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Romney's Stericycle made money from abortion clinics
Quote:We're taking a closer look at this interesting story from the Current community.

Mitt Romney invested in a company called Stericycle, which specializes in medical waste removal. Their clientele included several abortion clinics. Romney claims he had no involvement with the company at this point, but documents recovered by the SEC suggest otherwise. So while Romney is a staunch pro-life candidate, he apparently has no issue making money off of abortions. Smart business move, or an example of morality for sale? Via Mother Jones:

Earlier this year, Mitt Romney nearly landed in a politically perilous controversy when the Huffington Post reported that in 1999 the GOP presidential candidate had been part of an investment group that invested $75 million in Stericycle, a medical-waste disposal firm that has been attacked by anti-abortion groups for disposing aborted fetuses collected from family planning clinics. Coming during the heat of the GOP primaries, as Romney tried to sell South Carolina Republicans on his pro-life bona fides, the revelation had the potential to damage the candidate's reputation among values voters already suspicious of his shifting position on abortion.

Another SEC document filed November 30, 1999, by Stericycle also names Romney as an individual who holds "voting and dispositive power" with respect to the stock owned by Bain. If Romney had fully retired from the private equity firm he founded, why would he be the only Bain executive named as the person in control of this large amount of Stericycle stock?

Commenters weigh in:

mitekillem: "Capitalism! - Make money any way you can, regardless of who it hurts."

mrpuma2u: "I would say it's less a question of hurt (the fetuses were already dead) and more a question of values, Willard is allegedly pro-life, but yet not above making some $$$ off of the byproducts of a procedure he wants to see outlawed. Not that it is surprising, but mittens is a big fat hypocrite."

faye59: "If it made money, I believe it. Makes as much sense as opposing abortion and supporting the death penalty. A bit unseemly. Noone should make money like this.EEw."

fiberbundle: "I don't care if Romney eats dead fetuses, as long as he does it as a private citizen. I just don't want that ass in the White house."

letsliveinpeace: "All of this undermines Bain's contention that Romney, though he maintained an ownership interest in the firm and its funds, had nothing to do with the firm's activities after February 1999. The Stericycle deal may raise red flags for anti-abortion activists. But it also raises questions about the true timing of Romney's departure from Bain and casts doubt on claims by the company and the Romney campaign that he had nothing to do with Bain business after February 1999."
TheRealVille Wrote:

it's all about the old mighty $

i bet he didn't even pay no taxs on his profit
President Obama loses the abortion debate every time[YOUTUBE="Present Obama supports infanticide"]YUkbuhXzbvI[/YOUTUBE]
nky Wrote:President Obama loses the abortion debate every time[YOUTUBE="Present Obama supports infanticide"]YUkbuhXzbvI[/YOUTUBE]
We aren't talking about Obama, we know where he stands. This is about your boy.
Wow, that vector is johnny on the spot!!
Replies in two minutes after the original post.
When you talk one you have to compare the other. That's what you do when looking at both candidates and deciding who best fit's your view for the next 4 years. On the abortion issue President Obama doesn't have a leg to stand on.
nky Wrote:When you talk one you have to compare the other. That's what you do when looking at both candidates and deciding who best fit's your view for the next 4 years. On the abortion issue President Obama doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Totally agree and neither do the aborted babies who've had their extremities cut off by surgical instruments born from the imaginations of monsters. Imagine yourself laying on a table while a would be Freddie Kruger takes a big pair of bolt cutters and begins cutting pieces of your body off until you lapse into darkness as the result of loss of blood and unimaginable pain. What a way to go, and Barack is all for it. Let's see, we have a two candidates. One is anti-abortion (Romney, who was loosely associated with the Stericycle company as it is one of many companies his stock broker had invested in, if I didn't know better I'd think Romney was the CEO of Stericycle or something) and one is pro-abortion, (Obama first trimester ok, second trimester ok, third trimester ok, and if the so-called fetus is actually delivered alive just throw it in a trash bin somewhere, it'll stop making those little helpless noises of desperation the little buggers are known for at some point)

Trying to say Romney is comparable to Obama on his policy on abortion, I assume is the gist of starting this thread in the first place. Reminds me of Obama trying to equate himself with Ronald Reagan on his economic policies. (He dropped the act once Michael Reagan protested loudly enough) That was like saying a lightening bug is the same thing as a super nova. Only similar on the thinnest razor edge imaginable. :hilarious:
Just for fun. As was noted Stericycle is a medical waste removal company as well as other endeavors. When did they begin their contracts with the abortion clinics for disposal services?
Granny Bear Wrote:Wow, that vector is johnny on the spot!!
Replies in two minutes after the original post.

