as time expires to set the final margin.
Sensational gritty effort from a short handed Belfry team playing without Justin Johnson... his backup Keaton Taylor had a 76 yard run on the 1st play from scrimmage to set up the Pirate's first score. Taylor left the game in the 1st Qtr and did not return to action making the Pirate grit even more outstanding.

Both teams killed themselves with penalties as this was far from the best effort both teams could put forth. Belfry converted several huge 3rd Down conversions through the air and the final drive was an absolute thing of beauty.

Hats off to SOPH Austin Hatfield and SR Josh Robinson who each made massive conversions on the final drive to ice it.
Listened to most of this game online. Wish I coulda went like I had planned. Missed a good one.
The difference of the game - 2 extra point kicks and 1 field goal = 5 points.
Great job Pirates. Congrats!
Great team effort although they were short handed...Way to go Pirates !!!!
Congratulations, BIG Red!
MtnHSFootballFan Wrote:The difference of the game - 2 extra point kicks and 1 field goal = 5 points.

You proved to be a sage tonight.

Not only the XP's and FG's... but the key 71 yard punt by Wellman that flipped the field.

By no means is this intended to "rub it in", it is more of a testament to the Pirate heart tonight, but Belfry also played the 2nd Half without 4 year starter and resident run stopping stalwart at LB Peyton Mullins. Hatfield stepped in his spot and played sensational, in addition to his clutch running at FB.

Perhaps the biggest turning point in the game, and somethig JC fans are sure to be scratching their heads about, early in the 4th JC had the ball near the Pirate 40 1st and 10. The Eagles had been imposing their will a bit with the running of Belcher and had picked up a few first downs with relative ease. JC went deep unsuccesfully on back to back plays forcing a 3rd and 10 and essentially changing the direction of the game. Had JC kept it on the ground would the outcome had been different?
Congrats to the Belfry on another big win!:1:
Another second round exit sealed. Way to lay a giant egg in a game that matters. If CovCath had worries at all, that stinker certainly just erased them. Let a mediocre team come into Eagle Field and clean your clocks after two great efforts in earlier weeks, at a time when you need to be peaking? I hope for your sake you're embarrassed as you SHOULD be and go home tonight and think long and hard about what it's going to take to be great as opposed to just showing up.
Diogenes Wrote:Another second round exit sealed. Way to lay a giant egg in a game that matters. If CovCath had worries at all, that stinker certainly just erased them. Let a mediocre team come into Eagle Field and clean your clocks after two great efforts in earlier weeks, at a time when you need to be peaking? I hope for your sake you're embarrassed as you SHOULD be and go home tonight and think long and hard about what it's going to take to be great as opposed to just showing up.

HAHA Belfry playing short handed found the will to win. They are far from Mediocre! Both teams played great defense and Belfry pulled it out in the end. Belfry with their passing game was the difference. Johnson Centrals passing game is non existent.
JC has beened out played and OUT COACHED THE LAST TWO WEEKS!!!! Ashland should have beat them too!!!! Best of luck JC next and maybe the week after????????
It's hard to have that "Fever Pitch" on back to back weeks for JC....

The win over Ashland had some people (that doesn't know a thing about football) thinking JC is a passing team. And they were wrong.

I'm glad this game is a 'warm-up' game... if you will.
Diogenes Wrote:Another second round exit sealed. Way to lay a giant egg in a game that matters. If CovCath had worries at all, that stinker certainly just erased them. Let a mediocre team come into Eagle Field and clean your clocks after two great efforts in earlier weeks, at a time when you need to be peaking? I hope for your sake you're embarrassed as you SHOULD be and go home tonight and think long and hard about what it's going to take to be great as opposed to just showing up.

Mediocre? Must suck to get beat by a mediocre team at your own house? :lame:
Belfry played great. Under-manned or not... They wanted to win.

