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Best Middle School Players '12
Lot of great football players state wide.

What do you think.....?
#40 Floyd Fannin from S Pulaski is a beast on both sides of the ball. Plays DE and FB

#21 from S Pulaksi is very talented as well, plays HB and LB

#15 Butt from S Pulaski has to be one of the best 7th graders in the state.

#95 and #73 from southern are outstanding linemen

#45 from N Pulaski is a beast too plays oline and DE

#4 from N Pulaski has great speed and vision he plays qb/HB

#32 from Bell is a great MLB, good instincts

#7 Tanner Wells from Knox is a dominant DE/TE. Tall and athletic

#5 Jeremy Stewart from Knox is a very good athlete, plays HB/WR/Safety

#53 from Knox is a very quick lineman and plays with a non stop motor

#84 from Knox is a great blocking back and LB

#15 from Knox is hard nosed back with good speed too

#55 from Knox is another really solid lineman

#32 from Knox is a great 7th grade LB and FB that has played 8th grade all year

#44 from Knox is another good 7th grade LB/DE/HB/FB who has played lots of 8th grade ball

#16 from New Harlan is a good hard nosed kid that can play lots of positions

That's some of the kids I have seen play this year that impressed me. Southern has a lot of kids that go unnoticed due to their talent as a team. Same goes for Northern. Their game on Oct 27th will be the toughest for writer and will decide who the champion is.
I doubt Knox Co. has that many "best players in the state" since they lost to Bell County.:Thumbs:
richbrooks Wrote:#40 floyd fannin from s pulaski is a beast on both sides of the ball. Plays de and fb

#21 from s pulaksi is very talented as well, plays hb and lb

#15 butt from s pulaski has to be one of the best 7th graders in the state.

#95 and #73 from southern are outstanding linemen

#45 from n pulaski is a beast too plays oline and de

#4 from n pulaski has great speed and vision he plays qb/hb

#32 from bell is a great mlb, good instincts

#7 tanner wells from knox is a dominant de/te. Tall and athletic

#5 jeremy stewart from knox is a very good athlete, plays hb/wr/safety

#53 from knox is a very quick lineman and plays with a non stop motor

#84 from knox is a great blocking back and lb

#15 from knox is hard nosed back with good speed too

#55 from knox is another really solid lineman

#32 from knox is a great 7th grade lb and fb that has played 8th grade all year

#44 from knox is another good 7th grade lb/de/hb/fb who has played lots of 8th grade ball

#16 from new harlan is a good hard nosed kid that can play lots of positions

that's some of the kids i have seen play this year that impressed me. Southern has a lot of kids that go unnoticed due to their talent as a team. Same goes for northern. Their game on oct 27th will be the toughest for writer and will decide who the champion is.

you need to upgrade automobiles and get out and see more than 3 teams per year.. This state is loaded with talent.. Team ky should be very solid again this year.
Southern Middle 7th grade #15 Danny Butt... Best 7th grade, and Top 10 in the whole state.
unbiasedopinions Wrote:I doubt Knox Co. has that many "best players in the state" since they lost to Bell County.:Thumbs:

You're right Bell is terrible, erase all those names except Southern because they're the only team around here that hasn't lost. Guess the Bell team from last year that was supposed to be so great didn't have any good players either since they went out first round of the playoffs. Good Argument and very ironic username!
RichBrooks Wrote:You're right Bell is terrible, erase all those names except Southern because they're the only team around here that hasn't lost. Guess the Bell team from last year that was supposed to be so great didn't have any good players either since they went out first round of the playoffs. Good Argument and very ironic username!

If Bell is that bad what does that make Knox. It is hard for you all to beat teams without your own refs.:Thumbs:

I too think that this state has a lot of talent. Team KY should have a fine roster once again for both the 7th and 8th grade squads.
It was fun seeing the boys last year come together and kick some butt from other states.

GO TEAM KY! :Clap:
Franklin-Simpson 8th grade has 6 foot 1 inch 225 pounds 13 year old Tackle and Defensive end Jordan Bass. He is quick off the line and quarter backs don't stand a chance from this king of the backfield. With over 25 quarterback sacks for the season. The double teaming of this wildcat does not work he is strong tall and thick with no fat just muscle.If you run his way look to be slammed to the ground and get up crying he hits hard. High school ready right now.
Yeah Knox only wins if they cheat, although the game I'm certain you are referring to was lost because your coach tried throwing the ball when Knox only had 1 timeout down by 10 and Bell had the ball. Yes you can keep believing Knox cheated you, but when you have the ball with three mins left with a 10 pt lead you should win 99% of the time. But as usual with Bell Co when they lose it is always someone else's fault. Good win yesterday your team played better. Good luck against Southern
RichBrooks Wrote:Yeah Knox only wins if they cheat, although the game I'm certain you are referring to was lost because your coach tried throwing the ball when Knox only had 1 timeout down by 10 and Bell had the ball. Yes you can keep believing Knox cheated you, but when you have the ball with three mins left with a 10 pt lead you should win 99% of the time. But as usual with Bell Co when they lose it is always someone else's fault. Good win yesterday your team played better. Good luck against Southern

Now see here we go again with the statements with no insight. Why does Knox only win when they cheat? How do they cheat to win?
RichBrooks Wrote:Yeah Knox only wins if they cheat, although the game I'm certain you are referring to was lost because your coach tried throwing the ball when Knox only had 1 timeout down by 10 and Bell had the ball. Yes you can keep believing Knox cheated you, but when you have the ball with three mins left with a 10 pt lead you should win 99% of the time. But as usual with Bell Co when they lose it is always someone else's fault. Good win yesterday your team played better. Good luck against Southern

I am not talking about any Bell and Knox game ask other teams that go down there and play they will tell you the same thing.
RichBrooks Wrote:You're right Bell is terrible, erase all those names except Southern because they're the only team around here that hasn't lost. Guess the Bell team from last year that was supposed to be so great didn't have any good players either since they went out first round of the playoffs. Good Argument and very ironic username!

