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Is Joe Biden trying to help Romney?
I was just wondering. After looking at this video of Biden, you can't help but wonder.

That poor guy.... haha.
The most incompetent and worse Vice President this country has ever had...
^I might agree with you but I have to think about it. Definitely Top 10 without even having to think about it.
There's been quite a few VP's that have been borderline retarded, but I think VP Biden takes the cake.
^lol. This country sure misses the days of VP's like Hobart, Nixon and George Clinton.
Biden may be the dumbest man to ever walk the Earth.

IMO, Obama could have sealed up this election months ago had he removed the jackass.

Now, IMO, its going to be a very close race.
You guys need to stop hatin' on Joe. He may not have done a great job as VP, but he hasn't done much harm either AND he's been one of the funniest most entertaining people I have ever heard!!!
no he was just saying things have been bad the past four years they have been
Are you saying that things have been bad under Obama?
It's not a big deal at all. Just his words taking out of context . Not like he tried to hide it and tell a bunch of 1% that he doesn't care about 47% of Americans!
^ so does Obama care about the 45% who's not going to vote for him? Does Obama care about Kentucky? Why should Romney try and change the views of people he knows will never vote for him instead of trying to get the other 53% to vote for him?
vundy33 Wrote:The most incompetent and worse Vice President this country has ever had...
at least since Dan Quayle....
I cant understand or fathom how any Kentuckian could vote for Obama.
You will not recieve any help from him at all unless your a welfare rat.
Stardust Wrote:at least since Dan Quayle....

That's Quail to YOU!!
^ See, he couldn't even spell his name right!!!!
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:I cant understand or fathom how any Kentuckian could vote for Obama.
You will not recieve any help from him at all unless your a welfare rat.

The blind cannot help themselves! They will go right over the cliff and still blame it one someone else for not taking care of them!
nky Wrote:^ so does Obama care about the 45% who's not going to vote for him? Does Obama care about Kentucky? Why should Romney try and change the views of people he knows will never vote for him instead of trying to get the other 53% to vote for him?

Idk ? Has he ever said he doesn't care about them?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Idk ? Has he ever said he doesn't care about them?
Did Romney ever say he didn't care either?
My job is not to worry about those people. Basically yea that's what he said.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:It's not a big deal at all. Just his words taking out of context . Not like he tried to hide it and tell a bunch of 1% that he doesn't care about 47% of Americans!

So, let me get this malarkey straight. You maintain that when Romney opens his mouth he sounds like an idiot but, Biden, though lucid, is victimized by the bought and paid for liberal media, who like to take his words out of context? :hilarious:
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Idk ? Has he ever said he doesn't care about them?
But does he reach out to them? Does he cross the isle?
TheRealThing Wrote:So, let me get this malarkey straight. You maintain that when Romney opens his mouth he sounds like an idiot but, Biden, though lucid, is victimized by the bought and paid for liberal media, who like to take his words out of context? :hilarious:

Do you Guys just read something and imagine stuff? Biden is VP. He's not under the microscope that Romney is right now . Biden has made many mistakes . Obama should have dropped him IMO. But even you can admit romney has ruined himself this election. And when he looses he is only going to have his mouth to blame.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:My job is not to worry about those people. Basically yea that's what he said.

See, I thought Romney was just being realistic about who may be expected to vote for him, we are in the middle of a presidential election campaign, right? He has to make up his mind where to best spend his campaign dollars, why throw it away trying to persuade people to vote for you when there is likely no way they will? Your hero sure wrote off the US military without so much as a one kazoo fanfare, didn't he? He wrote off the service men because he doesn't want their votes against him to count. I mean, one minute you hypocrites are screaming about voter disenfranchisement, resisting the effort to require voter ID's at the polling stations because you say the indigent among us cannot afford to get an ID. :please: They can't afford an $8 dollar ID but, they can afford $200 dollar Jordans. And yet, if the guys and gals out there fighting our nation's battles are disenfranchised by this administration by design, no big deal right?

No way, no how, could one make this stuff up!
I don't understand the problem with the 47% comment. There are people no matter what will not vote for Romney, so why should he try(spend money) to convince them to vote otherwise?
^ It's all about nothing. I don't care if it was Romney or Obama who would have made the statement, it's 100% accurate. It's the undecided 5% that both parties must appeal to, not the 94% who will vote for the party no matter who the candidate is.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Do you Guys just read something and imagine stuff? Biden is VP. He's not under the microscope that Romney is right now . Biden has made many mistakes . Obama should have dropped him IMO. But even you can admit romney has ruined himself this election. And when he looses he is only going to have his mouth to blame.

You posted that every time Romney opens his mouth he sounds like and idiot, and you said Biden words are taken out of context, yes or no?

Let me try to ask you one more time about this one. You think Romney's remark where he is merely facing reality about who might vote for him in any way compares in severity and has the damnable impact of Obama's open mic incident where he is caught asking the president of Russia to wait until after the election so that he will have "more flexibilitly"?
nky Wrote:I don't understand the problem with the 47% comment. There are people no matter what will not vote for Romney, so why should he try(spend money) to convince them to vote otherwise?

There wasn't anything wrong with it. Just the media (and Obama) trying to spin it around to make it sound like something else.
zaga_fan Wrote:potatoe


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