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Paintsville @ Magoffin 01-20-06
Now see, I can only post my opinion on this matter & as I am certain everyone knows that no one's opinion counts, except Bill Mike's, so it would be pointless to open that can of worms. Hopefully he will figure it out sooner rather than later. He knows what he must do and deep down he knows who it will take to be successful. He doesn't need a battery of "experts" to show him the way, no one knows this better than he. I look forward to seeing the "real Tigers" play very soon.
I dont see why this would be such a big upset for Magoffin. Like Republican said, Paintsville is either overrated or have too much pressure on them to play the way they can. I do believe it will be a great game to watch, and if Wes Helton can keep from getting into foul trouble and keep his temper in check, I see Magoffin pulling out a victory.
[quote="magoffin fan 25"]I dont see why this would be such a big upset for Magoffin. Like Republican said, Paintsville is either overrated or have too much pressure on them to play the way they can. I do believe it will be a great game to watch, and if Wes Helton can keep from getting into foul trouble and keep his temper in check, I see Magoffin pulling out a victory.[unquote]

Runyon is undoubtedly the best caoch in the region. I don't know why Paintsville has lost so many games. But I know if Magoffin County can slow down the game and put a lot of players on Slone and Grimm they can pull a win. Projected headline - Tigers loses second straight
Tigers by 7
you can coach your heart out... but it is ultimately up to the players to win the game and give the necessary effort and intensity to win... and I'm just not seeing that...
:fight: magoffin by 5+:fight:
"Fuzzy5118" Wrote:Paintsville could win this one by as many as they choose, IF THE BEST COMBINATION IS ON THE FLOOR AT THE SAME TIME & IF THEY CHOOSE TO PLAY TEAM BALL.

IF is a big ole word buddy, IF magoffin had d wade and shaq on there team, they wouldnt lose a game lol

this game is gonna be tense imo, it is going to come down to the mind and will power of MC, hopefully wes helton will keep his temper, and play BASKETBALL, not try to ref the game, im gonna take MC by 4
"reporterforbs" Wrote:... I know if Magoffin County can slow down the game and put a lot of players on Slone and Grimm they can pull a win. Projected headline - Tigers loses second straight

I've been thinking about how a couple of teams have beaten Paintsville by slowing the game down. But I don't think Magoffin will be able to do that. I'm not sure they have the patience for it. I expect an up-tempo game. That's why this one is going to be so fun to watch.

But I still expect Magoffin to win this one.
the tigers by 5+
Lets go with Goffin by 3
"FrAnKeE" Wrote:IF is a big ole word buddy, IF magoffin had d wade and shaq on there team, they wouldnt lose a game lol

this game is gonna be tense imo, it is going to come down to the mind and will power of MC, hopefully wes helton will keep his temper, and play BASKETBALL, not try to ref the game, im gonna take MC by 4

LMAO nice post frank... but i believe this will be a very good game well worth your money to watch..

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