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When I want chicken...
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:You are amusing, TheRealVille. Certainly no mental giant, but still amusing. I learned in law school that those who continually judge others (sounds like you, doesn't it), are intellectually lacking and insecure (sounds like you again).
Yet a lawyer came up with the name Bucky for a black President. At least you are "original", and won't admit it. I'm a man, and will own up to my beliefs. You are a weasel, and won't admit what your posts mean.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yet a lawyer came up with the name Bucky for a black President. At least you are "original", and won't admit it. I'm a man, and will own up to my beliefs.
:hilarious: Good one, RV.
Hoot Gibson Wrote::hilarious: Good one, RV.
Anytime you are in question of my political, or racist beliefs, feel free to ask. As for my religious beliefs, there isn't much there. Anything else?
It is nice to see that Chick Fila is taking a stand for traditional values. I find it amusing how liberals are complaining about Chick Fila "discriminating" yet they are continually bashing and ultimately hoping for that restaurant to go out of business. Of course, no major media outlet reported yesterday about Roseanne Barr wishing cancer on anyone who eats a Chick Fila sandwich.

Sadly, Don Perry, the VP of marketing for Chick Fila passed away suddenly today due to a heart attack. It is disheartening to read some of the sickening comments that liberals are posting about this on various websites.
TheRealVille Wrote:Anytime you are in question of my political, or racist beliefs, feel free to ask. As for my religious beliefs, there isn't much there. Anything else?
You refused to explain those religious beliefs, yet you show no restraint when commenting and questioning everybody else's religious beliefs. The founders of this country, even those who did not strongly identify with the Christian faith, generally believed in a Creator who endowed humans with certain rights that governments had no moral right to deny. Yet, you ridiculed even the notion that God had a hand in creating the universe.

My simple question to you was what the god whom you believe in does and if you do not know him by his works, then what makes you believe your religious beliefs are superior to those of the Christians whom you ridicule?

Yet you refused to answer those simple, straight forward questions while demanding that another poster answer your question. It's fine if you do not want to answer a question but it is wrong to, at the same time, harass another poster for refusing to answer your question.

I generally stay out of religious discussion, except to defend religions against attacks. Freedom of religion is one of our most important rights in this country and it is wrong to personally attack people over their religious beliefs, whatever those beliefs may be - as long as they do not infringe upon the rights of others.
TheRealVille Wrote:Anytime you are in question of my political, or racist beliefs, feel free to ask. As for my religious beliefs, there isn't much there. Anything else?

Why would we ask? You are a known "quantity". I'll bet you are a bit of an oddball down there in Johnson County. And, as for Bucky Kardashian, keep in mind that he is allegedly half Caucasian (that means white).
LWC Wrote:I don't think he would have made the comment without knowing the demographics of his customer base. If he had a large customer base in areas that would have a problem with it, he probably would not have made the comments.

And then again, maybe Mr. Cathy doesn't want to make money from these folks if he has to 'fake it' in order to 'make it'.

Mark 8:38 (KJV)
38 Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.

I don't think Dan Cathy would take so much as one word of it back if it meant his whole fortune.
WideRight05 Wrote:It is nice to see that Chick Fila is taking a stand for traditional values. I find it amusing how liberals are complaining about Chick Fila "discriminating" yet they are continually bashing and ultimately hoping for that restaurant to go out of business. Of course, no major media outlet reported yesterday about Roseanne Barr wishing cancer on anyone who eats a Chick Fila sandwich.

Sadly, Don Perry, the VP of marketing for Chick Fila passed away suddenly today due to a heart attack. It is disheartening to read some of the sickening comments that liberals are posting about this on various websites.

Liberals love to extoll their own virtues which, are nothing more than inflamed secular humanism. In their minds, they are noble creatures who elevate all men to an imaginary higher plane of existence. That is, everybody except conservatives. Those dogs can just crawl off somewhere and die. LOL! I for one, am very thankful money or the forces of political correctness cannot coerce the founder of Chick-fil-a to compromise his standards. One only gets so many opportunities to proclaim the majesty of Christ on the world stage, I thought he did a great job of fulfilling the call. This is the nature of the true believer. It's hard for others to accept that, for the believer, not compromising one's stand for Christ, is one of the most important things in life. Roseanne Barr's words are pretty representative of the hatred and contempt liberals feel for conservatives. Is it not amazing how readily they jump out of the woodwork to land on anybody who serves the Living God?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You refused to explain those religious beliefs, yet you show no restraint when commenting and questioning everybody else's religious beliefs. The founders of this country, even those who did not strongly identify with the Christian faith, generally believed in a Creator who endowed humans with certain rights that governments had no moral right to deny. Yet, you ridiculed even the notion that God had a hand in creating the universe.

