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Obama v. Romney: Part Deux
Oh boy. Obama, I hate to say, with a good response on this one.
WideRight05 Wrote:Here comes the 47% remark.

I'd say your right.
President Obama going to the gutters.
There it is.
Game, set, and match. Romney wins again. Obama did better, but then again how could he have done any worse than he did in the last debate?
Well Obama did much better in this debate, but I give the edge to Romney...
Media all over Obama's ass.
WideRight05 Wrote:Media all over Obama's ass.
He own's them doesn't he?
MSNBC is funny
He sure does haha.

Obama came across stronger this time, and that is all. They'er acting like he killed the debate. I say Romney by 2 touchdowns.
Didn't they all declare romney and Ryan winners in the other debates? So if the declare Obama winner there biased.
Fox is harassing the moderator because she called romney out.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Didn't they all declare romney and Ryan winners in the other debates? So if the declare Obama winner there biased.

It was obvious in the last debate, they couldn't cover it up. This one, much closer. If it's close they are going to swing it toward Obama.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Fox is harassing the moderator because she called romney out.

So is everyone here.:biggrin: What's your point?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Fox is harassing the moderator because she called romney out.
That was not the responsibility of the moderator. All she did was show how biased she was.
Agreed. I hope bad things happen to that lardass bitch.
WideRight05 Wrote:Agreed. I hope bad things happen to that lardass bitch.

That's very Christian of you.
MSNBC has declared this was President Obama's greatest debate ever. Wow if that's the best he's got does he deserve 4 more years
WideRight05 Wrote:Agreed. I hope bad things happen to that lardass bitch.

What was that line? She got more Chinn's than a Chinese phone book? Confusednicker:
I have to give the edge on this one to Obama. He talked to the public, and Romney talked to the "camera", and the talking points. And I really didn't see a bias in Candy, other than she wouldn't shut Romney up, when he wouldn't shut up, interrupting. Romney did the biggest percentage of interrupting. He just did.
Here comes the "truth" squad! HAhahahahahahah
nky Wrote:MSNBC has declared this was President Obama's greatest debate ever. Wow if that's the best he's got does he deserve 4 more years

If he had stood there and just farted all night, MSNBC would say the same thing.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Game, set, and match. Romney wins again. Obama did better, but then again how could he have done any worse than he did in the last debate?

Obama was on top of his game and came out with guns blazing. Unfortunately for him, he cannot hide from his record. And Romney did a great job of reminding everyone of it.
TheRealThing Wrote:What was that line? She got more Chinn's than a Chinese phone book? Confusednicker:

HAHA yeah! She has more chins than a chinese phone book.

She has more gas than a Saudi Arabian prince.
WideRight05 Wrote:Agreed. I hope bad things happen to that lardass bitch.

She promised thoughout the debate that Romney would get to rebuff Obama's distortions at some point during the debate, in no way did that happen. Obama tried to be meaner acting but, lying mean or nice is still lying.
That "truth squad" is a joke.
TheRealThing Wrote:She promised thoughout the debate that Romney would get to rebuff Obama's distortions at some point during the debate, in no way did that happen. Obama tried to be meaner acting but, lying mean or nice is still lying.
Fox had Obama talking three minutes longer than Romney. After three debates, I think I see a pattern developing there...
Bob Seger Wrote:If he had stood there and just farted all night, MSNBC would say the same thing.

Both still smelled bad.
He still trying to say he didn't blame the video, even though he went to the UN weeks after the Benghazi attack and blamed the video 6 times in his speech, unbelievable.
Damn, except for the "terror" quote Romney had that one nailed.
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