Round here Granny, we just call em Heckle and Jeckle.

Ole Hoot, I believe he was on to something shh:
nky Wrote:

It's not that Mother Jones can't put together a convincing lie. Mixing in a little truth here and there in the fabrications they come up with. Like saying you know so and so, he lives at 30 something, blah blah blah and well, I guess you heard what he's been doing? And the lie takes flight. Appreciate you sharing that with us nky. The lies, they are aflyin.
yeah wut now conservatives
TheRealThing Wrote:Totally agree and neither do the aborted babies who've had their extremities cut off by surgical instruments born from the imaginations of monsters. Imagine yourself laying on a table while a would be Freddie Kruger takes a big pair of bolt cutters and begins cutting pieces of your body off until you lapse into darkness as the result of loss of blood and unimaginable pain. What a way to go, and Barack is all for it. Let's see, we have a two candidates. One is anti-abortion (Romney, who was loosely associated with the Stericycle company as it is one of many companies his stock broker had invested in, if I didn't know better I'd think Romney was the CEO of Stericycle or something) and one is pro-abortion, (Obama first trimester ok, second trimester ok, third trimester ok, and if the so-called fetus is actually delivered alive just throw it in a trash bin somewhere, it'll stop making those little helpless noises of desperation the little buggers are known for at some point)

Trying to say Romney is comparable to Obama on his policy on abortion, I assume is the gist of starting this thread in the first place. Reminds me of Obama trying to equate himself with Ronald Reagan on his economic policies. (He dropped the act once Michael Reagan protested loudly enough) That was like saying a lightening bug is the same thing as a super nova. Only similar on the thinnest razor edge imaginable. :hilarious:

at least he didn't make a profit from it
vector Wrote:at least he didn't make a profit from it

Hitler, Stalin, Herod, none of these made profit from the millions they are directly responsible for murdering either. They're still murdering monsters who have made their mark on history in most grisly manner imaginable. I used to invest in a portfolio of companies through a broker. I couldn't have begun to identify all the companies included in my mutual fund portfolio, that's why I had a broker in the first place. This the nature of Romney's trespass. His broker invested his money for him and you guys are trying to compare him to Vlad the Impaler. If you want somebody that fits the profile just be honest with yourself with regard to Mr Obama. He's the guy with the machete up in front. Not Romney.

Romney has recoginzed the hellish implications of our nation's barbarous assault on innocent infants while, in what God intended to be, the safety of their mother's womb. Wombs have now become killing fields, where, over the last 20 years, at least 30 million unborn children's first and only brief encounter with the outside world, ended their lives in one nightmarish 15 minute medical proceedure. It takes about 15 minutes to cut up a baby and pull out the pieces while still in Mom's womb. The dangerous ones are the ones who will not see the truth of their actions. To keep on pushing for so-called women's rights while president means that president, if he is a two term president, is presiding over the deaths of 12 million babies. I changed my mind about a lot of things over my life span too. I changed my mind about bowing before my Heavenly Father and accepting salvation through the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross. I changed my mind about living to satisfy my own selfishness and began to sacrifice for my family (I have loved every minute of it BTW) etc, etc.

