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Obama Supporter: "He Gave Us a Phone-Romney Sucks"
Romney tells the truth, and gets hammered by the media. Yet here is a perfect example...

I guarantee this wont be on the CBS evening news with Jan Crawford reporting. Any takers?

Say what you will but this intellectual slug is a typical Kardashian voter. Unfortunately, there are millions of them infecting the country(Remember, they aren't capable of doing anything but producing more "offspring" and they are valedictorians at that.).
"Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what your country can give you" or something like that
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Say what you will but this intellectual slug is a typical Kardashian voter. Unfortunately, there are millions of them infecting the country(Remember, they aren't capable of doing anything but producing more "offspring" and they are valedictorians at that.).

And here is the scary part. There are probably more with this mentality in just the New York City metro area alone than all voters combined in the entire state of Kentucky.
Bob Seger Wrote:And here is the scary part. There are probably more with this mentality in just the New York City metro area alone than all voters combined in the entire state of Kentucky.

This is the final destination of your tax dollar. Obama says we must all give our fair share and rich folks must give much more than their fair share. Doesn't this just make you want to pony-up more of your money while your own family does without? Democrats insist patriotic Americans should be honored to pay more. It's Bizarro World.
Dang, I spend all this money on a cell phone when I could get one for free?! F that! Obama 2012. LOL
If you saw the video of the "woman" saluting Kardashian for her "obamaphone", you should be fully aware of why this country is in great danger. She, and millions of others just like her, will vote. They will have plenty of time to vote since they don't work and contribute nothing to the system. Of course, they do reproduce regularly in order to receive more handouts- not politically correct but absolute fact.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:If you saw the video of the "woman" saluting Kardashian for her "obamaphone", you should be fully aware of why this country is in great danger. She, and millions of others just like her, will vote. They will have plenty of time to vote since they don't work and contribute nothing to the system. Of course, they do reproduce regularly in order to receive more handouts- not politically correct but absolute fact.

Dead beats, those that do not intend to work, vagrants, bottom feeders, lazy asses, abortion lovers, redistributionist, anti capitalists, those that cannot afford a prophylactic, movie stars and thugs will overwhelmingly vote for Obama.

I'll take my chances (win or lose) with the evil rich, business owning, gun and Bible toting crowd.

Which group seems more appealing?
Quote:1 million Ohioans using free phone program

Fees on phone bills pay for $1.5 billion national Lifeline program

A program that provides subsidized phone service to low-income individuals has nearly doubled in size in Ohio in the past year — now covering more than a million people. At the same time, federal officials say they’re reining in waste, fraud and abuse in the program.

The Federal Communications Commission announced recently that reforms have saved $43 million since January and are expected to save $200 million by year’s end. In Ohio, savings are expected to be $2.9 million a year.

The savings were realized in part because the government gave out fewer cellphones to ineligible people and took steps to avoid issuing duplicate phones.

But the size of the program in the state — and profits to the increasing number of cellphone companies involved — has exploded in recent months, according to a Dayton Daily News analysis of program data.

The program in Ohio cost $26.9 million in the first quarter of 2012, the most recent data available, versus $15.6 million in the same timeframe in 2011. Compared to the first quarter of 2011, the number of people in the program nearly doubled to more than a million.

Growth could cost everyone who owns a phone. The program is funded through the “Universal Service Fund” charge on phone bills — usually a dollar or two per bill — and the amount of the fee is determined by the cost of this and other programs.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:.

Can you say...Vote buying?

This Whitehouse is Clay County Gone Wild!
you crack me up!!
Things like this upset me so much that i have to go to Church to feel clean of the dirty thoughts.

It's times like these that people have riots.
whats wrong with getting a free phone
Free phone, free food, free rent, free medical care, free taxi rides, free heat in winter, etc.

By the way they get 250 minutes per phone and families can get more than one phone.

