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Who could the WWE sign to make their actual wrestling product more watchable?
Granted, the WWE does not even use the phrase professional wrestling anymore, but what indy guys, TNA guys or past used talented is out there that could make their product more watchable to people that actually care about professional wrestling?
For me, I like the Brisco Brothers from Ring of Honor. Very good tag team. Have decent builds and, I think, they could be entertaining on the WWE level.
^ Too small! They would never be believable as tough guys like their ROH gimic!
Their is rumblings going around that Vince will be firing AJ & Booker on air and instituting Ric Flair as the New GM! I got word of this through a former TNA & WWE talent!
Stardust Wrote:^ Too small! They would never be believable as tough guys like their ROH gimic!

It would definitely make it hard for them as singles but I believe they are viable as a tag team.
Briscoes are the best tag team going but they don't need to be in WWE with the kids show WWE puts on I would like to see them in TNA , WWE just needs to fire few writers and let who ever is writing the heel turn of punk take control that is the only thing worth watching right now in WWE that n Daniel bryan
I watch czw n ROH online n they are both better than WWE
rustyankle Wrote:Briscoes are the best tag team going but they don't need to be in WWE with the kids show WWE puts on I would like to see them in TNA , WWE just needs to fire few writers and let who ever is writing the heel turn of punk take control that is the only thing worth watching right now in WWE that n Daniel bryan

Definitely need to hire better people to write for them.

I still can't help but believe the Briscoes could get over huge in WWE. They are outstanding as a team and have personality, as well. Granted, they may have to tone it down some, but with all of the fanboy crushes that people have over Punk and Daniel Bryan, I think WWE needs to cash in on that with the Briscos.

I, also, wouldn't mind seeing WWE bring back Kurt Angle. I know he left there under less than desirable circumstances and, to be honest, I don't know how he is doing on a personal level right now, but he probably has a couple of years of good matches left in him and he could really draw interest in match-ups with Punk, Cena and even nostalgia type matches with the Rock, Undertaker, or HHH. The man can work any style with anyone in the industry. If his personal life is in order, I think he could do well for them. May be a big if, though.
That's just it I don't want the briscoes to tone it done lol I dont want to see angle leave TNA I really like TNA ROH czw not so much WWE its hard for me to watch some segments cuz reminds me of mickey mouse club , but I agree angle is great
Wrestling has changed so much it has went from wrestling to sports entertainment. My question is this if Dusty Rhoades, Harley Race, Big Boss Man, and many more guys was in wrestling today would they make it. Today Vince wants jacked up actors with no athleticism at all.
oldjackets Wrote:Wrestling has changed so much it has went from wrestling to sports entertainment. My question is this if Dusty Rhoades, Harley Race, Big Boss Man, and many more guys was in wrestling today would they make it. Today Vince wants jacked up actors with no athleticism at all.

Today?????? Serious?

Hulk Hogan, Superstar Billy Graham, Ultimate Warrior, Barbarian - Umm, it's been Jacked up nonathletic superstars since 1980!
Ypu cannot even compare wrestling in the 80 to today if you know anything about wrestling. Back in the 80 guys was still kayfab and could actually work and put matches together. Today Pat Patterson or Jim Cornett, HHH will write everything out because the guys they are getting cant work. Some of these guys they get are just meat heads jacked up who has not even watched wrestling.

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