My simple question to you was what the god whom you believe in does and if you do not know him by his works, then what makes you believe your religious beliefs are superior to those of the Christians whom you ridicule?

Yet you refused to answer those simple, straight forward questions while demanding that another poster answer your question. It's fine if you do not want to answer a question but it is wrong to, at the same time, harass another poster for refusing to answer your question.

I generally stay out of religious discussion, except to defend religions against attacks. Freedom of religion is one of our most important rights in this country and it is wrong to personally attack people over their religious beliefs, whatever those beliefs may be - as long as they do not infringe upon the rights of others.
Yet it's ok for you and the other repubitardicans to deny people of the same rights?

Among equal rights of all peoples?
Equal rights or Special rights?
TheRealVille Wrote:Yet it's ok for you and the other repubitardicans to deny people of the same rights?

Among equal rights of all peoples?
When it comes to equal rights, you are the biggest hypocrite on this forum. What right is more basic than for a man to earn a living and enjoy the fruits of his labor? You support union thugs who intimidate companies and government organizations into hiring union-only labor, thereby denying others the right to work for a fair wage.

You support the forcible confiscation of earnings of hard working, tax-paying Americans to support the freeloaders who you proudly call fellow Democrats. You defend liberal politicians for plunging future generations into debt that will severely restrict their quality of life.

You talk about supporting basic human rights. Nothing could be further from the truth. Theft of goods and services by deadbeats from productive members of society is the rotten core of socialism and it is immoral, no matter what your religion and it is immoral no matter what party you support.

Obama and his ilk are destroying this country's moral fabric and they are doing it with your full support. Your obsession about gay marriage, which is an oxymoron without redefining words in the English language, just shows how your brain is wired. It is no wonder you cannot articulate what makes you believe that "your god" even exists, as you ridicule Christians for believing in fairy tales and for believing that God created the universe.
nky Wrote:Equal rights or Special rights?
Great point. Homosexuals enjoy equal rights in this country but they want special rights. On Wednesday, my family will be enjoying food from Chick-fil-a for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Great point. Homosexuals enjoy equal rights in this country but they want special rights. On Wednesday, my family will be enjoying food from Chick-fil-a for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

They have really good chicken biscuits. My family is planning on breakfast and lunch at least, if we can get in without a long wait.
I like the Chick-n-Minis. I love the little rolls. The breakfast burritos are also very good - both the chicken and sausage. For lunch or dinner, I usually go for one of their salads. We have a Chick-fil-a in our neighborhood, so it won't be hard to give their sales a boost next week.
Everyone knows that the only reason people eat at chick-fil-a is the waffle fries.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You refused to explain those religious beliefs, yet you show no restraint when commenting and questioning everybody else's religious beliefs. The founders of this country, even those who did not strongly identify with the Christian faith, generally believed in a Creator who endowed humans with certain rights that governments had no moral right to deny. Yet, you ridiculed even the notion that God had a hand in creating the universe.

My simple question to you was what the god whom you believe in does and if you do not know him by his works, then what makes you believe your religious beliefs are superior to those of the Christians whom you ridicule?

Yet you refused to answer those simple, straight forward questions while demanding that another poster answer your question. It's fine if you do not want to answer a question but it is wrong to, at the same time, harass another poster for refusing to answer your question.

