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obama's war on Coal
Polling is showing other wise
HOOT, typical conservative, always steering away from the REAL issues instead of taking it head on..GAYS AND ABORTIONS!!!!
Who needs Abortions? A woman's body can diagnose a Legit rape.
To think I thought it was jobs, economy, rising national debt.
You forgot hatred of women issues also
only issue women have is what their gonna cook for dinner,
nky Wrote:Polling is showing other wise

I thought you guys used the Gallup?

Which has Obama at 1% ahead right now.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Your many on here, Were many Nationally. Which is why Obama will win the election.
I think that you are underestimating the intelligence of the American people.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I thought you guys used the Gallup?

Which has Obama at 1% ahead right now.
Wrong. Both Gallup and Rasmussen have Romney ahead nationally.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Wrong. Both Gallup and Rasmussen have Romney ahead nationally.


4_real Wrote:only issue women have is what their gonna cook for dinner,
Not the way my wife cooks. By the way how's the weather in Pikeville?
i was there earlier..was raining
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Umm?

You're right. I was looking at an older link but both polls are well within the margin of error and the Gallup poll still consists of registered voters. Now that Romney has the nomination, he can start outspending Obama on ads. He is in much better shape than Reagan was in 1980 at this point and we all know how that race turned out. No incumbent has won reelection with an unemployment rate of 8 percent or more since the Great Depression. Romney is much smarter and a much harder worker than Obama. He will not beat himself.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You're right. I was looking at an older link but both polls are well within the margin of error and the Gallup poll still consists of registered voters. Now that Romney has the nomination, he can start outspending Obama on ads. He is in much better shape than Reagan was in 1980 at this point and we all know how that race turned out. No incumbent has won reelection with an unemployment rate of 8 percent or more since the Great Depression. Romney is much smarter and a much harder worker than Obama. He will not beat himself.

Geez, So they was perfectly fine until you seen that obama was leading in one. come on hoot, your better than that.

Anyways. I guess we will know in a couple of months.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Geez, So they was perfectly fine until you seen that obama was leading in one. come on hoot, your better than that.

Anyways. I guess we will know in a couple of months.
You're slipping, WC. Your posts are starting to look like some of those clones. You're better than that. Confusednicker:

The Gallup poll is a seven-day average, so it is still not a post-convention poll. Romney has the momentum and according to RealClearPolitics, Obama's lead has been shrinking and he now leads by only 0.3% nationally. Like I said, Romney has a big edge in money in the bank and he will outspend Obama between now and the election. And then there is the Biden factor. Time is running out to replace him on the ticket with somebody competent.

When Ryan gets finished with him in their debate, many people will be afraid to vote to put Biden within a heartbeat of the presidency. That debate is going to be a beat down and the Romney/Obama debates will not be much better for Democrats. Obama's record is indefensible and Romney will make him defend it anyway.
^ you'd do ok if you were trying to sell ketchup popsicles to a woman in white gloves..we aint buying it
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You're slipping, WC. Your posts are starting to look like some of those clones. You're better than that. Confusednicker:

The Gallup poll is a seven-day average, so it is still not a post-convention poll. Romney has the momentum and according to RealClearPolitics, Obama's lead has been shrinking and he now leads by only 0.3% nationally. Like I said, Romney has a big edge in money in the bank and he will outspend Obama between now and the election. And then there is the Biden factor. Time is running out to replace him on the ticket with somebody competent.

When Ryan gets finished with him in their debate, many people will be afraid to vote to put Biden within a heartbeat of the presidency. That debate is going to be a beat down and the Romney/Obama debates will not be much better for Democrats. Obama's record is indefensible and Romney will make him defend it anyway.

Only use statistics when there in your favor. GOP Rule number 1.

Romney will come no where near dominating Obama in a debate.

As for biden. Well that's unseen.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Only use statistics when there in your favor. GOP Rule number 1.

Romney will come no where near dominating Obama in a debate.

As for biden. Well that's unseen.
In the past 4 years, Obama has proven himself to be an idiot. In the last round of presidential debates, he had no record to defend and McCain ran such a timid campaign that he did not attack Obama's shady past. Romney will force Obama to defend his record and Ryan will force Joe Biden to defend Obama's record. It is really a no-win situation and if Romney decides to make Biden's incompetence a focus of his campaign, the way that Obama targeted Palin, then the only thing Romney will need to worry about is the sympathy vote for those who pity poor Biden. The Moron Ticket may win, but if it does, then this country is finished as an economic and military superpower.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Wide middle03 is just one of Wide rights friends here to act stupid.

So here is the post you were referring to. I had no hesitance saying that I had connections to I am the genius, and WideZero (both college roomates). I do not have any outside connections to Middle. I enjoy goofing off on just about any sports thread, but not so much on the political threads. Judging from Middle's posts in the sports threads I believe he is either a fan of Cov Cath or Simon Kenton, but he is not a "lowlands" fan.

It's not out of the question for me that he could be a duplicate though. Sometimes I wonder if Vector and TRV are the same person.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You're slipping, WC. Your posts are starting to look like some of those clones. You're better than that. Confusednicker:

The Gallup poll is a seven-day average, so it is still not a post-convention poll. Romney has the momentum and according to RealClearPolitics, Obama's lead has been shrinking and he now leads by only 0.3% nationally. Like I said, Romney has a big edge in money in the bank and he will outspend Obama between now and the election. And then there is the Biden factor. Time is running out to replace him on the ticket with somebody competent.