Maybe seeing a team in black and gold with "Central" in the schools name made them remember last years state finals game.....
Absolutely mediocre. Got blasted by Ashland and absolutely run off the field by a Lexington public school. And to not show up against THAT, especially when it is short handed? Pitiful, is being kind. You Belfry people can have all the pride and hear all the ghosts echo that you want, but you know this isnt even a good Belfry team, much less a good statewide team. It's a great win for you, sure, and something to enjoy. and maybe if you can eke by Breathitt, you can stay within 28 of Louisville Central. Maybe. JC: Get this season over with already. CovCath on a running clock. The good news is the core of team is back next year, so maybe if they have any heart they'll watch the DVD of this debacle every night before they go to bed to keep them in the weight room and in conditioning, and maybe they'll decide to try to be champions instead of not even a good 3A team.
Welp this one will go 3 or 4 pages now....
Belfry desperately needs to get all hands on deck HEALTHY and work on timing an offensive execution. If Johnson is healthy enough, I'd love to see him play next week just to help him get his timing back.

Diogenes must not have watched Belfry get "blasted" by Ashland. That was a great game and in question until very late. Oh well.

Get healthy Pirates! Good job.
Diogenes Wrote:Absolutely mediocre. Got blasted by Ashland and absolutely run off the field by a Lexington public school. And to not show up against THAT, especially when it is short handed? Pitiful, is being kind. You Belfry people can have all the pride and hear all the ghosts echo that you want, but you know this isnt even a good Belfry team, much less a good statewide team. It's a great win for you, sure, and something to enjoy. and maybe if you can eke by Breathitt, you can stay within 28 of Louisville Central. Maybe. JC: Get this season over with already. CovCath on a running clock. The good news is the core of team is back next year, so maybe if they have any heart they'll watch the DVD of this debacle every night before they go to bed to keep them in the weight room and in conditioning, and maybe they'll decide to try to be champions instead of not even a good 3A team.

Seems to me some people just can't take it
when they lose to Belfry or any other team
for that matter. :flame:
Diogenes Wrote:Absolutely mediocre. Got blasted by Ashland and absolutely run off the field by a Lexington public school. And to not show up against THAT, especially when it is short handed? Pitiful, is being kind. You Belfry people can have all the pride and hear all the ghosts echo that you want, but you know this isnt even a good Belfry team, much less a good statewide team. It's a great win for you, sure, and something to enjoy. and maybe if you can eke by Breathitt, you can stay within 28 of Louisville Central. Maybe. JC: Get this season over with already. CovCath on a running clock. The good news is the core of team is back next year, so maybe if they have any heart they'll watch the DVD of this debacle every night before they go to medibed to keep them in the weight room and in conditioning, and maybe they'll decide to try to be champions instead of not even a good 3A team.

I don't care your team it's no better than us they sTongueirateShoure wasn't tonight so if we are mediocre so it's JC and you will do better next year TongueirateShoTongueirateSho:TongueirateShoTongueirateSho
Trust me, I know a choke job when I see a choke job. Seen plenty. This is a classic choke job. Especially Senior Night on your own field. This might be an understandable result at CAM or at Putnam. This is NOT how teams who claim to want respect respond in huge games. You choose how you want to be remembered. Obviously, both these teams made their decisions tonight. One team cared a lot more than the other. No need for this to go 3 or 4 pages, because that's really all there is to say about it and you can't add anything else to that.
99PIRATEFAN Wrote:I don't care your team it's no better than us they sTongueirateShoure wasn't tonight so if we are mediocre so it's JC and you will do better next year TongueirateShoTongueirateSho:TongueirateShoTongueirateSho

That was kind of my point, illegible extra chromosome man.
Absolutely mediocre. Both teams at best. However, Belfry's effort won the game.
MSU Eagles Wrote:Absolutely mediocre. Both teams at best. However, Belfry's effort won the game.

You summed it up right there. Concise, and comprehensive.
1st i want to congrats to the Pirates,i guess i read to much into the Ironton and Ashland win and with a couple players out,though JC would get the win, thanks for proving me keep rolling to BG..
Belfry is a strange team this year. I do know Belfry has one of the best coaches in the state. So who knows what will happen in the play offs.
Congrats to the Pirates...nice to see Hatfield getting healthy...great team effort!!!
Gotta love them Pirates. Congrats great job from both teams best game I`ve watched this year.

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