Sounds to me like Richie Brooks is a little bitter about Bell Co.!!!! Face it you got beat by a better coached team!!! That's clear when anyone looks at the difference between the athletes on both teams! Bell came with 24 players total including 7th and 8th graders. Knox had 23 8th graders and I believe 42 players total, not to mention that they are huge and very athletic. If Bell had that many athletes to choose from, they would have multiple state championships!! Bell makes the best out of what we have and get our kids ready for the high school level, which is evident by our high school program in the last 20 yrs. 2 state championships!!!!! How many does Knox have Mr. Brooks??? Enough said!!!!
Going to try to get back on topic. Trejon Bright from Mayfied son of former All State Lb and
Rb Mike Bright probably the best running back in the Jackson Purchase. I only say probably because Mayfield 7th grader Tres Tyler just might be better. You dont have to.believe me. Flashfan the Coach at Lone Oak with a 2 seed in div3 and a 2 seed in 7th grade coached against both and he will tell you that Bright makes Mayfield a contender against anybody. But Tyler can single handed can win games cause even tho Mayfield has a good.seventh grade lines Tyler who.had around 30 to 40 touchdowns scored probably 10 on busted plays
#17 Tucker Woolum & #7 Will Adams from Pineville should be in the discussion.
In a way red&blk, I was hoping this would be kept quiet but you are right, somewhat. Trajon Bright is probably going to be the best running back. I think Shauntrez Tyler will be a very good back but defense is where he will be best. The way that kid hits somebody is not that much unlike Jonathan, It hurts me sometimes to see him hit someone. Trajon will get better next year though. Several people that know football have had this conversation with me. They all say the same thing, once he learns exactly what it means to follow his blocks instead of going wide every time, there wont be much of a chance of anyone stopping him. I would say that Trajon has about as many touchdowns in 8th grd as Trez does in 7th grd. It is great to have both of them on the same team, and then with Danny Kirby's boy there that is some great pedigree we have as well.
^u 2 should meet up and tell each other how spectacular your kids are and then maybe see if their DNA can be intertwined to make one almighty football player
Even a broken clock is right twice a day snapcat, Bell had all the talent in the world last year and had a first round exit. This year it's going to be a second round. I make no excuses for Knox, Bell was the better team that day.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day snapcat, Bell had all the talent in the world last year and had a first round exit. This year it's going to be a second round. I make no excuses for Knox, Bell was the better team that day. Oh and about our two programs, this is the first time since Kmsfa playoffs started that Bell is playing longer than Knox. I'm glad you are such a gracious winner. I would expect nothing less from a Bell Co Coach. (You are probably Freddy Hunter)
Leonidas Wrote:^u 2 should meet up and tell each other how spectacular your kids are and then maybe see if their DNA can be intertwined to make one almighty football player

I have a son that plays for the seventh grade at Mayfield and he is neither one of the two.running backs i mentioned. I have just watched alot of great football over my time in central Ky and back here in Western Ky and i have watched alot of great backs come through middle school and youth football and the two i mentioned were standouts. If others mention their kids it doesnt mean they are not good players or not everything the poster said they are. So in a thread about the best middle school players in the state contribute about a player or just dont read it If you dont have anything other than insult people or kids even if you feel they are being biased
Leonidas, that was quiet the remark. I bet you thought of that while watching men in tights didnt you. I guess these boys cant be good because they are from West Ky. I thought the general idea here was to mention great players in this state, we are in this state, believe it or not. I would love to mention others but I dont know the others from other teams around here. There is the big receiver from Lone Oak, I think it's #8 and their qb Cash. Believe it or not Riedland had a really good player as well, he just had air in front of him blocking. That is really the only ones that stood out to me this year.
I am excited to see what type of team ky can put together this year . I have seen a few games and really suprised by the young talent I have seen and I am sure that there are plenty more that I havent got to see yet.
The QB from Bourbon county is an outstanding player!
Kent Phelps is a great all around player.
How does a player get on teamky. Where are the games and practices held?
Saw Rockcastle Co play and #10 Chayse McClure is great on both sides of the ball. They are 12-0 and he leads the way. I saw them play Bell Co (won 14-0) and he was the difference in the game. They have a really good team, but he shines most games.
Greenup 7th grade #84. A well rounded player with super potential.
Corbin's 8th grade Running Back. I can't recall his name or number. Great player.
Owen county qb and rbs are amazing
Ask Caldwell County and Owensboro Catholic if they think Shawntrez Tyler and Trajon Bright should be mentioned as two of the best.

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