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(11) Georgia 29 - Kentucky 24
What a game
Glad I went to this one. Wish we could've pulled it out. That awful running into the kicker call cost us the game!

Not only the running into the kicker was bad but I don't get the onside kick with 4 minutes left, 2 timeouts and your down 5? Why not kick it deep and trust your defense to hold them and force them to punt instead of giving them great field position?
All this game will do is make people want to give the coach another year.Confusednicker:
Strikeout King Wrote:Not only the running into the kicker was bad but I don't get the onside kick with 4 minutes left, 2 timeouts and your down 5? Why not kick it deep and trust your defense to hold them and force them to punt instead of giving them great field position?

What did you expect Joker to do???? Make the right play call??:hilarious::flush:
Kicking it deep is common sense. Joker must not have none of that either
this team is NOT as bad as advertised with the right coaching staff in place next year they will be a solid team in a year or two. You can see there is sooo much potential with the young guys. Secondary has GOT to get better though however, you can not be playing man coverage when these kids do not know when and where to be to help over the top. They can easily pull out 2 or 3 more wins going forward.
As the song by Frankie Valli goes, "So close, so close but yet so far."
Strikeout King Wrote:Kicking it deep is common sense. Joker must not have none of that either

Just another example of Joker's bad play calling! His D was actually playing decent and its not like UGA was not expecting the on-side kick. Joker has no feel for what he is doing. It makes it even harder to watch when they are acually in a ball game because sooner or later we all know Joker is going to make a stupid move and lose the game! I feel sorry for the Player If I was Max Smith of Pat Towles I would be on the Phone with the OLD ball coach or the Mad Hatter asking if I could walk on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flush:
I wish Joker well. We only have a few more weeks, and we will finally be rid of Batman's nemesis!
15thRegionSlamaBamma Wrote:this team is NOT as bad as advertised with the right coaching staff in place next year they will be a solid team in a year or two. You can see there is sooo much potential with the young guys. Secondary has GOT to get better though however, you can not be playing man coverage when these kids do not know when and where to be to help over the top. They can easily pull out 2 or 3 more wins going forward.

You must have been the publicity man on the Titanic. If these boys have all this potential, why did they go to Kentucky?
^Joker=good recruiter but not good head coach.

I will give Joker some credit though. In the 1st half he made some very gutsy and good calls. I did not watch the 2nd half so I cannot comment on it.
Could have been a lot worse.
Solid showing by UK.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:You must have been the publicity man on the Titanic. If these boys have all this potential, why did they go to Kentucky?

I don't know go ask Wesley Woodyard, Stevie Johnson, Andre Woodson, Randall Cobb, Corey Peters, Kennan Burton, Jacob Tamme and company why they came to Kentucky. This program is one where you have to find diamonds in the rough and these group of freshman could have several. Give them time under the right coach and develop the talent.
A good showing but more of the same result.
The kicker had it! Have a sense of urgency about you son.
Spud6 Wrote:The kicker had it! Have a sense of urgency about you son.

Thats what I thought too it was so daggone close. But onside kick or not the result would have been the same, All georgia had to do was get a couple of first downs it doesn't matter if they got them from the 40 or from the 20. At least Joker put them in a position to win the game. I can't see how anyone can call a 5 point loss to the #2 team in the SEC east bad coaching there are a hell of alot of teams that couldn't do what we did against them, especially with them coming off a buy week and us coming of a blowout loss.

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