No, you give me a man who having seen the error of his ways, makes the necessary adjustments, repents of his error and as they say, 'flys right'. I can trust a man like Romney anytime above the guy (like Obama) that says, "I believe in butchering babies on demand, and calling it women's rights, and I will always believe in women's rights, and you have my pledge on that." I mean, is this the playground or what? You're gonna try to sell me that an obscure connection to a firm that incinerates human tissue, which needs to be disposed of from hospital proceedures which includes, tumors, the amputated limbs of those with diabetes, diseased tissue resulting from everthing from brown recluse bites to flesh eating bacterias, and unfortunately aborted fetal remains. Is anything remotely as damning as sitting the captains chair while the US Ship of State is actively seeking to upscale it's efforts to provide more and ever increasing ease of access to abortion on demand? :please:

Dishwater would look like sulfuric acid compared to the strength of that argument. :lame:
TheRealThing Wrote:Hitler, Stalin, Herod, none of these made profit from the millions they are directly responsible for murdering either. They're still murdering monsters who have made their mark on history in most grisly manner imaginable. I used to invest in a portfolio of companies through a broker. I couldn't have begun to identify all the companies included in my mutual fund portfolio, that's why I had a broker in the first place. This the nature of Romney's trespass. His broker invested his money for him and you guys are trying to compare him to Vlad the Impaler. If you want somebody that fits the profile just be honest with yourself with regard to Mr Obama. He's the guy with the machete up in front. Not Romney.

Romney has recoginzed the hellish implications of our nation's barbarous assault on innocent infants while, in what God intended to be, the safety of their mother's womb. Wombs have now become killing fields, where, over the last 20 years, at least 30 million unborn children's first and only brief encounter with the outside world, ended their lives in one nightmarish 15 minute medical proceedure. It takes about 15 minutes to cut up a baby and pull out the pieces while still in Mom's womb. The dangerous ones are the ones who will not see the truth of their actions. To keep on pushing for so-called women's rights while president means that president, if he is a two term president, is presiding over the deaths of 12 million babies. I changed my mind about a lot of things over my life span too. I changed my mind about bowing before my Heavenly Father and accepting salvation through the shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross. I changed my mind about living to satisfy my own selfishness and began to sacrifice for my family (I have loved every minute of it BTW) etc, etc.

No, you give me a man who having seen the error of his ways, makes the necessary adjustments, repents of his error and as they say, 'flys right'. I can trust a man like Romney anytime above the guy (like Obama) that says, "I believe in butchering babies on demand, and calling it women's rights, and I will always believe in women's rights, and you have my pledge on that." I mean, is this the playground or what? You're gonna try to sell me that an obscure connection to a firm that incinerates human tissue, which needs to be disposed of from hospital proceedures which includes, tumors, the amputated limbs of those with diabetes, diseased tissue resulting from everthing from brown recluse bites to flesh eating bacterias, and unfortunately aborted fetal remains. Is anything remotely as damning as sitting the captains chair while the US Ship of State is actively seeking to upscale it's efforts to provide more and ever increasing ease of access to abortion on demand? :please:

Dishwater would look like sulfuric acid compared to the strength of that argument. :lame:

oh i see blind trust fund:thatsfunn
vector Wrote:at least he didn't make a profit from it
So killing the innocent is better. That's all I need to know about you
nky Wrote:So killing the innocent is better. That's all I need to know about you

but this is all right
^did President Obama continue the Iraqi policy of the previous administration?
nky Wrote:^did President Obama continue the Iraqi policy of the previous administration?

what's that got to do with anything but he did end it
^ what did Mitt Romney have to do with anything in Iraq?
vector Wrote:oh i see blind trust fund:thatsfunn

Addressing the points of conversation has become the art of bypass with liberals. Pass over 99.5% of the substance in any argument to get to the unsubstantiated rumor part again.
no comment from [Image:]
Gotta blame Bush! It's all Bush's fault!
vector Wrote:what's that got to do with anything but he did end it

Vector, this is why I think you are one of the most intelligent posters on this site. You don't have to go into the big long detailed paragraphs, you simply state your point - a good one at that.
Why are you suddenly using caps, periods, commas, etc....
You said the rules of grammar were stupid...
I got in trouble and have to start using them for now.
The grammar police!!!!
WideMiddle03 Wrote:Vector, this is why I think you are one of the most intelligent posters on this site. You don't have to go into the big long detailed paragraphs, you simply state your point - a good one at that.

Have to hand it to you on that one, you two do speak the same language for sure.
WideMiddle03 Wrote:I got in trouble and have to start using them for now.


Ah man, you couldn't script this stuff if you tried.
WideMiddle03 Wrote:I got in trouble and have to start using them for now.

taken to the wood shed:ChairHit:

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