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Eligibility for Fairview Football Players
Posted: Mon 7:50 PM, Oct 08, 2012A A Reporter: Bill Murray Email Updated: Mon 9:50 PM, Oct 08, 2012 Back to NewsEligibility Issue for Two High School Football Players Argued in Court

BOYD COUNTY, Ky. (WSAZ) -- Should they stay or should they go?

That's the controversy surrounding two high school football players on an undefeated eastern Kentucky team. There are two players who had played for Huntington High School, but who were expelled late last year after an altercation with another student.

A temporary restraining order placed in September has allowed the players to stay on the team for Fairview High School.

In Boyd County Circuit Court on Monday, both sides argued their case for or against a temporary injunction.

"Here we are, your Honor, at the end of a football season, getting ready for playoffs and we have an eligibility case," says Chad Collins, attorney for the Kentucky High School Athletic Association. "When they enrolled, they were ineligible under the rules and regulations of Huntington High School, therefore they were determined not to be eligible in the state of Kentucky."

The plaintiffs' lawyer claims otherwise.

"The Cabell County School Superintendent himself stated in a letter, their expulsion had been lifted," attorney Sharon Rowsey said."That lifted their ineligibility. Ineligibility to play and not allowed are two different terms with two different definitions."

The two players are currently on the roster for the Fairview Eagles, which is currently undefeated in the 2012 season. Meanwhile, the clock is ticking down toward the end of the season..

"Action like this comes at a critical time when playoffs are creeping up on us in three weeks or so," Collins said. "It's important to all the member schools and teams in the tournament that everyone who's participating is participating legally and appropriately
Here is to hoping that the courts do the right thing, but I won't be too optimistic about that happening.
No matter what happens, I'd just like to know the whole story. But none of us every will. Whatever the outcome, one side with celebrate, while the other complains and begins making statements of wrong doing or an unfair ruling. I think a majority of the people in the state(primarily in class A)...are getting tired of hearing about it. Right or wrong, it is what it is, I think it's time we stop worrying about it and let the kids on the field take care of it all.
Just would be nice if all the schools played under the same rules.
As do I. But it is always a sticky situation when a kid comes from out of state for just one year. In this case its multiple kids. I hate to say it, but I do agree with comments like "if the kids werent doing anything special, no one would say a word". But I also strongly believe that it is highly suspicious when it takes an injunction to allow an athelete to play. The khsaa need to adjust, reword, rethink, the bylaws when it comes to these matters. Seems each time it happens, there is more and more confusion. As if te Raceland/Fairview rivalry doesnt get hot enough on its own. You couple that with this back and forth bickering about facts, truths, untruths...its that much worse. Fueling the fire.
Injunctions and restraining orders could give a senior student the chance to possibly play all year.
By the time it gets to the courts or a decision is made, the season could be over.
It's all bull. Win or loose with your own.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
uh oh! i think i heard a toilet flush, maybe somebody lost a turtle :flush:
These are just kids, let them play ball. Every high school kid dreams of their senior year, let them go out there and compete and have fun... Sheesshh
^"Kids", listening to personal agenda adults. That is what it always is.

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
There are two players who had played for Huntington High School, but who were expelled late last year after an altercation with another student. - From the Ashland daily posted above.

a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.

a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.

This term and it's definition pretty much sums up the true underlying character of Ashland, Boyd, Raceland and a few others. We don't try to hide the fact that we have "Additions" but you other schools have lied over and over to protect your tainted images. Sleep well M & M (Messer and Melvin) and Kitty Kats and Lions...your programs have done it for the last 50 years and you are still doing it today!

You are :welcome: for me shooting out the truth!
Clint Westwood Wrote:hypocrisy

a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.

a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.

This term and it's definition pretty much sums up the true underlying character of Ashland, Boyd, Raceland and a few others. We don't try to hide the fact that we have "Additions" but you other schools have lied over and over to protect your tainted images. Sleep well M & M (Messer and Melvin) and Kitty Kats and Lions...your programs have done it for the last 50 years and you are still doing it today!

You are :welcome: for me shooting out the truth!
Yes every school gets transfers. But why are all these kids from the same area going to the same school? That is what is suspicious not that kids transfer.
Scotty_Bronson Wrote:No matter what happens, I'd just like to know the whole story. But none of us every will. Whatever the outcome, one side with celebrate, while the other complains and begins making statements of wrong doing or an unfair ruling. I think a majority of the people in the state(primarily in class A)...are getting tired of hearing about it. Right or wrong, it is what it is, I think it's time we stop worrying about it and let the kids on the field take care of it all.

