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Paul Ryan?
Well, Romney chose someone very acceptable to me. However, my vote was never in doubt since I work for a living, pay a lot of income taxes, accept responsibility for my own acts, and receive no welfare booty.

Although he is clearly more qualified for the presidency than was or is Karl Kardashian and he is certainly superior to the senile Biden, I don't know that he was the best choice. He is not "cool" (whatever that moronic word means today) which may turn off the far too many "groupies" who, unfortunately, vote. MSNBC has already started its nonstop effort to demonize him. Fortunately, no one watches MSNBC.

On the other hand, his knowledge of the economy and economics is light years ahead of the socialist Kardashian. And, he is a devout Catholic which, in my opinion, illustrates his deep belief in and dedication to traditional Judeo-Christian tenets.

I hope the undecided will make their decision based upon ability rather than perceived "coolness". We cannot afford to continue Kardashian's agenda of keeping power through his program of stealing from the contributors to give to the deadbeats.

One fact is certain. There is a clear choice.
Just watched Ryan's acceptance speech. This is certainly no light weight. All I can say is WOW!!!!

I think that Ryan is a great choice. Rubio would have also been fine with me but the more I think about it, the more I think Ryan was the right choice. Nobody is better at explaining how Obama's policies are destroying our future. Obama will try to demonize Ryan and falsely accuse him of wanting to take away senior citizens' Medicare and Social Security, but Obama would have demonized any running mate that Romney had chosen.

The truth is, the only alternatives that Obama had in this election was to 1) do the honorable thing and take responsibility for his failures by stepping aside for another Democratic candidate, or 2) run a nasty, dishonest campaign and do whatever it takes to win a second term. Nobody who has been awake for the past four years is surprised that Obama chose option 2.

Obama cannot get elected by running a truthful campaign touting his record and Paul Ryan will force Obama to defend his miserable record. I also like the fact that Obama seems to genuinely hate Paul Ryan and his ideas. Obama will have a hard time focusing on Romney with Ryan harping on his failed policies every day as Biden roams the country committing his trademark gaffes. I look forward to Obama being goaded into taking cheap shots at Ryan.

I still think that there is a pretty good chance that Obama will dump Biden from the ticket in an October surprise. It is hard to imagine Biden not embarrassing the Democratic Party as the campaign heats up and the debates begin.
"Our rights come from nature and God, not government."

"We promise equal oppotunities, not equal results."

Hoot Gibson Wrote:I think that Ryan is a great choice. Rubio would have also been fine with me but the more I think about it, the more I think Ryan was the right choice. Nobody is better at explaining how Obama's policies are destroying our future. Obama will try to demonize Ryan and falsely accuse him of wanting to take away senior citizens' Medicare and Social Security, but Obama would have demonized any running mate that Romney had chosen.

The truth is, the only alternatives that Obama had in this election was to 1) do the honorable thing and take responsibility for his failures by stepping aside for another Democratic candidate, or 2) run a nasty, dishonest campaign and do whatever it takes to win a second term. Nobody who has been awake for the past four years is surprised that Obama chose option 2.

Obama cannot get elected by running a truthful campaign touting his record and Paul Ryan will force Obama to defend his miserable record. I also like the fact that Obama seems to genuinely hate Paul Ryan and his ideas. Obama will have a hard time focusing on Romney with Ryan harping on his failed policies every day as Biden roams the country committing his trademark gaffes. I look forward to Obama being goaded into taking cheap shots at Ryan.

I still think that there is a pretty good chance that Obama will dump Biden from the ticket in an October surprise. It is hard to imagine Biden not embarrassing the Democratic Party as the campaign heats up and the debates begin.
I think you can take that one to the bank. I doubt that we will ever see a Ryan/Biden Vice Presidential debate. Ryan would eat Obama alive in a one on one debate and I can only imagine how badly he will humiliate Biden if that for some reason ever does comes to pass..
Paul Ryan is a great choice. He is well spoken, he knows the issues and can defend his position, he knows the budget and economic issues, he has name recognition that will help, he young, energenic. Very solid
Bob Seger Wrote:"Our rights come from nature and God, not government."

"We promise equal oppotunities, not equal results."


These two statements reveal Ryan's philosophy. Barry's philosophy is quite different.

As Harry Rex said, there is a clear choice. Let's hope that voters are mature enough to understand the difference.
Bob Seger Wrote:I think you can take that one to the bank. I doubt that we will ever see a Ryan/Biden Vice Presidential debate. Ryan would eat Obama alive in a one on one debate and I can only imagine how badly he will humiliate Biden if that for some reason ever does comes to pass..
I agree, Bob. Obama does not want to confront Ryan one-on-one in a battle of wits. I can't imagine that he wants to see Ryan thrash the floor with Biden.

