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BGR Fantasy Football League
You all want to do one?

Winner gets bragging rights?

If we can get 10 I will start us one up.
Count me in.
ill go for it
Looks like we won't have a problem..I'll go ahead and create and give you guys the info to sign in.

I will set the Limit at 14
League ID: 513038
League URL:

Password is "wildcats"

Draft is set for Sunday August 26th at 10:00p,...once we get our teams we can decide if we need to change or not
I'm in
Changed my mind i own 1 keeper league now that i'm commisioner of & in another league. Not sure i would have time with work & all.
Maybe next year.
Get Signed Up Guys,
Im in
I'm having trouble getting in.
Now I'm in.
^ lol
Im in, I had a bit of trouble like LWC. go here and enter 513038 as the league ID and the password we got toward the top of this thread.
LWC Wrote:Now I'm in.

Beat me to figuring it out.
was totally going to do it, until it was on yahoo.
Im in
I'm in
One more to be legit,,, but we will take up to 14
lol i had to create a yahoo account to do this.
if anyone would like to email me im runitupthegutbgr@yahoo lol, because runitupthegut@yahoo was already taken. WTF?
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:lol i had to create a yahoo account to do this.
if anyone would like to email me im runitupthegutbgr@yahoo lol, because runitupthegut@yahoo was already taken. WTF?

Male porno stars' email address IYAM
I just joined and at the current moment we have an even amount of teams.
Still looking to do the draft on Sunday Aug 26th???

BTW, we have enough to play now, but spots are still open if anyone else wants in. I will close it Friday.
Random Draft ordeR?
^^^ I get picks 1-4


Random draft order
Man it has been a long time since I've been on here!
Just wondering if there were any more spots open for the league?
Should be . Have a look
-STAT- Wrote:Man it has been a long time since I've been on here!
Just wondering if there were any more spots open for the league?

Yup...if you are an odd number though we will need one more person to balance it out though
Hope we get 10.. 8 team leagues aren't as fun..

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