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Romney vs. Obama - Debate #3
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Ah let me flip flop then you will believe me.

But that's what you've always done. Nothing new there.
Bob Seger Wrote:Try doing two of them at the same time. One changed his mind, after about 80K into it. Gotta love em, I guess.:HitWall:

I'm surprised you let nky post after thatS
Charles Krauthammer has Romney winning.
Bob Seger Wrote:Try doing two of them at the same time. One changed his mind, after about 80K into it. Gotta love em, I guess.:HitWall:
That's when I would set up a repay payment plan.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:[/B]

I'm surprised you let nky post after thatS

TheRealVille Wrote:That's when I would set up a repay payment plan.

I probably should. Getting married, trying to work at the same time,and now a baby proved a little too much for him to juggle. He should have waited, but wouldn't listen. He's just about out now, with an education degree.
4_real Wrote:rachel maddow needs to go in playboy?

Rachel Maddow would be more fit for Playgirl...
WideRight05 Wrote:Charles Krauthammer has Romney winning.
Hmmmm, just about everybody else in the world has Obama winning. Especially with Romney agreeing with everything Obama has done.
I really enjoyed reading this thread today!! Thank you guys for all the comments.
I settled in to watch last night, and fell asleep before the opening remarks....
My husband told me I didn't miss anything, looks like he may have been correct.
Bob Seger Wrote:I probably should. Getting married, trying to work at the same time,and now a baby proved a little too much for him to juggle. He should have waited, but wouldn't listen. He's just about out now, with an education degree.
One thing all of us parents here will always agree on, we will always take care of our kids.
4_real Wrote:i make like 25k a year and my wife wich has a bachelors in social work works part time as a substitute teacher wich dont pay hardly nething..we are a classic example of people who are struggling to get into the middle class..i mean i was raised a republican and believe me i wouldnt vote for obama if i didnt think he would be whats best for people like me. i understand why some people who are out of touch with actual americans who work hard and struggle everyday just to get by would want to do away with foodstamps and anything thing that helps people who are just trying to get by would vote for romney who wants to do away with these programs..actually i dont lol

Me and my wife are in the middle class we work hard pay our bills go to the grocery store to stand in line behind abunch able body people buying steak while we can only afford hamburger under this administration. While they are also talking on iphones buying cigarettes and beer. Obama is a complete failure to this country.
TheRealVille Wrote:One thing all of us parents here will always agree on, we will always take care of our kids.

Absolutely. And that certainly includes doing all we can to insure that they are born into this world rather than destroyed prior to birth.
sawmill Wrote:Me and my wife are in the middle class we work hard pay our bills go to the grocery store to stand in line behind abunch able body people buying steak while we can only afford hamburger under this administration. While they are also talking on iphones buying cigarettes and beer. Obama is a complete failure to this country.

Even hamburger is somewhat of a splurge these days. Ground chuck is over $3.00 dollars a pound where I shop. My cart is sometimes half full while food stamp shoppers sometimes have more than one cart.
With regard to the debates one has to be able to reconcile what he knows to be true, against what the candidates are saying. We do have boats that go underwater, that's true. We also need to be able to move massive amounts of men and materials in time of war. And we need to be able to fight on at least two fronts. In the case of our naval forces, the world's oceans are a vast and complex challenge even by today's standards. Romney is right, our navy is at least borderline too small.

On the grander scale Romney's point was much more insightful than the naive blusterings and bravado offered by the president. Romney correctly pointed out that we made some decisions with regard to the military in the year 2000, and less than one year later we were slammed by 9/11. Our military planners do a good job in anticipating coming threats but, the unforseen is the rule rather than the exception where war is concerned. In this day and time, we can hardly afford to wait until the threat is already manifested before we begin to respond. That is exactly the tack that la-la liberals would have this nation adopt.