As you, I also liked Ryan's statement that our rights come from God and nature. I refuse to believe that the majority of Americans do not still believe in that basic founding principle of this nation - they just need a strong leader to remind them from time to time. We have had no such leader on the ticket since Ronald Reagan, IMO, but I think Ryan may fit that mold.
Truth Wrote:These two statements reveal Ryan's philosophy. Barry's philosophy is quite different.

As Harry Rex said, there is a clear choice. Let's hope that voters are mature enough to understand the difference.

As well as reinforce the basic philosophies that this country was built on.
Dear Vector Et Al................
AS a public service, you'll find your talking points here
Best selection for Romney!
PineapplePete Wrote:Best selection for Romney!
Welcome to the Politics and Current Events forum. If you were following this forum before joining BGR, then you know that the overwhelming majority of members who are active here are conservatives and Romney supporters. Maybe with the campaign rhetoric heating up, we will see more participation by liberal Obama supporters, but I think most of them are too embarrassed by our Commander-in-Chief's record and dishonest campaign tactics to defend them here. :biggrin:
This is an awesome choice for Romney. He has ripped and shredded obama to pieces on the health care debate. I find it funny that liberals are criticizing him for his "lack of private sector experience." After all, obama certainly came in with loads of experience, right?
WideRight05 Wrote:This is an awesome choice for Romney. He has ripped and shredded obama to pieces on the health care debate. I find it funny that liberals are criticizing him for his "lack of private sector experience." After all, obama certainly came in with loads of experience, right?

It's just the liberal modus operandi of choice in action. They simply had to come up with something to 'tag' him with ASAP! Ryan was the best choice, not only for the republican ticket but, for America as well.
My only question as an Independent/"fence-straddling-voter" is how he helps to reach across party lines?

For me, from what I have heard, he sounds great, and honestly, sounds like a better Presidential candidate than Romney. BUT will he be enough of a name/face for people that show up on election day with no knowledge and pick a name they have heard of?
In case anyone is confused, I am a voter that dislikes Romney AND Obama and will probably vote for Romney because of Ryan because liking 1/2 is better than liking 0/2. So if you see me bashing Reps one day and then bashing Dems the next, it is because I am fed up with both parties, lol.
LWC Wrote:In case anyone is confused, I am a voter that dislikes Romney AND Obama and will probably vote for Romney because of Ryan because liking 1/2 is better than liking 0/2. So if you see me bashing Reps one day and then bashing Dems the next, it is because I am fed up with both parties, lol.

Actually LWC, when it comes right down to it, you are probably a member of the majority with those feelings. I can relate to what you are saying.
LWC Wrote:My only question as an Independent/"fence-straddling-voter" is how he helps to reach across party lines?

For me, from what I have heard, he sounds great, and honestly, sounds like a better Presidential candidate than Romney. BUT will he be enough of a name/face for people that show up on election day with no knowledge and pick a name they have heard of?

That may very well be a fact.
LWC Wrote:My only question as an Independent/"fence-straddling-voter" is how he helps to reach across party lines?

For me, from what I have heard, he sounds great, and honestly, sounds like a better Presidential candidate than Romney. BUT will he be enough of a name/face for people that show up on election day with no knowledge and pick a name they have heard of?

No doubt there are quite a few voters that have never heard of Ryan. However, I would suggest those who cannot identify him are more likely to be straight ticket types. With the ObamaCare fight and all the budget bru-ha-ha, I can't imagine any one who having followed recent events, would not be at least somewhat familiar with Paul Ryan. And, if the republicans regain control of the senate, and the odds are good, VP Ryan will truly be in the most ideal position to reach across the aisle. The problem is, will there be any stretched out hands over there to recieve him.
you all talk about health care ration and death panels
just let this become the law
People who arent lazy and actually work doesnt need help with insurance.
I have no trouble paying for and affording mine.
vector Wrote:you all talk about health care ration and death panels
just let this become the law

A lot of the problem with ObamaCare is funding issues. There is no way to pay for it. The current administration swiped/stole over 750 billion dollars from medicare funding to fund universal health care. The medicare laws on the books represent duly enacted health care laws, funded by due process in the US Congress. The travesty here is that the folks who depend on medicare, and have worked their whole lives believing they would recieve certain benefits because of their sacrifice and contributions to the medicare system and their country in general, will in fact, be denied these benefits. All so Mr O can usher the listless up to the head of the line. Heck with those old people, they can't do anything. I hope they all vote this November.

This administration believes they have the right to redefine what medicare benefits these folks will now recieve, even though they worked their whole lives under a system the Obama administration has decided to gut, in order to finance the ultimate monument to the great Obama ego, ObamaCare. If losing one's pension, or having one's IRA wiped out by doubious dealings on Wall Street is wrong. How can folks condone this action?