When Ryan gets finished with him in their debate, many people will be afraid to vote to put Biden within a heartbeat of the presidency. That debate is going to be a beat down and the Romney/Obama debates will not be much better for Democrats. Obama's record is indefensible and Romney will make him defend it anyway.

Not if the let the liar and chief us a teleprompter and give him a copy of the question a day ahead of the debate. If the don't. he will sound like. Uhm dah dah hum well hum dah dah dah well its Bush's fault that i have golfed so much and not met with my job duh duh duh for duh dee dee for months. I know the debt raised 6 trillion duh duh dollars but bush duh dee dee was the reason du duh.
4_real Wrote:^ you'd do ok if you were trying to sell ketchup popsicles to a woman in white gloves..we aint buying it

LOL, :thatsfunn You'll be buying it before much longer if you were referring to Hoot's post. There is an absoute avalanche of broken promises Obama made and off the wall, fly your face statements, coming by way of TV ads. The thing is they are irrefutable. I mean, it's Obama talking. He loves the sound of his own voice so much he has scarcely shut up in the past 4 years, even when there was a hot mic nearby. Confusednicker:
Benchwarmer Wrote:Not if the let the liar and chief us a teleprompter and give him a copy of the question a day ahead of the debate. If the don't. he will sound like. Uhm dah dah hum well hum dah dah dah well its Bush's fault that i have golfed so much and not met with my job duh duh duh for duh dee dee for months. I know the debt raised 6 trillion duh duh dollars but bush duh dee dee was the reason du duh.
Yes, you raise a good point. The moderators that will be working the debates have an extreme bias in favor of Obama. The possibility of cheating is always there when we are talking about liberal Democrats. In a real, unscripted debate moderated by objective journalists, Obama would stand no chance.
[QUOTE=Hoot Gibson;1483531]Yes, you raise a good point. The moderators that will be working the debates have an extreme bias in favor of Obama. The possibility of cheating is always there when we are talking about liberal Democrats. In a real, unscripted debate moderated by objective journalists, Obama would stand no chance.[/QUOTE]

Lol So now we cheat? You guys are insane.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Lol So now we cheat? You guys are insane.
Yet we each make do with a single account. As I said, we are many, you are few. Without the clones, you are fewer.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Lol So now we cheat? You guys are insane.

No YOU don't. You just don't realize that the big boy dems do, and what makes their lies and cheating so successful are the sincere lies being put out by the main stream media which, always back them up. Not everything they say is a lie. But, you let their boy get in touble, as he did with the "you didn't build that" oratory, they will come to his aid and make the 'out of context argument' or do the best they can to diffuse the worst of it. Elisabeth Warren, the nut case from Harvard, is the mommy of that rationale, Obama is the one who got burned for it when he decided to run with it.
Obama watched Clinton lie for 8 years while maintaining his popularity and avoid getting booted from office. Unfortunately for him, Obama is not a good liar and neither is his staff. It was hiarious watching his surrogates repeatedly change the subject this morning on the morning talk shows when they were asked the simple question, "Are Americans better off than they were when President Obama took office." Their inability to answer that question with a simple "Yes" is the reason that Obama will lose in November. No other question really matters.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Obama watched Clinton lie for 8 years while maintaining his popularity and avoid getting booted from office. Unfortunately for him, Obama is not a good liar and neither is his staff. It was hiarious watching his surrogates repeatedly change the subject this morning on the morning talk shows when they were asked the simple question, "Are Americans better off than they were when President Obama took office." Their inability to answer that question with a simple "Yes" is the reason that Obama will lose in November. No other question really matters.

What is equally hilarious is they thing they are so clever their dodges go by slickly unnoticed by us common folks.
TheRealThing Wrote:What is equally hilarious is they thing they are so clever their dodges go by slickly unnoticed by us common folks.
I don't think that intelligent people are missing the fact that they are not better off than they were 4 years ago.

When Maryland's Democratic Governor, Martin O'Malley, was asked the question this morning, he answered, "No, but that's not the question of this election. "

Of course he followed up his answer with a string of Obama talking points, but he must have missed the order not to admit that we are not better off than we were when Obama took office - no matter how many times the question is asked.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Yet we each make do with a single account. As I said, we are many, you are few. Without the clones, you are fewer.

The liberals clone themselves on here - just like they do at the voting booth.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I don't think that intelligent people are missing the fact that they are not better off than they were 4 years ago.

When Maryland's Democratic Governor, Martin O'Malley, was asked the question this morning, he answered, "No, but that's not the question of this election. "

Of course he followed up his answer with a string of Obama talking points, but he must have missed the order not to admit that we are not better off than we were when Obama took office - no matter how many times the question is asked.

Dems are bound by party to put party over nation. A bunch of bozos in love with themselves is the best one could say about them.
Glad to see our new President said that we will completely go energy independent.

Nice to see a man want coal, and all other resources.

In all honesty, how could a dem vote for a man that has Biden as his vice?
If something happens to Obama, do you really trust Joe Biden as pres?
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