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Can I get advice? My spouse hates football!
I can't wait for football tonight at 7pm, but my spouse hates football and our son playing the game. Am I all alone out here or are there other families that are split on this issue? I understand the concerns of my spouse, and the recent concussion issues have not helped, but I have a tremendous respect for the game and what teamwork in a setting like football does for the development of a young man. Maybe I should have more concerns too??? Do I have the only split family and what concerns should we have for our young men?
My wife wasn't a big fan, but as son as our son played his first LL Football Game she was hooked. If watching her son won't work, not sure you'll ever get her over to your side.
I can understand the perspective that you wife has. Football is a dangerous sport, and quite physical, with injuries (small or large) happening in nearly every game.

It is; however, so much more than just a game. Boys learn (albeit not KNOWING that they are learning) things like teamwork...being a part of something bigger than they are, trust and hopefully develop relationships that will help determine and positively impact parts of the rest of their life. If you're lucky enough to have a good coach, I would tend to trust the game. I really believe that the coaching staff determines the outcome of player's experience.

Life lessons from football are like no other in sports.
Resilience. You are going to get knocked down, are you going to get up? Lost my job once felt like I got knocked down. Had to get back up, the electric bill doesn't pay itself.
Teamwork! You can ride the shirt tail of LaBron James in basketball but let the left guard of the Patriots not pull his weight and see how many yards Tom Brady passes for. At work, the bosses make all the decissions and get the praise or take the blame for the success of the buisness. Let the janitor not take out the trash for a few days and you will learn that everyone on the team has a job.
I think your thread title was supposed to say "HITMAN NEEDED" ... can a mod help this guy?
Can I suggest a good divorce lawyer?
Take the tv and radio out of the kitchen and she won't even know wha you're talkin' about
Aren't you last three posters being a little.......harsh??
You got to smack a hoe sometimes Confusednicker: j/k btw. :biggrin: maybe....
i agree with an above statement. Find a good divorce lawyer, and if she doesnt want to see your kid play football which will be one of the great memories of his life then something is wrong with her.
My spouse hates football also, but I watch it anyway. Along with basketball, golf, ect... Get her a TV in naother room to watch. If you see this baby, I love far as my house is concerned, if the Wife is not happy, then my life becomes difficult. But if she did not want to watch my child play, then her life would be difficult.
Twitter: @tc_analytics

Hi I'm NKY and my wife hates football also. While in collage even though she would come to the games to "watch" me play she always had a book to read and would read it though out the game:biggrin:.
Have her volunteer to work in the concession stand so. That those of us who love it can sit down and enjoy the game. She can help support her son and the team.

.... Or what Thunder Lips said.
I think you should start Tebowing to get her healing, because she is possessed by the Devil!

Get a divorce!!! LOL
I agree find a new wife.
My wife also hated football but now that our son is a jr she has come to like football better she has seen how it has made him grow into good young man, but I'd he's not playing she could care less who's playing
just hope the judge likes football so he can rule on your behalf
Take your girlfriend to the game instead.
Build you a man-cave and be the best husband u can be Tuesday morning -through- Friday night.
^ Couldn't agree more

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