It's incredible to me to listen to people try to talk others into accepting ObamaCare like it's a good thing. But, please explain to us briefly a few things you are worried about with Paul Ryan's budget proposal.
[quote=TheRealThing]A lot of the problem with ObamaCare is funding issues. There is no way to pay for it. The current administration swiped/stole over 750 billion dollars from medicare funding to fund universal health care. The medicare laws on the books represent duly enacted health care laws, funded by due process in the US Congress. The travesty here is that the folks who depend on medicare, and have worked their whole lives believing they would recieve certain benefits because of their sacrifice and contributions to the medicare system and their country in general, will in fact, be denied these benefits. All so Mr O can usher the listless up to the head of the line. Heck with those old people, they can't do anything. I hope they all vote this November.

This administration believes they have the right to redefine what medicare benefits these folks will now recieve, even though they worked their whole lives under a system the Obama administration has decided to gut, in order to finance the ultimate monument to the great Obama ego, ObamaCare. If losing one's pension, or having one's IRA wiped out by doubious dealings on Wall Street is wrong. How can folks condone this action?

It's incredible to me to listen to people try to talk others into accepting ObamaCare like it's a good thing. But, please explain to us briefly a few things you are worried about with Paul Ryan's budget proposal.[/QU
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:People who arent lazy and actually work doesnt need help with insurance.
I have no trouble paying for and affording mine.

i don't believe you realy know what medicare is
TheRealThing Wrote:A lot of the problem with ObamaCare is funding issues. There is no way to pay for it. The current administration swiped/stole over 750 billion dollars from medicare funding to fund universal health care. The medicare laws on the books represent duly enacted health care laws, funded by due process in the US Congress. The travesty here is that the folks who depend on medicare, and have worked their whole lives believing they would recieve certain benefits because of their sacrifice and contributions to the medicare system and their country in general, will in fact, be denied these benefits. All so Mr O can usher the listless up to the head of the line. Heck with those old people, they can't do anything. I hope they all vote this November.

This administration believes they have the right to redefine what medicare benefits these folks will now recieve, even though they worked their whole lives under a system the Obama administration has decided to gut, in order to finance the ultimate monument to the great Obama ego, ObamaCare. If losing one's pension, or having one's IRA wiped out by doubious dealings on Wall Street is wrong. How can folks condone this action?

It's incredible to me to listen to people try to talk others into accepting ObamaCare like it's a good thing. But, please explain to us briefly a few things you are worried about with Paul Ryan's budget proposal.
It does not surprise me that people who pay no federal taxes and whose job prospects are dim, even if they have a desire to work for a living, support Obamacare. They are a product of a defective public education system that has created an environment where students expectations are lowered for at least 10 years. At that point, many future moochers drop out of school and others stay enrolled for more advanced liberal indoctrination.

If the election is competitive in November, then the days of democracy in America are numbered. With each bump in the road, whether the bump is a recession or war, an increasing number of poorly educated moochers show a growing tolerance for tyranny in exchange for a handout and false sense of security.
I'm just wondering if the "usual" suspects on here that didn't miss a chance to pounce on Obama's flubbed introduction of Joe Biden as vice President, are going to return the favor with Romney?
Bob Seger Wrote:Actually LWC, when it comes right down to it, you are probably a member of the majority with those feelings. I can relate to what you are saying.

LWC, I guess I need to clarify myself a little more. While Romney has never been my choice from out of the republican pool, he has always been a clear cut choice over Obama. I personally consider Obama as the most vile, evil, destructive and dishonest peson who has ever set behind the desk on 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.....I think there are many of us who feel that the republican party has veered a little too much to the left for our liking. Thus, the emergence of the Tea Party. I have supported Romney based on the fact that he is the only option that we have to oust this would be socialist dictator from office. I have just not been overly excited about the option. BUT, for me, with Ryan now part of the ticket, I am relieved, encouraged, and excited that we now have someone who shares the fiscal values that I feel, at least gives us a chance to turn things around and save this country from financial dissolvement. I really feel that with Obama still at the helm, by the end of a lame duck second term, we will be a full fledged socialist country in every aspect. This is one of the most important and vital elections ever to be held in the country, as it may very well determine whether this nation can financialy survive or not. Drastic changes have got to be made in policy in this country, or we have absolutely no chance.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:It does not surprise me that people who pay no federal taxes and whose job prospects are dim, even if they have a desire to work for a living, support Obamacare. They are a product of a defective public education system that has created an environment where students expectations are lowered for at least 10 years. At that point, many future moochers drop out of school and others stay enrolled for more advanced liberal indoctrination.

If the election is competitive in November, then the days of democracy in America are numbered. With each bump in the road, whether the bump is a recession or war, an increasing number of poorly educated moochers show a growing tolerance for tyranny in exchange for a handout and false sense of security.

Very well said, and should the indoctrination you mention remain unchallenged, the days of democracy are numbered in any event. I did my best to prep my kids coming up through the system and still had some trouble getting one of them past the secular humanistic propaganda. It takes some effort to match the daily drumbeat of the liberal message.
When Romney starts talking about his "Muslim faith" or talking about the 57 states in the USA, then I will start worrying.

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