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How Long Will Spurlock Last At Hazard?????
Rumors Have It That He's Gone After The Season, But Is There A Future Of Coaching For Spurlock Ne Were?Confusederved:
I hope he stays longer
Rumors are well they are rumors i wouldnt believe this until it happened.
This rumor is about 90% true. The powers-that-be have sorta threw their weight at coach Spurlock and said that regardless of what happens, this will be his last season, all because he will not BN to anybody.

And as far as a future in coaching anywhere else, coach Spurlock will be a hot commodity once he leaves Hazard, IF he decides to stay in coaching.

But, it's a sad case, and it won't be the last, when administrators do not allow a coach to do his job the way he feels is best. If there was trouble of some kind, it would be understandable, but that is not the case here.

Hazard will regret the day they let this coach get away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hes replacing johny after this year at ac
I did not know that Coach Martin was leaving AC. Why would he when he has most everyone coming back. Coach Spurlock in my opinion is one of the better coaches around and should not have a problem getting a job where a school has an opening. It is not that easy to fill a coaching position if there is not a teaching spot open. If Hazard feels this way about his coaching method then he will be better off in leaving and going elsewhere. He certainly deserves better.
martin is leaving allen central after this year to coach at uk replaicing tubster. so well go undegeated nexct year with spurloc as our new head coach. LETS GO REBS
i think that spurlock is a great coach and i no that i would hate to see him leave.....he has done so much here at hazard he won all a state championship and 3 time regional champs
i hope he stays hes a good coach
I am close friends w/Kevin and he will stay as long as they do not put pressure on him to resign. Coach Martin will be at AC until he says it is time to leave:theman:
I dont see coach Martin leaving AC but anythings possible. And if he did Kevin would be a great replacement after all he learned alot from his mentor Johnny Martin!
That would be a very foolish move on Hazard's part. He has done an outstanding job especially considering the number of players they have lost over the last 2 years.

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