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Cordia Hype - Rising Again.
KHSAA12 Wrote:I've seen a couple of the new kids(3 from jersey,1 from Bryan Station). All decent players, kid from station stands out the most(6'2-6'3 pg). They have a solid team now if everyone is eligible. Just need a star. People have been making a big deal over some kid from ny they said was comin in, but Ive yet to see him here so idk. Have to see once school starts. I'll say this though Rhodes honestly is tryin to turn this whole thing around. Hope it get done.

Soundsl like he is "HONESTLY" trying to turn it around. LOL.
^ I heard bring in a new coach as well...
^ Lawrence. Former UNLV player.
KHSAA12 Wrote:I've seen a couple of the new kids(3 from jersey,1 from Bryan Station).

Who from Station?
ekff Wrote:Hazard didn't have Jaysean Paige and lose first round district... Nothing u can say..... Best player in the 14th region since Ben Bowling...... Perry people just have to shut up and take it, they messed that one up..... But all was saying is that may hurt Perry's recruiting, kid may say "hey they couldn't win with Jaysean!"

Plus I believe when Hazard recruits, most of the time we do pretty good with them...

P.S. District Titles.... LOL..... Oh yeah ur school hangs banners for District Titles, don't they? LOL @ District Banners

Hazard had it in the bag the year of 04-05. They blew a ten point lead in the 4th to PCC.

So we can go on with this crap for days. Let PCC and Hazard meet and lets let the game do the talking. :Thumbs:
Ballers Wrote:Hazard had it in the bag the year of 04-05. They blew a ten point lead in the 4th to PCC.

So we can go on with this crap for days. Let PCC and Hazard meet and lets let the game do the talking. :Thumbs:

I do remember that game, actually I was playing in that game! But I don't remember a 10 point lead... But I can check the tape for you!

In 05-06 Perry had a 8 point lead with 3 minutes left... We(Hazard) won by 7... What's ur point?

But OK I have no problem waiting and seeing what happens...
I heard some kids from Jersey enrolled at HHS today
I kill myself sometimes
zaga_fan Wrote:I heard some kids from Jersey enrolled at HHS today

Yeah his name is Jayshawn Paige... Hazard pulled some of that Perry magic and found a way to change his credits around.
Pretty sure it was the year of 04-05 EKFF.

Hoskins was making 3s from deep all game long..
In the end, Chaney and Combs was just too much..
And yes, I'm sure you where in that game. You may want to check the tape after all cause it was definitely a 10 point deficit - if not more.
OrangenowBlue Wrote:Soundsl like he is "HONESTLY" trying to turn it around. LOL.

I'm glad you love stuffing your big nose in the Cordia threads.
Cause honestly, it's the only team LCC is better than haha.
Ballers Wrote:I'm glad you love stuffing your big nose in the Cordia threads.
Cause honestly, it's the only team LCC is better than haha.

Since you welched on your bet from last season, I "Honestly" consider you dishonest and not credible. As far as Cordia goes that was my first post and this may be my last, but don't get your hopes up.
I don't see what Ballers' fascination with LCC is.
They are the clear cut #2 in that District and always seem to at least challenge KCC.
They will make it to region and according to the draw they could be favored to win a game.
Once you get there you never know what could happen
zaga_fan Wrote:I don't see what Ballers' fascination with LCC is.
They are the clear cut #2 in that District and always seem to at least challenge KCC.
They will make it to region and according to the draw they could be favored to win a game.
Once you get there you never know what could happen

FYI. Cordia has about 7 new players. A new assistant who played at UNLV. Gonna be the same song again as soon as these kids realize what they've gotten themselves into and they'll start leaving. Knott will have a good year especially since they are playing in the ALL-A this season. Gonna end up between Knott and Hazard or Knott and Breathitt.
knottcountyinsider Wrote:FYI. Cordia has about 7 new players. A new assistant who played at UNLV. Gonna be the same song again as soon as these kids realize what they've gotten themselves into and they'll start leaving. Knott will have a good year especially since they are playing in the ALL-A this season. Gonna end up between Knott and Hazard or Knott and Breathitt.
Wow that is a real move up for Knott to play in the All A lol!!!! Why don't they just call it the KY invitational tournament. All A requirements are ridiculous. As for Cordia everyone at Knott is hoping for the same outcome as last year, at least that way the bench warmers get in the game, but they are well distinguished group of bench warmers, some of the counties best police, politicians, and wannna be's sons.
I am trying to put together a book about all the small high schools that were closed due to consolidation. This was a huge loss of educational and athletic history. Please contact me at [email][/email]. Thanks.
The All A has changed so much since it first started. I played in the All-A the very first season in 1989-1990 and you had to be an A class school. Now that the tournament is bigger you have to have a certain number of schools to fill the brackets. When one school drops out for not having a team or moving up too much in enrollment the next school in order of enrollment gets to move up. Guess it's good to not have to change how the regions are set up year to year, so good luck KCC. Maybe there goal will be to do what Shelby Valley did 4 years ago and win both All-A and State.
Did NJ kids really enroll at Hazard? Sorta was waiting for that to happen after they were here for a few weeks and realized where they were going to be for a year.
^If Hazard was to even get one NJ kid that would make at least 7 in the region between them and Cordia. Everyone can see where Cordia has connections to NJ, but why/how would HHS?? My best opinion that's all speculation, unless you have seen them of course.
I hope Cordia does well this year.
I got to go 4 years at cordia, I played on a team that competed for a district title but played like **** in region, I am a Lion for life. I want to see the basketball teams compete, I want to see the baseball team compete, i would love to see the cross country team get back to the level it was in the 80s and 90s.

