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obama's war on Coal
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You said that the deficit made an $11 trillion swing under Bush, which is wrong. No president, not even Obama has ever rung up an $11 trillion debt. You don't understand the difference in the annual deficit and the national debt. You made another factual blunder and as usual, you are not man enough to admit your mistake. Obama is your kind of candidate. :biglmao:
Social Security numbers aren't in that chart, add them, and what do your have? Of course, you will twist number to suit your need.
4_real Wrote:maybe Rooney knew he was gonna run for prey 1 day and thought "HMMMMM maybe i should go through my couch cushions and see if i can scrounge up a few billion dollars and cut my states deficit so it may look good" although this was all after he bungee corded his dog lassie to the top of his hummer and drove to Kannada
at least he didn't eat the dog:popcorn:
TheRealVille Wrote:Social Security numbers aren't in that chart, add them, and what do your have? Of course, you will twist number to suit your need.
You were wrong about the $11 trillion swing. Was it a mistake or did you lie? BTW, I was mistaken about Clinton and the budget being balanced only one year. See how easy it is to admit a mistake? None of us are perfect. FYI, the budget was never forecast to remain balanced beyond the end of Clinton's term but Bush's spending, especially after Democrats regained control of the House was inexcusable. Still, it does not hold a candle when compared to Obama's spending.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You were wrong about the $11 trillion swing. Was it a mistake or did you lie? BTW, I was mistaken about Clinton and the budget being balanced only one year. See how easy it is to admit a mistake? None of us are perfect. FYI, the budget was never forecast to remain balanced beyond the end of Clinton's term but Bush's spending, especially after Democrats regained control of the House was inexcusable. Still, it does not hold a candle when compared to Obama's spending.
Add the social security surplus into the equation, and you will find the figure I state. Everybody knows you are a Paul Ryan twin, and will twist numbers to suit you ideology, and lie with the numbers if you have to, to make to make republicans look good, and Obama bad.
TheRealVille Wrote:Add the social security surplus into the equation, and you will find the figure I state. Everybody knows you are a Paul Ryan twin, and will twist numbers to suit you ideology, and lie with the numbers if you have to, to make to make republicans look good, and Obama bad.
You're wasting your time, RV. Everybody has witnessed you once again shoot your mouth off about one more thing that you do not understand and then pretend you made no mistake. Bush did not add $11 trillion to the national debt. I know it, you know it, and so does everybody else who has been paying attention. You cannot find fault with Bush's spending and be happy with Obama's much higher deficits. Besides, Bush is not running, even though Obama desperately wants to run against him instead of Romney.
TheRealVille Wrote:Add the social security surplus into the equation, and you will find the figure I state. Everybody knows you are a Paul Ryan twin, and will twist numbers to suit you ideology, and lie with the numbers if you have to, to make to make republicans look good, and Obama bad.

And now Hoot's second account is going to reply. Just how are the numbers twisted? Do you think this deficit is just some made up fairy tale? Go take a look at the U.S. debt clock. It looks like a video game, but it's real! It's freaky to watch and even more frightening to think that our president has his priorities elsewhere. You cannot deny the deficit. You cannot deny the unemployment rate, the fact that jobless claims are increase faster than new jobs. The rates are the rates, and when they keep going down, that shows that something is wrong. Of course, Obama's fanatics seem to think that's a good thing.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You're wasting your time, RV. Everybody has witnessed you once again shoot your mouth off about one more thing that you do not understand and then pretend you made no mistake. Bush did not add $11 trillion to the national debt. I know it, you know it, and so does everybody else who has been paying attention. You cannot find fault with Bush's spending and be happy with Obama's much higher deficits. Besides, Bush is not running, even though Obama desperately wants to run against him instead of Romney.
The surplus, including the social security surplus was 5T when Clinton left office. Tell us what it was when Bush2 left.
TheRealVille Wrote:The surplus, including the social security surplus was 5T when Clinton left office. Tell us what it was when Bush2 left.

The national debt Nov 15, 2000 was 5.7 trillion. On Nov 15, 2008 it was 10.6 trillion. Obama added nearly a trillion to the national debt less than 30 days into his term with his ARRA legislation.
vector Wrote:what's the diffrence in raising fees or taxs? don't they both raise revenue
and by the way this was before he signed GROVER NORQUIST ANTI TAX PLEDGE THE MAN WHO RUNS THE REPUBLICAN PARTY obamas health care
mandaite that could be consider a fee?Confusedhh:

Like I said before Romney didn't sign the anti tax pledge, YOU POSTED THE ARTICLE YOURSELF, read it.
I posted the why there is a difference between fees and taxes, you're grammar and spelling is like day and night better today however, your reading skills still seem to be woesfully inadequate.
TheRealVille Wrote:The surplus, including the social security surplus was 5T when Clinton left office. Tell us what it was when Bush2 left.
We were discussing budget deficits. Now that you know that you were wrong and refuse to own up to your mistake, I can only assume that you lied and were caught again. Just another reminder - Bush is not running for president and Obama has never been eligible to run against him. You might as well stop trying to match them up. If you and Obama continue this focus on Bush, Romney is going to leave your man in the dust.
TheRealThing Wrote:The national debt Nov 15, 2000 was 5.7 trillion. On Nov 15, 2008 it was 10.6 trillion. Obama added nearly a trillion to the national debt less than 30 days into his term with his ARRA legislation.
More republican lying with numbers?

