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Somerset's Tevin Slaughter and Tyson Williams
Both these Young Men have been selected to play in the Best of The Bluegrass All Star Game. They will represent Somerset and 2A Football Well.
I have been watching Tyson since grade school, he is now getting the recognition he deserves. Good luck to both of these young men, and I hope to be watching Tyson on saturdays.:Thumbs:
Two of the best defensive players in 2a IMO. Both have combined for almost 200 regular season tackles, very good athletes and even better young men.
Not just one, but TWO kids from Somerset! Very impressive.
Two very hard working young men... Big key to our defense and both are a major reason we have had such success this year...
Congrats to both players!
I had the great privelege of coaching Tyson in grade school and middle school,something he said to me once always sticks out in my mind and shows what kind of great young man he is,he said "Coach just put me where i can help the TEAM win", I will always remember that great kid!
Tyson is beginning to shine now that he has realized he is a football player. Good kid. Good family. I hope he continues to have success.
Proud of both of these young men!!!
I had a coach once tell me that being called a "football player" is one of the greatest compliments that you can give a player. He then went on to explain what that ment to him. When I think of a "football player" I think of a kid who is talented, unselfish, gives a 110% no matter the situation, plays whistle to whistle no matter the score, takes coaching, and makes every one around them better!!! I feel blessed that I have been able to coach these two and with out a doubt they are my definition of a "football Player!"
Any College that signs these 2 will sign two fine Football Players that can play on either side, Off. or Def.

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