I hope Rhodes can build the program and Good luck to the team.
I can respect wanting your former school to do well. Here's the thing though, Cordia kids aren't gonna get to play. You have boys that start out at Cordia and stay there all the way through high school end up sitting the bench or quitting because out of state recruits are brought in each year. It's not enough that it's not fair that outside kids are brought in to play a sport and get plane tickets bought for them a couple of times a year to go back and visit their families. But the local, real Cordia kids, are just gonna get looked over as long as this is the new attitude over there. There's always ways around rules, but the local kids are the ones that suffer.
And an FYI, the 8th grader that is easily the best 8th grader in the county and been starting the last two years will be affected. Just like last year all the new players will get all the playing time until something finally happens. If Combs doesn't start he's going to Breathitt and play under Deny again.
Wow ! Knott Co. insider huh ! You sound more like an outsider because if you were in the know, then you would KNOW, that every player at Knott Co. central has been recruited from other schools! Here, Let me break it done for ya since you obviously have been sniffing super glue :dontthink
1. The Justice boys, hummmm, parents just happen to get jobs at the Knott Co. BOE, geez what luck that was !
2. All the boys from June Buchanan, a bunch of em', just all wanted to come for a better education I guess Confusednicker:

So, before u go running your pie hole about the poor pitiful Cordia kids :Sad04: not getting to play because of the "recruits", maybe u need worry about your own bunch.

Oh, And by the way, over here on the creek, we believe it's not the name we wear on the back of our jerseys, it's the name we wear on the front !

As far as the Combs boy goes, well...let's put it this way... Fugate stands about as much chance at getting Austin to play for him as Chris Hudson has at getting back to the creek :biglmao:
knottcountyinsider Wrote:I can respect wanting your former school to do well. Here's the thing though, Cordia kids aren't gonna get to play. You have boys that start out at Cordia and stay there all the way through high school end up sitting the bench or quitting because out of state recruits are brought in each year. It's not enough that it's not fair that outside kids are brought in to play a sport and get plane tickets bought for them a couple of times a year to go back and visit their families. But the local, real Cordia kids, are just gonna get looked over as long as this is the new attitude over there. There's always ways around rules, but the local kids are the ones that suffer.

It aint like the Lions didn't play transfers every year before that.
If I had a dollar for everytime the 7th or 8th kid on the bench for Knott, Perry, or Hazard transferred to Cordia to get playing time over the last decade I would buy everyone on here an ice cold bud :rockon:
June Buchanan is still in Knott County right? And being private those students still have the right to go back to public school in their area. And athletes changing from local school to local school for an opportunity is much different than paying to move kids from over 1000 miles away just for a season. C'mon man, don't just say stuff to be saying it. Local politics are much different than paying for kids to come from other states. Next.
^ Camron Justice was an act of local politics as well?
That is true. Politics almost got him and his dad to Hazard this year, but his dad and mom have a much better situation in Knott. KCC might get a bonus Davis out of it. His little brother plays ball and is only in 6th grade I believe, could be off by 1 grade. So by the time Cameron graduates his little brother will enter high school and maybe keep his dad around. I can understand being the dad of a great player wanting to put them in the best opportunity for success. But definitely local politics involved.
Y u asking me where June Buchanan is, I thought u knew everything! NOT!!!!!!!!!!! :biglmao: okay, lemme break this down fer ye again !

1) local school to local school transfer for a better opportunity, duhhhhh, transferring schools for a better opportunity, can we say "think outside of the box (county)" try to wrap your pea around this "transferring for a better opportunity really DOES apply to everyone" not just the "locals" so get over your cycloped self.

2) local politics being different my ass! R u seriously saying that these boys from other states don't deserve a better opportunity of their own ! REALLY! These r kids too ! Just like your local kids! REALLY they r ! As far as paying for them to come here, Pullleease ! Don't be so stereotypical, their parents paid for them to get here because they have jobs! REALLY they do !

Get with the program wad, it's one n done or two and through !
Nuh Nuh Nuh Next !:hilarious:

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