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Allen Central @ Jenkins 8/24
Jenkins by 20.
The new and improved Cav's take this one by 1 if not 2 TD's. Go Cav's!!!!
Jenkins with the 'W'
I'm gonna say AC wins this by one score. Sure jenkins blew out phelps but KCC beat phelps in a scrimage so i'm not so high on jenkins just yet.
Jenkins starts the season 2-0 as it shows they can put points up on the board.
Allen Cent 28 Jenkins 22.
This is going to be a very good game. Jenkins starting the season off with a blowout against phelps. Allen Central yet to play a game this season. Jenkins is the home team so that makes you think Jenkins may have a chance to win the game especially considering how well they play last week, but I am going to pick Allen Central in a wild one 48-42. It could go the other way though. Who knows.
Allen Centrals backfield will take to jenkins in this one. Their line dide a great job in the last scrimmage against south floyd and magoffin Both of those teams having a strong line as well. The majoeity of ac's runs in the scrimmage were between 8 and 12 yards a carry. no matter who was running the ball
Allen Central
Jenkins by 1 TD
Allen Central.
Jenkins by 12
MVP2 Wrote:Allen Central.

jenkins goes two and 0 for the first time i can remember in my lifetime.:please:
Jenkins 31

Allen Central 7
Jenkins big.
Unlike last year, this years match-up should be a more competitive football game. I think it will stay close, but I believe Jenkins will win this one at home. Good luck to both teams tomorrow night.
I want Jenkins to win but, I think that Allen Central is the better team. The win against Phelps did not really prove that much to me other than how bad of a team Phelps is this season.

Allen Central - 28

Jenkins - 21
go jenkins
CAVS by 6
Jenkins 20-6
Jenkins blew out a horrible Phelps team this year, now they have this huge hype about them for some reason. They're going against a solid hard nosed Allen Central.
Its seems a bunch of people really want to see jenkins suceed. That is a good sign for a struggling program
Allen Central 42-14
Looking for a 2-0 start to the season for the Cav's. GO CAV'S!!!!
I want Jenkins but see Central winning, 42-14.
Jenkins 38 AC 16 Final. Jenkins with a 22 point win and goes 2-0 for the first time since 1993.

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