I wont celebrate or complain. These kids are being used and abused. If not for their athletic ability. They wouldn't be put in this situation. I'm sure they dont understand half of what is going on. They are just told to play the game that they excel in. They are kids. Adults on both sides of the fence are after them. One side wants them because they are great athletics. The other side wants them gone for the same reasons. I don't know who went after these kids to play at Fairview. But that person/persons should be banned from any school activities. I don't fault the team. Most any school would have fought to keep them. Imo.. I don't think many would went through the courts over the khsaa. But I do fault the people that do these things in the name of winning. What have these kids learned. That. Hey if I get thrown out of school. No problem. I'll just go across the boarder. Our society is so screwed up!!
tomcatfan722000 Wrote:Yes every school gets transfers. But why are all these kids from the same area going to the same school? That is what is suspicious not that kids transfer.

Completely agree tomcat. It also seems there is always some sort of "troubled" past as well, when it comes to the players coming into the area from WV. Like I said, I am all for a second chance, but I do not agree with a get out of jail free card. It would be different if they were going somewhere like Ashland or Ironton, who are storied programs with higher college recruitment visibility. But why come to a 1A program that, and someone correct me if I am wrong, but never even won a regional championship? It would be just as odd if they had came to Raceland. Granted, I am a Raceland Alumni and believe whole heartedly in the Small School programs like the above mentioned schools. It just doesn't make sense to me to have a "big time'' player like King go to a smaller school with very little accolades to its name. I don't know about Fairview, but Raceland has never won a regional championship, and only a handful of their players have gained schollarships with either D1 or Mid Major schools. So why uproot and move your whole family?

Another thing that bothers me is the quote given on the WSAZ website, from the Cabell County super stating "Their expulsion had been lifted"...which Fairviews lawyers are quoted stating, "If that is the case, then so has their ineligibility...ineligibility and cannot play are two different terms with two different definition"...that was the end of the quote. Yet again, leaving us all in the dark. It seems to me that the Cabell super, is casting a "not our problem any more"...kind of attitude.

But then again, that is my perception of the statements, and who knows what was really said, nothing is ever written down exactly how it was stated. What I can say is for the rest of the season, be it regular season or playoffs, it won't quit being talked about until it is resolved.
I hear ya football! keeps getting worse and worse too. The game has changed, as have the politics of the game, even since I graduated in 2007. There are more and more slaps on the wrist and less and less serious punishments. Seems the general message going out to the student/atheletes now is "Complain enough, eventually you'll get your way"
Thats the thing that Fairview just cant seem to justify, no matter what they say it still looks fishy... Every year its the same type of kids, from the same place (huntington), transfering to the same school, and at the specific position needs of that school. Fairview needs a running back, they get in a running back.. this year they needed some db's.. they get in a stud running back and some db's... Its so unbelievably obvious what they are doing its making the KHSAA look pathetic. I dont support Fairview and what they do in any way but my goodness they sure do know how to make the KHSAA look bad. Its sad that high school sports has come to this though.. those kids are expelled for beating up a fellow student and Fairview is willing to go to bat for kids with that type of reputation.
NoPicks Wrote:Thats the thing that Fairview just cant seem to justify, no matter what they say it still looks fishy... Every year its the same type of kids, from the same place (huntington), transfering to the same school, and at the specific position needs of that school. Fairview needs a running back, they get in a running back.. this year they needed some db's.. they get in a stud running back and some db's... Its so unbelievably obvious what they are doing its making the KHSAA look pathetic. I dont support Fairview and what they do in any way but my goodness they sure do know how to make the KHSAA look bad. Its sad that high school sports has come to this though.. those kids are expelled for beating up a fellow student and Fairview is willing to go to bat for kids with that type of reputation.

You are exactly right. It is just like a college looking at what they need for the next season and then going out and recruiting for those needs. And anyone saying that other local schools are doing the same things is just being ridiculous. Another local school might get someone from another district from time to time, but other than the situation with Rose Hill several years ago nobody has been even close to what Fairview has been doing with their athletic program. At some point this will all come to a head and the KHSAA will stop this from happening each and every year, then we will see how Fairview stacks up to opponents with just their "homegrown" talent.
after the jennings, jones, crisp era finally came to a close, it got rather quiet in westwood. or should i say "thewood" which is absolutely laughable if you ask me. last time i checked "thewood" resided around ft mitchel with many championship banners hung around its campus. but i family has known the mcpeaks for years, and it comes as a shock to me that the head coach or ad would allow these things to go on, they just don't seem like that type of people. maybe someone else a little closer to the program than i, would have a little more info. this is just one of the many things that confuse me about the whole thing.
Who were the studs we recruited last year as seniors? Refresh my memory, please.
Patch Wrote:You are exactly right. It is just like a college looking at what they need for the next season and then going out and recruiting for those needs. And anyone saying that other local schools are doing the same things is just being ridiculous. Another local school might get someone from another district from time to time, but other than the situation with Rose Hill several years ago nobody has been even close to what Fairview has been doing with their athletic program. At some point this will all come to a head and the KHSAA will stop this from happening each and every year, then we will see how Fairview stacks up to opponents with just their "homegrown" talent.