Obama's stated position, is that Iran will not be allowed to build and deploy nuclear weapons. Even though some reports have zero hour as soon as two months from last week end. I mean seriously, are we saying that the so-called crippling sanctions imposed on Iran will stop them from building a bomb two months from now? Heck, they're already working on doing just that, and these guys would see thousands die if they had a completed bomb in sight. So, the question voters have to ask themselves after four years of Iran's unchecked nuclear progress is this, are you willing to let Obama tell you what to believe in spite of what the rest of the world is saying? Obama defers to the UN and other nations when dealing with world affairs in every other area and yet, where a nuclear Iran is concerned, he is satified to sit on his hands. Last night he said, "We're not going to allow Iran to perpetually engage in negotiations that lead nowhere. And I've been very clear to them." This is one of those junctures where what we know to be true flies in the face of what our president tells us. We don't know what the heck went on in Benghazi even to this day if the administration is to be believed. And yet , we can pinpoint the exact moment Iran will have the bomb? :please: In basketball, players set picks to assist a teammate in his effort to score. That's how I see Obama's foreign policy with regard to Iran's efforts to score with nuclear weapons, America is more or less setting a pick, especially on Israel. That's why Netanyahu keeps asking, "wait for what, wait until Iran gets a bomb?"

What this president does and what he says, are miles apart from the details of ObamaCare to world affairs. BTW, the factcheckers are very quickly dispelling any notion that Romney said anything wrong or untrue in last night's debate, despite the Obama jackboots on the loop calling everything Romney stated as being lies. I will be so happy to see these thugs take a back seat I can hardly contain myself.
sawmill Wrote:Me and my wife are in the middle class we work hard pay our bills go to the grocery store to stand in line behind abunch able body people buying steak while we can only afford hamburger under this administration. While they are also talking on iphones buying cigarettes and beer. Obama is a complete failure to this country.

Have you reported this to your local SSI office? They are the one's to determine who are abled body, not the Federal level. I wish that the commonwealth would re institute the deter program. Talk to your local SSI worker about that and then your local state and senate rep.

I agree abuse makes me frustrated as well.
TheRealThing Wrote:With regard to the debates one has to be able to reconcile what he knows to be true, against what the candidates are saying. We do have boats that go underwater, that's true. We also need to be able to move massive amounts of men and materials in time of war. And we need to be able to fight on at least two fronts. In the case of our naval forces, the world's oceans are a vast and complex challenge even by today's standards. Romney is right, our navy is at least borderline too small.
On the grander scale Romney's point was much more insightful than the naive blusterings and bravado offered by the president. Romney correctly pointed out that we made some decisions with regard to the military in the year 2000, and less than one year later we were slammed by 9/11. Our military planners do a good job in anticipating coming threats but, the unforseen is the rule rather than the exception where war is concerned. In this day and time, we can hardly afford to wait until the threat is already manifested before we begin to respond. That is exactly the tack that la-la liberals would have this nation adopt.

Obama's stated position, is that Iran will not be allowed to build and deploy nuclear weapons. Even though some reports have zero hour as soon as two months from last week end. I mean seriously, are we saying that the so-called crippling sanctions imposed on Iran will stop them from building a bomb two months from now? Heck, they're already working on doing just that, and these guys would see thousands die if they had a completed bomb in sight. So, the question voters have to ask themselves after four years of Iran's unchecked nuclear progress is this, are you willing to let Obama tell you what to believe in spite of what the rest of the world is saying? Obama defers to the UN and other nations when dealing with world affairs in every other area and yet, where a nuclear Iran is concerned, he is satified to sit on his hands. Last night he said, "We're not going to allow Iran to perpetually engage in negotiations that lead nowhere. And I've been very clear to them." This is one of those junctures where what we know to be true flies in the face of what our president tells us. We don't know what the heck went on in Benghazi even to this day if the administration is to be believed. And yet , we can pinpoint the exact moment Iran will have the bomb? :please: In basketball, players set picks to assist a teammate in his effort to score. That's how I see Obama's foreign policy with regard to Iran's efforts to score with nuclear weapons, America is more or less setting a pick, especially on Israel. That's why Netanyahu keeps asking, "wait for what, wait until Iran gets a bomb?"

