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(6) South Carolina 38 - Kentucky 17
I hope that the rumors of Joker resigning become true at the end of the season, which UK has denied those reports, which any time a coach get's fired or resigns, that's how they usually get started

JOKER SUCKS. Hell Louisville Trinity could beat Kentucky
Announcers were saying give Joker 5 years. Hell F'n No. He sucks tremendously
Fire Joker
The new QB looked good until late in the game when the true frosh syndrome kicked in.

I say if his ankle isn't jacked up by next week then give the kid the spot for good.
I don't think the QB spot is going to make that big of a difference anyway.
Maybe the difference in 2 wins or 3 wins, but that's it.
I would rather invest in this kids' future here. He threw a pretty good ball and defenses will have to respect his feet.
Most fun I have ever had watching a UK football game......First half that

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
Man, that first half I was jumping all over the house! Couldn't wait till the second half, and then the second half came and SC showed what a top notch SEC team is! I like the QB we have! Makes plays running and passing.
I was at the game. First half I was going nuts. Second half.. we got absolutely killed. I stayed the whole game though, like always.

On the bright side, Joker, there might be a high school that wants you. (lol)
who was qb in 1st half?
cuppett777 Wrote:who was qb in 1st half?

Maxwell Smith was in there for only a couple plays, before he left with an injury.

Our freshman QB, Jalen Whitlow, took his place and was QB for the rest of the game.. He played pretty well until late in the game in my opinion.
Joker is not that bad of a coach, just can't recruit. You can't win many games if you don't get the horses to compete in the SEC. We need someone who can bring in some 4 and 5 star players every year instead of maybe getting one every 3 years or so.
I was really impressed with Jalen Whitlow.

Maxwell Smith might be missing a few weeks, so I'm curious to how Whitlow does with 1st team reps in practice.
Strikeout King Wrote:Announcers were saying give Joker 5 years. Hell F'n No. He sucks tremendously

What killed me was when they see you need at least five years to turn a program around.. I personally thought we had turned around and just needed to take the next step.. Joker took us back a step IMO
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
Only the most blind of UK fans couldn't see what was coming in the second half.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Only the most blind of UK fans couldn't see what was coming in the second half.

Yeah I know, I wanted to leave at halftime because I knew what was coming.. but I stayed the whole game, and watched us get killed.

I couldn't sit down in the first half!! They played so good but, I think they used all of their energy up! Not scoring at the end of the half really killed us too IMO.
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Only the most blind of UK fans couldn't see what was coming in the second half.

We all knew it but it was still painful to see
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
Smith is just as bad as Newton.
Neither are going to be worth a damn ever.

We shouldnt have red shirted Towles and played him this year IMO.
The end of the second half is a perfect example of HOW BAD Joker and his staff really are! SC gave them a gift with the bad snap and a well coached team doesn't waste time, a well coached team is prepared. It is obvious that Joker and his staff have never heard about the concept of SITUATIONAL FOOTBALL. How many Chances does a Head give a guy like Randy Sanders? How many times do us UK fans have too watch Sanders freeze up and fail to get a play call in quickly and waste important seconds at the end of a half or game ending situation? Instead of a 17 to 7 lead at the Half UK could of had 24 to 7 or atleast 20 to 7. With a 3 score lead SC would have had even more pressure on them and pressure leads to mistakes. All I have to say about this game is SOS!
Let's be honest. This could have been a lot worse.
I for one, was a little excited in this game when the new QB came out.
And I really couldn't tell you the last time I got excited in a UK football game.
Heck I blame one of the INTs that the young QB threw in the 2nd half on the play calling. If a kid only knows 10% of the playbook that makes it even easier for a Smart D coach to figure out what the O is going to do. Common sense tells you to throw the Ball deep that way if there is a INT it serves the same as a punt. Throwing those short sideline outs Sanders loves is like playin Russian roulette! I bet Joker couldn't spell brains!
Ballers Wrote:Let's be honest. This could have been a lot worse.
I for one, was a little excited in this game when the new QB came out.
And I really couldn't tell you the last time I got excited in a UK football game.

Wiley Old Coachs like the "Head Ball Coach" are playing Chess while coachs like Joker are still trying to learn checkers! SS held his team back in the 1st half so it would look like UK played a good game, that way if UK happens to get lucky and win a SEC game and beat Samford and beat a Bad Vandy team Joker is back for another year and he can write in a easy win next year. SC beat UK by 51 points last year, and SC is better this year, and if you think UK is 30 points better this year then you are smokin the good stuff! Same thing happened last year in the UGA game. Watch what happens, I bet UK is in a bunch of SEC games and nobody really blows them out, not because they are any good just because SEC coachs want a SUCKER like Joker back. Heck UK puts 50,000 people in the stands for 6 and 6 teams why would any smart coach embrass Joker and risk having to deal with maybe a real coach like a Jon Gruden or Josh McDaniels.
What i want to know is why they still feel the need to tell the qb to hard count then look to the sidelines for the play.. recruit a damn qb who can read a playbook and learn how to change a play by himself.. I swear.. it's like watching a high school football team go from a wishbone offense to a spread offense.. they have no clue what is going on, so that should tell you they need some more work..
I'm in love with Tawnya.. hehe..

Tom is not my friend....

if you have any questions send me a p.m.
M'boroYellowJacket Wrote:Maxwell Smith was in there for only a couple plays, before he left with an injury.

Our freshman QB, Jalen Whitlow, took his place and was QB for the rest of the game.. He played pretty well until late in the game in my opinion.

ok, yea Jalen Whitlow,was commited to Arkansas State and backed out the last min when the Cats offered...
I am going to say that the old ball coach let his aggression into SC at halftime and told them what was what because they looked like a completely different team in the 2nd. Same for UK though, lost there rhythm and momentum going into 2nd.

I liked the way Whitlow played, didn't put up the numbers Smith does but overall the kid will have a bright future if we can get a coach that will coach him up.
Smith is out. Red Shirt is off Towles. Towles will be back up QB to Whitlow
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Smith is just as bad as Newton.
Neither are going to be worth a damn ever.

We shouldnt have red shirted Towles and played him this year IMO.


You can't be serious.
WALL2WALL Wrote:I am going to say that the old ball coach let his aggression into SC at halftime and told them what was what because they looked like a completely different team in the 2nd. Same for UK though, lost there rhythm and momentum going into 2nd.

I liked the way Whitlow played, didn't put up the numbers Smith does but overall the kid will have a bright future if we can get a coach that will coach him up.

Agree with this. Whitlow gave it his all imo.
just needs more game experience under his belt. The kid played with all heart.
outdoorsman43 Wrote::please:

You can't be serious.

It's good to see you ODM43. Where ya been?

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