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Paintsville 75 Magoffin Co 72
Gotta finish those close ones Hornets
sounds like it was a good game. Any stats ?
Congrats Paintsville!
I really couldn't give you any stats, but I've been to about 10 15th region games this season, and well this was the worst officated games I have ever seen. Bad calls all night. A refree even went to Magoffins student section and told them to sit down and be quiet. Not very professional.

but enough of my grips good win Paintsville, good luck hard rocking hornets.
wow never saw that coming
I know, I take back everything I just said, good win Paintsville, good luck with the rest of the season Hornets.
Congrats Paintsville.
congrats pville

and bad officaitin but cant blame them that was a charge at the end of the game but we blew a 10 pt 4th qt. o well keep goin hornets we will get em soon.
They found a way to lose
congrats p-ville.....This just goes to show magoffin isnt a team to be taken lightly, the hornets can play with any team. Gooooooo Hornets!!!!!!!!!
even though the hornets was up by 10 at one point in the game that last charge they gave to paintsville really could have made the difference between the game. Very bad officating is all i can say they was about 4 double fouls in the first half alone, and it just plain out sucked. anyway good win to the tigers and hornets good game to youns to you all had it one but free throws and refs can kill ya.
Congrats Paintsville
Tough loss for MC. Congrats Paintsville
tough loss for mc :S
"coacher_06" Wrote:They found a way to lose
Very negative post! This was a hard fought game.......and there were reasons the hornets lost but get it straight they did NOT try to loose
What a game!

This game I feel should have been won by Magoffin. After a couple of minutes had passed by in the 4th quarter, Magoffin had a 10 point lead and a ton of momentum.

However I have to respond about the officiating. I've not missed a Magoffin County boys or girls game this year and I have to say that this was one of the worst called games I have seen this year. The first half, both teams were receiving some questionable calls so they kinda evened out. The second half was a different story...I feel fairly confident in saying that the Hornets really were playing 5 on 8 at several points in the game. I've never heard a gymnasium so full of anger than tonight and it was expected with the way this game got out of hand.

A referee even STOPPED THE GAME to come over and tell the Hornet pep section to "sit down and shutup". The hornets at the time had the lead and the ball with momentum heavily with the Hornets.

The last call of the game was not only clearly wrong but unbelievable to everyone in attendance. Eric Arnett made a nice move to the basket with only a few seconds left and was ridden down the court the whole way. He then went up for a short jumper and was hammered. Both players fell down and a charge was called. The boos were loud enough to be heard throughout Magoffin!

Either way, the Hornets shouldn't have blown a 10 point lead. The press got to them and Runyon called it well when he put the press on. Good confidence booster to the Tigers I guess and a demoralizing defeat for the Hornets. KEEP YOUR HEADS UP GUYS! Best of luck to both teams!
Nice post Repub. Yeah Some bad officating but i do agree, shouldnt have blown the 10 point lead? and plus when The offical was tellin us Witch i was in the PEp section, He had it head turned to us and how was he watchin the game?
congrats tigers
good job tigers
wat can you say, the hornets lost that big 10 point lead with some turnovers, gotta take care of the ball, the last call was horrible, it was a give to the tigers, very pathetic for a bunch of grown men to take a ball game away from a bunch of kids that hustled there butts off the whole game, keepin the game close with what everyone says is best team in the 15th, but i could complain all day, and still wouldnt change the outcome, the press the tigers played in the 4th quarter killed the hornets, alot of missed free throws from the hornets also, you gotta make them, but good game tigers, and MC keep your head up, yall played a heck of a game
The hustle was outstanding on both sides as well. I just feel that with a couple of calls here and there being called correctly, this game ends with a solid 5-8 point Magoffin win.
can't say nothin about the refs... they did their job we did ours... anyone can get on her a complain about the refs but it was our fault we were up 10 in the fouth quater and it was our game to lose... yea the refs made some bad calls... but we should have done better, congrats paintsville good game.
I agree that the 10 point lead shouldn't have been blown, but it's clear that several people saw this game get out of hand. The refs are payed to call it by the book and I feel that tonight, they made some momentum changing calls that in the end worked to Paintsville's advantage.

Work on breaking that press Hornets and you will be a solid ball-team. Good win for Paintsville and it should tell the Hornets something as well. Some people have argued that P-ville is the best team in the region and to have a 10 point lead in the 4th really shows what you all can do when you play unselfish, fundamental basketball. Good job to everyone who played!
The call at the end of the game was really questionable. It could have put the game into overtime as Eric, the hornets best free throw shooter would have been put to the line for two with only 4 seconds left. Really a bad call IMO.
I can honestly say that Magoffin deserved the victory tonight. I played against Magoffin all thru high school, and they ALWAYS played their hearts out. I have seen Magoffin play every time they have played Paintsville since I graduated and nothing has changed, they played their butts off again tonight. Magoffin is NOT to be taken lightly as Paintsville has found that out TWICE now and JC found that out also a week or two ago.

Like I said in the girls forum in the "best refs" thread, there are ZERO, I wouldn't have ANY of the 15th region refs reffing a darn buddy ball game. Bad calls both ways tonight, like said earlier there were quite a few double fouls, very physical game. I will agree with the Magoffin fans on the charge call, it should have been a block, BUT I will say that Nehi should have gotten a technical called on him. If Matt Ratliff can get a T called on him in the JV game for what LITTLE he did (which doesn't even compare to coach West's actions), then West should have got one, don't get me wrong, I have a huge amount of respect for West, but he definately should have gotten a T.

Congrats Paintsville on the victory, good luck in the All "A" Region.
Good luck to Magoffin the rest of the way.
Good post PC u know 98....I agree completely about Coach West and I expected him to be thrown out of the game at the end. His 'tantrum' was strictly reaction to the last call and he was clearly not the only one wanting to plow their way onto the court. I've been going to games ever since I was a kid at MCHS and that was about the loudest, most angry I've seen a group of fans in a while. To see their team play as hard as they did and still come up short is tough for any team to take....especially with a rival like Paintsville.
Maybe West did deserve a T but i dont blame him one bit for his actions. P-ville was getting the calls tonight. It was bad both ways but late it was Magoffin who was getting the bad end of it.
The same Offical has Been Doin These District games, And it was the same ref who did the Jc pville game? So just curious could it have been for a payback win for Pville? just curious.
"Super_de" Wrote:The same Offical has Been Doin These District games, And it was the same ref who did the Jc pville game? So just curious could it have been for a payback win for Pville? just curious.

I doubt that very seriously, and if it is Todd Duff you speak of then there is NO WAY, IDK about Mike Walker and the young pup who reffed, those two are so inconsistent it's pathetic. As for Duff, he is pretty consistent on giving Paintsville ANYTHING. As a matter of fact, I noticed towards the end of the game after a foul was called and Pville was shooting free throws, West yelled at #5 and told him to get Duff's attention, so he did, and when Duff looked Nehi's way, Nehi put his hands around his throat implying that Duff choked, and Duff didn't even give him a T cause he is a chicken ****
Should be no excuses if you blow a 10 point lead in the forth quarter then you deserved to lose the game. Congrats Paintsville, keep up the hard work Hornets and you all will be a tough team to beat come tourny time.

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