What this president does and what he says, are miles apart from ObamaCare to world affairs. BTW, the factcheckers are very quickly dispelling any notion that Romney said anything wrong or untrue in last night's debate, despite the Obama jackboots on the loop calling everything Romney stated as being lies. I will be so happy to see these thugs take a back seat I can hardly contain myself.

I agree with this statement, just don't think cutting taxes during a war is a smart way to pay for things...
TheRealThing Wrote:With regard to the debates one has to be able to reconcile what he knows to be true, against what the candidates are saying. We do have boats that go underwater, that's true. We also need to be able to move massive amounts of men and materials in time of war. And we need to be able to fight on at least two fronts. In the case of our naval forces, the world's oceans are a vast and complex challenge even by today's standards. Romney is right, our navy is at least borderline too small.

On the grander scale Romney's point was much more insightful than the naive blusterings and bravado offered by the president. Romney correctly pointed out that we made some decisions with regard to the military in the year 2000, and less than one year later we were slammed by 9/11. Our military planners do a good job in anticipating coming threats but, the unforseen is the rule rather than the exception where war is concerned. In this day and time, we can hardly afford to wait until the threat is already manifested before we begin to respond. That is exactly the tack that la-la liberals would have this nation adopt.

Obama's stated position, is that Iran will not be allowed to build and deploy nuclear weapons. Even though some reports have zero hour as soon as two months from last week end. I mean seriously, are we saying that the so-called crippling sanctions imposed on Iran will stop them from building a bomb two months from now? Heck, they're already working on doing just that, and these guys would see thousands die if they had a completed bomb in sight. So, the question voters have to ask themselves after four years of Iran's unchecked nuclear progress is this, are you willing to let Obama tell you what to believe in spite of what the rest of the world is saying? Obama defers to the UN and other nations when dealing with world affairs in every other area and yet, where a nuclear Iran is concerned, he is satified to sit on his hands. Last night he said, "We're not going to allow Iran to perpetually engage in negotiations that lead nowhere. And I've been very clear to them." This is one of those junctures where what we know to be true flies in the face of what our president tells us. We don't know what the heck went on in Benghazi even to this day if the administration is to be believed. And yet , we can pinpoint the exact moment Iran will have the bomb? :please: In basketball, players set picks to assist a teammate in his effort to score. That's how I see Obama's foreign policy with regard to Iran's efforts to score with nuclear weapons, America is more or less setting a pick, especially on Israel. That's why Netanyahu keeps asking, "wait for what, wait until Iran gets a bomb?"

What this president does and what he says, are miles apart from the details of ObamaCare to world affairs. BTW, thedespite the Obama jackboots on the loop calling everything Romney stated as being lies. I will be so happy to see these thugs take a back seat I can hardly contain myself.

I agree Romney said that he agreed with Obama on just about every issue, just do a little more or a little less. That is what I took away from the debate last night.

I also thought Obama won the debate, but I don't think that it matters much, much of the electoric was watching MNF or the game 7 of the NLCS.
tvtimeout Wrote:Have you reported this to your local SSI office? They are the one's to determine who are abled body, not the Federal level. I wish that the commonwealth would re institute the deter program. Talk to your local SSI worker about that and then your local state and senate rep.

I agree abuse makes me frustrated as well.

How about we just do away with the whole damn thing?
Talk about saving money...
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:How about we just do away with the whole damn thing?
Talk about saving money...

Then what's happened to people that truly are not able to work?

People that worked 20 years then was injured.
Obama believes in a social State he gives them these phones and entitlements he wants people dependent on the government he's a socialist.
tvtimeout Wrote:I agree Romney said that he agreed with Obama on just about every issue, just do a little more or a little less. That is what I took away from the debate last night.

