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Obama's Priorities
4_real Wrote:maybe you should hang up your apron and dust buster and be an english teacher..:please:

Seriously? I would rather be a burger flipper.

"Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach."

And Seger CAN.
Panther Thunder Wrote:^ That's racist.

WideMiddle03 Wrote:no it doesn't congress takes just as much responsibility puls it's republican controlled that means that it won't be running as good

Unbelievable, and just what is it about the word "contingencies" that you don't understand? Money is set aside every year by the congress to take care of emergencies. That's why it is such a lame argument to try to say the president is preoccupied with national disasters. He spends a little time on the photo op and those that work the agencies like FEMA and his subordinates get busy getting relief and such to the victums.

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