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The Moron Does It Again
While speaking at Wright State University, the senile Biden told students that he was pleased to be at Wayne State. The students had to correct him. Biden's response was to say that there is a Wayne State University.

This boy is dangerous but the media will continue to make excuses for him. Kardashian is an incompetent socialist and Biden is a senile moron. What a pair.
Ooops, I read the thread title and automaticly assumed you were talking about widemiddle03.:yikes:

Sorry for the interuption guys.
is there any reason to call me out like that? i'm offended
Just think, were on bullet away from this guy being our pres....
^ He would do a good job.
Better than Obama
I disagree, because if he could do better than Obama he would have been elected President.
A cabbage head would do a better job than Obama.
TheRealThing Wrote:A cabbage head would do a better job than Obama.

A cabbage head is running against Obama.
^ that's no way to talk about Jill Stein
I'm not talking about Jill Stein, I'm taking about Romney.
then why didn't you say so?
We should put Stubbs the Cat in as President. He is a mayor in an Alaskan town, so why not? He has better experience than Obama does.


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