I also thought Obama won the debate, but I don't think that it matters much, much of the electoric was watching MNF or the game 7 of the NLCS.

LOL, what you think is always a mystery to me. Obama distorted his way through the last two debates. Romney was about to deliver the killing blow in debate number two when Crowley inaccurately substantiated, (in an obvious pre-collaboration with the president) the Obama falsehood with regard to his having identified the Benghazi attack as being an act of terror. The record and the readily avialable transcript of his Rose Garden statement, clearly indicates that is not the case. Every administration official who spoke to the issue, from the president and the secretary of state, to the UN ambassador and press secretary Jay Carney, falsely blamed the video for the attack that killed Ambassador Stevens. Romney knows he has been thoroughly vetted and he knows he is 100% right with his criticisms of Obama and his staff, with regard to the lies proffered about Benghazi.

In the third debate Romney did get more of an opportunity to respond to some of Obama's falsehoods. For instance, Obama asserted that "The the world needs a strong America, and it is stronger now than when I came into office."
Excuse me? With an increase from 30 million to 47 million folks on food stamps during the Obama presidency, two credit downgrades, mean income down $4,300 dollars per family, four years of 8% plus unemployment, 16.2 trillion dollars in national debt ($50,000.00 dollars per family), our debt exceeds our GDP for the first time in history, our national energy policy is only comparable to the anorexic on his death bed, allies worry that we will turn our backs on them like we did Poland and the rest of our NATO allies when Obama halted the missile defence shield programme in Europe devised under George W., the arab world doesn't know what to think of us other than they believe we are too weak to respond to any real threat, and with a trillion dollar guillotine hanging over the military in the form of sequestration, America is stronger? Even you can't buy that one.

Listen, if you want to line up behind your liar-in-chief, and suport his strategies of 'image making' in lieu of the truth, by all means, go vote for him. Last night Obama winds up his pathological lying rantings, with his pièce de résistance of the night, referring to his appology tour, "Nothing Gov. Romney just said is true," said Obama, "starting with this notion of me apologizing. This has been probably the biggest whopper that's been told during the course of this campaign." This is what Obama actually said, “In America, there is a failure to appreciate Europe’s leading role in the world,we have failed to appreciate Europe’s leading role in the world” and has “shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive”. Again, Romney was spot on with his remarks and Obama's assertion that fact checkers and reporters have exonerated him for having said these things is another lie. Obama will have us at the feet of some world power if he has his way. Anybody willing to take a few minutes to research this matter knows Obama considers America to be arrogant and in need of being taken down a few notches.

The only reason a world order has emerged following WWII is because of the leadership and profound influence of the United States of America, you take that out of the picture and what moves into that vacuum will very closely resemble what happened in Egyt, the Muslim Brotherhood took over.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Personal attack!
Hey Gomer,

Citizens uhrest, citizens uhrest, citizen's uhrest!!!
^ That's right. Glad it finally sunk in.

By the way, why aren't you working today. They finally realize what they had and canned you?
A sweet payed day off.
I just got a promotion btw. Although I don't like having more responsibility with hardly much of a raise.
sawmill Wrote:Obama believes in a social State he gives them these phones and entitlements he wants people dependent on the government he's a socialist.

Wildcatk23 Wrote:I just got a promotion btw. Although I don't like having more responsibility with hardly much of a raise.
Hmmmmm. Must have thought you were overpaid to begin with.Confusednicker:
Bob Seger Wrote:Hmmmmm. Must have thought you were overpaid to begin with.Confusednicker:

Overpaid isn't a bad thing . So maybe the promotion was there idea to begin with.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Then what's happened to people that truly are not able to work?

People that worked 20 years then was injured.

If you worked, and a judge sees fit that you are disabled from testimony from doctors in court.

Other than that, it doesnt matter. I fully believe if you havent ever worked or payed taxes on anything in your entire life, you shouldnt be entitled to a dime of anything. Starve or hunt your own food...
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