Do want some cheese? Or maybe a Kleenex?
No Clint Westweed all we want is for you to take off your red tinted glasses for one second and realize that no other school in the area gets transfers in the way fairview does. Yes Raceland has transfers but they are kids that came in jr high and for a long term stay at Raceland. They aren't seniors who came in for one season and they sure aren't expelled athletes from Huntington. We didn't have to go recruit them, they made the decision to ce to Raceland before their varsity football career even started. Not even remotely close to the illegal and unethical recruiting tactics used by " the wood ".
NoPicks Wrote:No Clint Westweed all we want is for you to take off your red tinted glasses for one second and realize that no other school in the area gets transfers in the way fairview does. Yes Raceland has transfers but they are kids that came in jr high and for a long term stay at Raceland. They aren't seniors who came in for one season and they sure aren't expelled athletes from Huntington. We didn't have to go recruit them, they made the decision to ce to Raceland before their varsity football career even started. Not even remotely close to the illegal and unethical recruiting tactics used by " the wood ".

100% right on the dot.
Patch Wrote:100% right on the dot.

Who were the studs we recruited last year as seniors?

The KHSAA is the state governing body to over see the legality, rules, and etc in the State of Kentucky in regards to High School athletics. If there is a problem they will address it and make a ruling. As for the case going to court, all I can say is that is why we have courts so when a governing body that is not duly elected usurps a decision that we feel is not correct then we take our case to a higher elected official. Courts decided in our favor, there have been other times they have not. Life goes on and you Wood Haters need to get a real life and get out your make believe world in which you live.

What recruits beat you last year in Soggy Bottom? "Home Grown" really don't want me to go there. Hardly any team includung Ironton has only home grown talent. Whether its across the river or across the district, a transfer is a transfer. So, once again...who did we have come in last year from Huntington and play? Or Cabell?

Maybe you dorks should PM each other and get your facts straight.

Eye Sore, you are an old Eagle and know so much their programs....who did we have last year from WV? Because we get em' year in and year out.
I know that Justin Evans transferred in from South Charleston, I only remember him playing on the defensive side of the ball. He wore #16, played DE or DT. He, along with Mike Felty, spent most of the night in the backfield against Raceland last year.

This thread shouldn't have been created, it's kind of pointless and just continues to beat a horse which is long past dead.
Clint Westwood Wrote:Who were the studs we recruited last year as seniors?

The KHSAA is the state governing body to over see the legality, rules, and etc in the State of Kentucky in regards to High School athletics. If there is a problem they will address it and make a ruling. As for the case going to court, all I can say is that is why we have courts so when a governing body that is not duly elected usurps a decision that we feel is not correct then we take our case to a higher elected official. Courts decided in our favor, there have been other times they have not. Life goes on and you Wood Haters need to get a real life and get out your make believe world in which you live.

What recruits beat you last year in Soggy Bottom? "Home Grown" really don't want me to go there. Hardly any team includung Ironton has only home grown talent. Whether its across the river or across the district, a transfer is a transfer. So, once again...who did we have come in last year from Huntington and play? Or Cabell?

Maybe you dorks should PM each other and get your facts straight.

Eye Sore, you are an old Eagle and know so much their programs....who did we have last year from WV? Because we get em' year in and year out.

You stated in an earlier post that you didn't know me, and you are right about that because I am not an old eagle. So you should really try to get your facts straight before you try to call someone out on here. I went to Blazer, and last time I checked our mascot is not an eagle.
Ramcat77 Wrote:I know that Justin Evans transferred in from South Charleston, I only remember him playing on the defensive side of the ball. He wore #16, played DE or DT. He, along with Mike Felty, spent most of the night in the backfield against Raceland last year.

This thread shouldn't have been created, it's kind of pointless and just continues to beat a horse which is long past dead.

Ding Ding Ding we have a winner. Stud? Nope. Huntington? Nope...a little further NE. Ramcat77, you just made a great logical post. No is a dead horse at that!
Patch Wrote:You stated in an earlier post that you didn't know me, and you are right about that because I am not an old eagle. So you should really try to get your facts straight before you try to call someone out on here. I went to Blazer, and last time I checked our mascot is not an eagle.

You are right. I am sorry. You are not an Eagle just a kitten.
If I wanted to call you out then I would. I do not want to get my privileges suspended or even banned over someone of your ilk and character. So thanks Patch for keeping me in line.
Clint Westwood Wrote:You are right. I am sorry. You are not an Eagle just a kitten.
If I wanted to call you out then I would. I do not want to get my privileges suspended or even banned over someone of your ilk and character. So thanks Patch for keeping me in line.

Now you are making this into something it doesn't need to be. I don't know who you think this is, but I am very certain I am not the person you think I am. But I will say this, whoever you think this is, you obviously have issues with that person. Contact them and clear the air, but I am asking you as nice as possible to stop with questioning my character and such, because if you knew me then you would know that I am very active in my community and donate my time, resources and money to several organizations and schools, not just Paul Blazer. So, whatever problems you have with this person, confront them, and stop with the smart remarks with me, I guarantee you do not know who you are talking to.

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