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Hold Backs
well i think it is unfair totally free throw... i mean its like them bein a college player if u think about it... i mean that is why virgie is so good at sports... hold backs... i mean i can understand sum1 that has been held back once/... but twice is just to much
"catsfan072" Wrote:Is that an elementary school or high school?

It was elementary or middle school - 7th and 8th grade team.
I think the last year you can be held back is the 7th. I think it should be left to the parents and the child. A lot of parents don't want their kids to graduate so young. 17 is to young for some kids to go out on their own. And some people like to have their kids at home with them. If they are good at academics and are good athtetes so much the better. As long as you are eligible to play 4 years in high school what is wrong with it. Any body can do it. If you think it is not fair then hold your kid back. If you don't want to then don't but its their business and not yours. :yesno:
I don't think any of Virgies were held back twice. Any way I am so tired of this thread, I am leaving it. Do what you want with your kids and let other people do the same. It is legal.:insane:
I just dont understand the graduating at 17 part at all. My wife graduated at the ripe old age of 17 years and 3 months old. I graduated at 17. I will bet the farm that while earning a living, she makes more than any hold back to graduate at the age of 19 will. \

No one has answered the question yet. When kids get held back, do they go to a better college than if they didnt? How many D-1 players have we had? Most of the athletes here goes to colleges that they could have went to reguardless of the hold back situation.

The fact is, mommy and daddy want Jr. to be held back because of there coaches telling them how much better they would be. Also so they can go to the games to brag and show off there kids. It is sort of like a way for the parents to live off there kids popularity. Why not be as proud of them if they were in the grade they are supposed to be and just try to get them to over achieve because they actually had to work harder to get it?
Why worry about other peoples lives? Live your own life and give it a rest. If a person decides to hold their child back so be it, it is none of your business. Sounds like you got a wife that makes good money a boy that works real hard so be happy and quit worrying so much about others.
Ah, I never lose sleep over it. Actually, I like it when my young freshman plays against the holdbacks. It is fun watching them not even look at the goal when they touch the ball because they KNOW they cant score. Also, watching the way they do everything they can to keep him from scoring when he gets the ball.... but they cant. Who knows, maybe they hold kids back because they know they wont get their name out against people their own grade and think a extra year would help them. You know, get it out in 5 years instead of 4 years and more will hear about them.
"BasketBallonlyfan" Wrote:Ah, I never lose sleep over it. Actually, I like it when my young freshman plays against the holdbacks. It is fun watching them not even look at the goal when they touch the ball because they KNOW they cant score. Also, watching the way they do everything they can to keep him from scoring when he gets the ball.... but they cant. Who knows, maybe they hold kids back because they know they wont get their name out against people their own grade and think a extra year would help them. You know, get it out in 5 years instead of 4 years and more will hear about them.

So which Freshmen teams are loaded with holdbacks?
"WOW" Wrote:So which Freshmen teams are loaded with holdbacks?
Shelby Valleys players are either, hold backs from last year, or 8th graders that were hold backs in middle school.

A interesting note on this subject. I asked a couple of kids that were hold backs if they would have allowed themselfs to be held back if they lost a year of high school sports because of it. All said no way. Then, to make it interesting, I asked there parents if they would have allowed them to be held back if it ment they lost a year of high school sports. All parents answered no to that question also. So I guess if it ment losing their senior year, they would have been mature enough to graduate at 17 after all. These questions were asked to 4 kids, and the parents of those kids over the last couple days. So one would reason that they was just holding them back so they would have a better chance of dominating a sport because they have to have to grades to be able to play sports anyways.

Now, for the people on here defending it, I know you will say you WONT lose a year of high school sports if you was held back. But why dont you answer that same question if you was in middle school, or if your kids was. Would you let them lose a year of high school sports for a extra year of middle school??
One more question on the maturity reasons for hold backs. Parents that say that, are they concerned about the maturity level of there kids to take classes like P.E. Freshman English, Intro. to Music and stuff where the kids can live in a dorm room, eat, go to classes and everything without leaving the college. But those same kids are mature enough to get their drivers license. Drive a 12-2000 lb. car filled with explosive liquids in it that has the ability to hurt or kill alot of people. It just seems to me that if at 17 1/2 if you are mature enough to drive on your own without parents being present then at 17 1/2 you should be mature enough to go to school just like they have for the past 12 years.

Will their parents keep them from getting their license or will they let them live the image of a athlete and get a car, usually a sports car or a big 4 wheel drive to drive to school and practice and such. :nope:
So how bad did Pikeville freshmen beat SVHS freshmen?
"WOW" Wrote:So how bad did Pikeville freshmen beat SVHS freshmen?

SV freshman won the game, but none of the all star division 1 prospects did anything except pass the ball away from the true age group freshman they was playing against. None wanted to shoot inside, none wanted anything to do with him when he got it. He pretty much scored at will and shot like 90% from the field.
"BasketBallonlyfan" Wrote:SV freshman won the game, but none of the all star division 1 prospects did anything except pass the ball away from the true age group freshman they was playing against. None wanted to shoot inside, none wanted anything to do with him when he got it. He pretty much scored at will and shot like 90% from the field.

