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Week 2 - Replacement Refs, what grade to you give them
How do you grade them against how we have grown accustomed to from the regular refs?

All I have hear for the past five years is how horrible the refs have been in the NFL, thus have the replacements refs made much of a difference in games that the regular refs would have done differently?

I've seen a lot of questionable calls that challenges have overturned. I saw that over the last 2 years with the regular refs.

I've seen calls that I have screamed "No Way" only to see the review and then say, "wow, they got that right"!

In the Bengals game today, on 3 penalty calls, the player number announced was for a player not even on the field at the time. I don't think I have seen that with the regular refs in the last five years!

What have you seen, and what grade do you give them!
To be honest, i have no problem with them.
They blow calls, but the regular guys do as well.
If i was the NFL id say screw you refs and your union, we'll take these guys for half the price.
I've seen a whole bunch flags on someone not on the field . The defenseless receiver rule is being enforced to the max .
^ Is the defenseless receiver rule different in the Lingerie League....:biggrin:
A bunch of holding calls are Being missed . Hope they look at that an start calling them.
Gut, I'm with you. If I was the NFL, I have not reason to cave in! I'm not going to be so harsh as to say screw the old refs, they were locked out by the NFL, thus they didn't choose to be away! This is over $16M which is one stupid Redskins wasted free agent choice!

I honestly have no issue with the replacements and could live with them the rest of the season. They will get better with each week of games under their belt.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:A bunch of holding calls are Being missed . Hope they look at that an start calling them.

I scream at the television every year about all the obvious holding calls missed! Hasn't been that dramatically different to me. I'm actually glad to see fewer defensive holds on receivers than what we have seen over the last five seasons. The offense is so protected, it's nice to see the DBs actually get a rub, like it used to be.
Like right then calvin Johnson was being held and nothing was called .
I just dont see the difference.

I hear just as much complaining with the regular guys.
The grade I give them would be an A-.....that is only because they are still learning the rules of the game and IMO with the NFL being at a faster speed than what they are use to I could see how some calls and go unmissed.

With that being said, I am kind of getting tired hearing from the announcers and media taking shots at the replacement refs....what did everyone expect the NFL to do, not have refs?
A- .... IMO not doing too bad. But still want the normal refs back.
I was expecting worse from them. I would give them a solid B.
We all have to remember that with all the instant re-play/challenge rules in the NFL its really hard for a ref to really screw up a football game.
^ Excellent point. I've seen several overturned already
They're not much worse than the usual officials. Honestly, I think they've done a pretty solid job given the situation.
Fewest amount of penalties called in the first 2 games since 2007 . I think that's what espn just said.
This MNF football game is pathetic . Officials have done much better till now .
Now they can't count .
Wildcatk23 Wrote:This MNF football game is pathetic . Officials have done much better till now .

This game was difficult to watch, it seemed like everytime the refs stopped the clock it took them forever to get things going again.

As John Gruden stated last night, in comparrison to the NFL draft you are dealing with 6th and 7th round refs if that. If I recall from a game yesterday, one of the refs currently ran a textile plant in Tennessee and had experience for reffing football in NAIA.
I say a C+ to a B-. To many mistakes on placement of ball. They dont seem to know the rules as well in certain situations. I know there new, but you think they would study up on the rule books before hitting the field.

I do believe they will get better with more time on the field and eventually be just as good.
Last night was the 2 week low, but after five years of listening to Wildcatk23's rants on refs, this is hardly anything worse than we have been used to from the regular refs....Confusednicker:
Lol Smile . Call it like I see it . Unlike most refs .

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