Quote:WASHINGTON, May 1 (UPI) -- Tax cuts, wars, recessions and spending are the primary culprits in the current U.S. budget deficit mess, analyses of Congressional Budget Office data show.

The Washington Post reported Sunday the United States went from projected annual surpluses in January 2001 that the CBO said would have wiped out the nation's debt within several years to owing more than $14 trillion with trillions more on the horizon because of choices made by both Republican and Democratic political leaders.

The Post said while polls show most Americans blame wasteful federal programs for the red ink, routine bumps in defense and domestic spending account for only about 15 percent of the problem.

Two recessions torpedoed the stream of income tax revenues that had the government on solid footing. The combination of tax cuts under President George W. Bush and President Obama and recessionary losses totaled about $6.3 trillion in revenues that never appeared, the review of CBO data shows.

Bush administration spending decisions added 12 percent and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan piled on $1.3 trillion, the Post said.

The addition of a prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients under Bush added another $272 billion while Obama's economic stimulus contributed $719 billion, or 6 percent of the total shift, the analysis of CBO data by the non-profit Pew Fiscal Analysis Initiative found.

A separate Washington Post analysis of CBO information found the Obama administration policies added a total of $1.7 trillion. Bush-era policies account for more than $7 trillion, the Post review found.

President Bill Clinton's treasury secretary, Robert Rubin, told the Post the best idea for the surplus would have been a reinforcement of Social Security, but the idea of reducing taxes was very appealing.

"The problem was a whole other part of the political spectrum wanted to use the surplus for tax cuts," Rubin said. "They said they wanted to give the people back their money. Of course, it was also the people's debt."

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Business_News/2011/05...z25YUtWC9w

TheRealThing Wrote:The national debt Nov 15, 2000 was 5.7 trillion. On Nov 15, 2008 it was 10.6 trillion. Obama added nearly a trillion to the national debt less than 30 days into his term with his ARRA legislation.
today it crossed the $16 trillion mark:yikes:
TheRealVille Wrote:More republican lying with numbers?

any nothing happened in 2001 to change the direction of this country?
TheRealVille Wrote:More republican lying with numbers?

You are the only person who I have seen trying to lie with numbers tonight. You were called out on it and changed the subject. What's this, your version of the "everybody does it " defense? Confusednicker:
TheRealVille Wrote:The surplus, including the social security surplus was 5T when Clinton left office. Tell us what it was when Bush2 left.

:hilarious: You can't give Clinton credit for the social security fund RV.

Clinton ran deficits throught all 8 years of his term, and one can go to the US Treasury Department and look through the history of the total outstanding debt through Clintons term. Every year Clinton was in office, the total national debt continued to climb.

How Clinton managed to claim a surplus was that while the general operating budgets ran deficits, Clinton borrowed from numerous off budget funds, to make the on budget fund a surplus.

For example, in 2000, Clinton claimed a $230B surplus, but Clinton borrowed
$152.3B from Social Security
$30.9B from Civil Service Retirement Fund
$18.5B from Federal Supplementary Medical insurance Trust Fund
$15.0B from Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund
$9.0B from the Federal Unemployment Trust Fund
$8.2B from Military Retirement Fund
$3.8B from Transportation Trust Funds
$1.8B from Employee Life Insurance & Retirement fund
$7.0B from others

Total borrowed from off budget funds $246.5B, meaning that his $230B surplus is actually a $16.5B deficit.
($246.5B borrowed - $230B claimed surplus = $16.5B actual deficit).
TheRealVille Wrote:More republican lying with numbers?



So, anything that refutes your opinion is a republican lie? Ever heard of paranoia? The Obama reelection site is only gonna keep filling your head with lies RV.
TheRealThing Wrote:http://www.treasurydirect.gov/NP/NPGateway

So, anything that refutes your opinion is a republican lie? Ever heard of paranoia? The Obama reelection site is only gonna keep filling your head with lies RV.
...and RV will keep repeating them.
TheRealVille Wrote:All that while his state was 47th in job creation under his watch. How so? :biggrin:

I really do appreciate your posts cause they always give me the opportunity to refute yet another democrat talking point. Here is what the fact checkers came up with today with regard to the brain rot that passes for democrat discussion on the issues. First, when Romney took office, Massachusetts was actually 50th nationally in jobs creation. When he left office 4 years later Masssachusetts was 28th in the nation in jobs creation, not 47th. The dems have no honor, in the way they govern or the way they assassinate the reputations of any who would run against them. It's really sad.
TheRealThing Wrote:Like I said before Romney didn't sign the anti tax pledge, YOU POSTED THE ARTICLE YOURSELF, read it.
I posted the why there is a difference between fees and taxes, you're grammar and spelling is like day and night better today however, your reading skills still seem to be woesfully inadequate.

but he has signed it now right what did you post?
TheRealVille Wrote:BTW, how many times did Romney mention the troops or the wars in his acceptance speech? I'll answer for you, none.
Crickets. Confusednicker: Remind me again on how long it's been since a Presidential candidate hasn't mentioned the troops?
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