Any comments from the obama (my iPad tries to capitalize his name but I won't let it) supporters on this video?
widemiddle03 Wrote:whats wrong with getting a free phone

what's right in making me pay for it?
Mr. Free stuff president will win. He has done what he wanted to do. If you work and pay taxes you are done. If you live off the government and tax payers you will vote for him.
Benchwarmer Wrote:Mr. Free stuff president will win. He has done what he wanted to do. If you work and pay taxes you are done. If you live off the government and tax payers you will vote for him.
I work, and pay taxes, and will vote for him.
TheRealVille Wrote:I work, and pay taxes, and will vote for him.

TheRealVille Wrote:I work, and pay taxes, and will vote for him.
Benchwarmer Wrote:And?

Your post stated if you "If you live off the government and tax payers you will vote for him."

HE is saying he doesnt live off the government and he is going to vote for him.
TheRealVille Wrote:I work, and pay taxes, and will vote for him.

Love the reagan quote. Here's the rest of it...

We in the United States, above all, must remember that lesson, for we were founded as a nation of openness to people of all beliefs. And so we must remain. Our very unity has been strengthened by our pluralism. We establish no religion in this country, we command no worship, we mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are, and must remain, separate. All are free to believe or not believe, all are free to practice a faith or not, and those who believe are free, and should be free, to speak of and act on their belief.
At the same time that our Constitution prohibits state establishment of religion, it protects the free exercise of all religions. And walking this fine line requires government to be strictly neutral. And government should not make it more difficult for Christians, Jews, Muslims, or other believing people to practice their faith.
ronald reagan Wrote:At the same time that our Constitution prohibits state establishment of religion, it protects the free exercise of all religions. And walking this fine line requires government to be strictly neutral. And government should not make it more difficult for Christians, Jews, Muslims, or other believing people to practice their faith.

Can I then assume that you oppose the gestapo tactics of the present administration in trying to force Catholics and other like-minded religions to abandon their foundation beliefs and provide free contraceptives to women?

I would be interested in hearing a valid argument from a serious Catholic explaining how he/she can vote for the present occupant of the White House. When it gets down to God's Law or Obama's Law, the answer is obvious and crucial. Of course, Obama, with his unprecedented arrogance, thinks that he and God are one in the same.
I see where Madonna (former NYC Public School student) has endorsed Kardashian while Jack Nicklaus (The Ohio State University graduate) and John Elway (Stanford University graduate) have endorsed Romney. I also see where Cesar Chavez (Communist dictator of Venezuela) has endorsed Kardashian while Benjamin Netanyahu ( Prime Minister of Israel) is a longtime close friend of Romney.

How can anyone not see that this election will determine whether we continue as a capitalist nation or become a socialist (or semi-socialist, if you prefer) nation? Kardashian will destroy this country in the contrived name of "fairness". Sadly, we may well be a country of freeloading lemmings.
I believe you mean Hugo Chavez instead of Cezar. Although, if cezar were alive today, he would undoubtedly supported Kardashian...
Loon Wrote:Harry:
I believe you mean Hugo Chavez instead of Cezar. Although, if cezar were alive today, he would undoubtedly supported Kardashian...

Thank you for the correction, Loon. Of course, all three of them shared the same "occupation"- community agitators. What else could they do?
ronald reagan Wrote:At the same time that our Constitution prohibits state establishment of religion, it protects the free exercise of all religions. And walking this fine line requires government to be strictly neutral. And government should not make it more difficult for Christians, Jews, Muslims, or other believing people to practice their faith.

My, my, you do go on don't you? Who or what about government are you afraid is beginning to lean towards a state sanctioned church?
TheRealThing Wrote:My, my, you do go on don't you? Who or what about government are you afraid is beginning to lean towards a state sanctioned church?
Coming from you? :thatsfunn:thatsfunn:thatsfunn Did you ever try to read one of your long winded posts?
TheRealVille Wrote:Coming from you? :thatsfunn:thatsfunn:thatsfunn Did you ever try to read one of your long winded posts?

So I guess that explains why all your replies don't make sense, because you don't read his posts. Confusednicker:
TheRealVille Wrote:Coming from you? :thatsfunn:thatsfunn:thatsfunn Did you ever try to read one of your long winded posts?

If I supported Obama, you'd be lapping them up. Me after the election :biggrin:

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