Are there any true freshmen teams out there- not loaded with holdbacks?
I really dont think they are. I think every team has a player or two on them that are holdbacks. The only one I can think of right off the top of my head is SF's freshman team. I dont think there are any on that one. And they are pretty much dominating everyone they play if what I hear is right.
"BasketBallonlyfan" Wrote:One more question on the maturity reasons for hold backs. Parents that say that, are they concerned about the maturity level of there kids to take classes like P.E. Freshman English, Intro. to Music and stuff where the kids can live in a dorm room, eat, go to classes and everything without leaving the college. But those same kids are mature enough to get their drivers license. Drive a 12-2000 lb. car filled with explosive liquids in it that has the ability to hurt or kill alot of people. It just seems to me that if at 17 1/2 if you are mature enough to drive on your own without parents being present then at 17 1/2 you should be mature enough to go to school just like they have for the past 12 years.

Will their parents keep them from getting their license or will they let them live the image of a athlete and get a car, usually a sports car or a big 4 wheel drive to drive to school and practice and such. :nope:

"WOW" Wrote:LOL

What was funny about that? Doesnt it take more maturity and responsibility to drive a car on the highways than it does to pass a P.E. class?
"BasketBallonlyfan" Wrote:I really dont think they are. I think every team has a player or two on them that are holdbacks. The only one I can think of right off the top of my head is SF's freshman team. I dont think there are any on that one. And they are pretty much dominating everyone they play if what I hear is right.

I wouldn't consider that loaded up. I would imagine most teams have a player that has repeated an earlier grade- I'm talking K-3 --for true academic/maturity reasons.

Do all 15th region schools have a freshmen team and play a regular schedule?
I dont know about all of them. I know here at Pikeville we have a schedule. one game during the week, two games on Saturdays. Playing teams from SV, Letcher Central, Paintsville, East Ridge, Allen Central, Belfry, Johnson Central, BL, and Pike Central.

Two schools will travel to one gym and you play round robin games.
"WOW" Wrote:I wouldn't consider that loaded up. I would imagine most teams have a player that has repeated an earlier grade- I'm talking K-3 --for true academic/maturity reasons.

Do all 15th region schools have a freshmen team and play a regular schedule?
SV freshman team are all either hold backs, or 8th graders that have been held back and should be freshmen.
"BasketBallonlyfan" Wrote:What was funny about that? Doesnt it take more maturity and responsibility to drive a car on the highways than it does to pass a P.E. class?

Funny but true.

I couldn't agree with you more on this one.
Does Pikeville have any holdbacks on their Freshmen team?
They have two, but both came from Virgie Middle to here this year.
I hear Belfry Middle will get a large number of holddbacks because that is how they think they can win?

Any thoughts?
That usually works. Holdbacks are part of the game now. It isn't going away anytime soon, so people might as well stop complaining.
"GoBigRed" Wrote:I hear Belfry Middle will get a large number of holddbacks because that is how they think they can win?

Any thoughts?

Do you every post anything that isn't negative toward Belfry Middle School???
"King James" Wrote:That usually works. Holdbacks are part of the game now. It isn't going away anytime soon, so people might as well stop complaining.

Very True!! Holdbacks are a big part of the game across eastern Kentucky. I won't say the entire state because I'm really not sure. While I don't agree with holding them back for sports- it is legal and if a parent wants to hold their child back then (at this time) it is their right.

I would like to see all the parents who are against their child being a HS graduate at the age of 17- present their reasons to the State Board of Education. If so many people think their children are not ready to move on-- then perhaps the State Board should look at changing the starting age to 6 instead of 5. I agree there are children who enroll in school at age 5 who are not ready for it.
I think if the state would do little things, such as changing the laws so you cant get your drivers license and such untill you are a junior or senior then the hold backs would drop off alot. Or if they was to move the middle school programs into the KHSAA so when you start your 7th grade year you have 6 years of sports.
"WOW" Wrote:Very True!! Holdbacks are a big part of the game across eastern Kentucky. I won't say the entire state because I'm really not sure. While I don't agree with holding them back for sports- it is legal and if a parent wants to hold their child back then (at this time) it is their right.

I would like to see all the parents who are against their child being a HS graduate at the age of 17- present their reasons to the State Board of Education. If so many people think their children are not ready to move on-- then perhaps the State Board should look at changing the starting age to 6 instead of 5. I agree there are children who enroll in school at age 5 who are not ready for it.

Just a thought it might not even be the concern of being 17 when they graduate as much as it is concern of being mature enough at 14 to be in a high school environment surrounded by 17-18 year olds. But still changing the start age would correct the situation.
"-STAT-" Wrote:Disagree.....but the only reason a kid should be held back is for Academic Reasons....not Athletic

Hold backs are not good for highschool sports at all. A person that is 19 year old adult and in highschool is gonna be stronger than a 17 year old kid.
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