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Romney vs. Obama - Debate #3
Monday night will be the final debate between Romney and Obama before the election on November 6. The format will be similar to the first one, and it will be about foreign policy. The moderator will be Bob Schieffer. I don't see him being worse than Candy Crowley, but I will post an interesting interview with Steve Malzberg from 2008 about media bias. I think that Romney will take this one. What margin he takes this by, I don't know, but Obama is known to be both lazy and overconfident. Given his performance in the second debate, he will be more laid back this time.

Who do you think will win this one? Is there more pressure on one candidate than the other?

I hope Romney takes this one
Romney will take this one easily if he does not decide to sit on his lead in the polls. Obama will try to muzzle Romney by claiming that any criticism of his foreign policy helps our enemies. The problem is, it is unclear that Obama's enemies are the same as this country's enemies. The Muslim Brotherhood is not an American ally.

Romney needs to memorize a few results of the latest Pew survey of the Muslim world to rebut any claim that he has repaired or restored good relations with countries around the world. If things turn nasty, Romney also should remind people that Obama returned a bust of Winston Churchill to the UK and gave the Queen of England the "gift" of an iPod loaded with The One's greatest speeches.

Romney also needs to firmly pledge that he will bow before no foreign leader or member of royalty and that he will extend a friendly but firm hand to the leaders of all countries who share our basic values.

Most Americans do not follow developments in foreign policy very closely but they understand bowing and apologizing to enemies when they should be begging us for our forgiveness.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Romney will take this one easily if he does not decide to sit on his lead in the polls. Obama will try to muzzle Romney by claiming that any criticism of his foreign policy helps our enemies. The problem is, it is unclear that Obama's enemies are the same as this country's enemies. The Muslim Brotherhood is not an American ally.

Romney needs to memorize a few results of the latest Pew survey of the Muslim world to rebut any claim that he has repaired or restored good relations with countries around the world. If things turn nasty, Romney also should remind people that Obama returned a bust of Winston Churchill to the UK and gave the Queen of England the "gift" of an iPod loaded with The One's greatest speeches.

Romney also needs to firmly pledge that he will bow before no foreign leader or member of royalty and that he will extend a friendly but firm hand to the leaders of all countries who share our basic values.

Most Americans do not follow developments in foreign policy very closely but they understand bowing and apologizing to enemies when they should be begging us for our forgiveness.

Romney is in a very good position with this one. He doesn't have to be mean or nasty, which I don't think is problem for him anyway, but, he will need to be firm. I don't see him backing down any. The only way I can see Obama getting in any meaningful licks is if Schieffer coaches Obama with what the questions will be and tries to deny Romney a chance to rebuff by demanding that Romney address a new topic. I look for another staged 'spontaneous applause' led my Michelle again.
50% think Obama would handle foreign policy better. 41% think Romney.
TheRealThing Wrote:Romney is in a very good position with this one. He doesn't have to be mean or nasty, which I don't think is problem for him anyway, but, he will need to be firm. I don't see him backing down any. The only way I can see Obama getting in any meaningful licks is if Schieffer coaches Obama with what the questions will be and tries to deny Romney a chance to rebuff by demanding that Romney address a new topic. I look for another staged 'spontaneous applause' led my Michelle again.

OH PLEASE!! are u seriously already crying over the moderating? the debates not started yet lmao
4_real Wrote:OH PLEASE!! are u seriously already crying over the moderating? the debates not started yet lmao
It's just like sports, my team wins if the refs were fair. Maybe their candidate, and fans, should take ownership for being a shitty candidate.
yea but i mean i atleast wait till the game starts before i yell at the zebras lol
Started out somewhat low key, but starting to heat up a bit over troops in Iraq
Whew! Romney needed that comeback on Russia! He started off much more passive.
Romney seemed a bit nervous starting out. He needs to take the gloves off.
Romney is stuttering like crazy.
Romney seems to be slow playing, staying calm, cool, dare I say Presidential
WideRight05 Wrote:Whew! Romney needed that comeback on Russia! He started off much more passive.
That was a great line.
Didn't Romney already said that about women in the middle east?
Yea hit the economy...nice
Romney you're killing me!!!!
So far, I don't like Romney's vision for the Middle East much more than Obama's. Egypt is no democracy. It is an absolutely dangerous place for Westerners and women of any nationality. Romney needed to draw a sharper line with Obama. He is trying to play things too safe.
Mention Obama going on the view and not meeting with Israel's leader!!!
He tried to tippy toe around the current government in Egypt. He needed to call out the Muslim Brotherhood and what their doing in Eygpt
Bush Bashing Come on Mr President
Romney seems much stronger on the economic issues.
Thought this was a foreign policy debate
nky Wrote:He tried to tippy toe around the current government in Egypt. He needed to call out the Muslim Brotherhood and what their doing in Eygpt
Amen, which is exactly what Egypt's new president mouthed in response to an Egyptian mullah shouting, 'Allah, Destroy The Jews.' Egypt is a time bomb with a short fuse.
4_real Wrote:OH PLEASE!! are u seriously already crying over the moderating? the debates not started yet lmao

TheRealVille Wrote:It's just like sports, my team wins if the refs were fair. Maybe their candidate, and fans, should take ownership for being a shitty candidate.

4_real Wrote:yea but i mean i atleast wait till the game starts before i yell at the zebras lol

Moderator is letting this go off the rails:HitWall:
[Image: http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9G...Xi0uNzTpKq] Come on Mr. President
Dammit Romney...
It's almost halftime. Romney could use a good scolding by his coaches right now.
Ok, new topic...take off the gloves Romney.
WideRight05 Wrote:Ok, new topic...take off the gloves Romney.
He needs to say that he will never be too busy to meet with Netanyahu.
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