I generally stay out of religious discussion, except to defend religions against attacks. Freedom of religion is one of our most important rights in this country and it is wrong to personally attack people over their religious beliefs, whatever those beliefs may be - as long as they do not infringe upon the rights of others.
I don't know exactly what I believe about God, probably more of a deist view than anything. But, I can promise you I'm not an atheist, although you call me that because I don't believe in your idea of god or how god should/does work. A god I believe in would have to agree with science. For the most part, the biblical god does not, at least to most of it's followers. I do have a pretty hard time accepting what christians think, because most are just as full of disdain for other peoples beliefs, as I am theirs. I was raised in a christian home, went to church every time the doors were open, and saw all the hypocrites two days a week. I guess you could say my disdain for the christian religion has evolved. If christians wouldn't try to force their views on the government, and everybody else that disagrees with them, I wouldn't have a very hard time with that religion. Then you have the new style churches that are all about taking peoples' money(think TBN), and building multimillion/billion dollar enterprises, off of the backs of peoples money, then jet around the world on a church owned jet. What kind of god would let that type of church grow? I think we can all agree on the farce of these types of churches. Like I've said many times on here, if the republicans would get out of the bed of churches(the main reason I switched politics), they couldn't lose an election. I kind of think like Ghandi, " "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." You take up for others infringing on the rights of christians, yet when it's in reverse you are ok with it, I'd say mainly because of having the same politics as them. Anything else? I'll tell you what, you have your religion, I'll have mine. You believe in your god, and I'll believe in mine. Freedom of religion can also be used as freedom from religion too, right? I'll promise to be more tolerant of others beliefs, as long as they are tolerant of mine. This post is all over the board, but I am just rolling from the hip, posting thoughts as I they come to mind. I started to send this as private, but remembered anything said in private will be posted in open forum anyway, with you.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't know exactly what I believe about God, probably more of a deist view than anything. But, I can promise you I'm not an atheist, although you call me that because I don't believe in your idea of god or how god should/does work. A god I believe in would have to agree with science. For the most part, the biblical god does not, at least to most of it's followers. I do have a pretty hard time accepting what christians think, because most are just as full of disdain for other peoples beliefs, as I am theirs. I was raised in a christian home, went to church every time the doors were open, and saw all the hypocrites two days a week. I guess you could say my disdain for the christian religion has evolved. If christians wouldn't try to force their views on the government, and everybody else that disagrees with them, I wouldn't have a very hard time with that religion. Then you have the new style churches that are all about taking peoples' money(think TBN), and building multimillion/billion dollar enterprises, off of the backs of peoples money, then jet around the world on a church owned jet. What kind of god would let that type of church grow? I think we can all agree on the farce of these types of churches. Like I've said many times on here, if the republicans would get out of the bed of churches(the main reason I switched politics), they couldn't lose an election. I kind of think like Ghandi, " "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." You take up for others infringing on the rights of christians, yet when it's in reverse you are ok with it, I'd say mainly because of having the same politics as them. Anything else? I'll tell you what, you have your religion, I'll have mine. You believe in your god, and I'll believe in mine. Freedom of religion can also be used as freedom from religion too, right? I'll promise to be more tolerant of others beliefs, as long as they are tolerant of mine. This post is all over the board, but I am just rolling from the hip, posting thoughts as I they come to mind. I started to send this as private, but remembered anything said in private will be posted in open forum anyway, with you.
Thank you for answering my questions, RV. You are wrong about what you might send me in a PM being posted in public. It would have been discarded without being read, as the last few PMs that you sent me a couple of years ago were. You are also wrong about me taking up for those who infringe upon other people's rights. That being said, I sincerely appreciate the time and thought that you put into your response.

There is no bigger defender of individual rights than me on this board but we disagree about what constitutes a "right." I see big city mayors threatening to run Chick-fil-a out of town because of their owners' personal religious beliefs as a threat to their constitutional rights of free speech and freedom of religion - you applaud their threats and apparently believe that they are justified.

I strongly believe that individual, consenting adults should be free to do whatever they want in their own homes but I do not believe anybody has a right to demand that society recognize whatever relationship that they choose to be recognized as a "marriage." Marriage is a societal (and/or a religious) institution and it is up to society or the religion to which one chooses to join to define it. If society decides to expand the definition of marriage to include gay people, then so be it, but marriage should not be redefined by a minority and forced upon the majority. Stunts like their planned gay "kiss-ins" at Chick-fil-a restaurants are not winning gay marriage advocates any converts.

I have had many Muslim, Hindu, and Christian friends, as well as a few avowed atheists and agnostics. I have even defended Scientologists periodically in this forum. With the exception of fundamentalist Muslims, I have found that religious people tend to make great neighbors and coworkers. There are hundreds of millions of good Muslims in this world but an alarmingly large minority of Muslims view the rest of us as the equal of the dogs that they despise. So, I exercise a little more care when deciding which Muslims to associate with.

I periodically delve into theoretical physics and most of the current scientific theories of how the universe was created do not seem any more incredible than the explanation in the Bible. In fact, the theory that there are an infinite number of parallel universes that began as singularities with near infinite mass require quite a bit of faith. That is why I asked you about what you believe what constitutes evidence of a deity that is different than God, as He is described in the Bible. The overwhelming majority of people in this world (including myself) will never be able to grasp the mathematics upon which theoretical physicists base their theories of the formation of the univers, and there seems to be at least as much difference between their competing theories as there is between the major religions of the world.

Thank you again for taking the time to write a serious response to my questions about your religious beliefs.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Thank you for answering my questions, RV. You are wrong about what you might send me in a PM being posted in public. It would have been discarded without being read, as the last few PMs that you sent me a couple of years ago were. You are also wrong about me taking up for those who infringe upon other people's rights. That being said, I sincerely appreciate the time and thought that you put into your response.

There is no bigger defender of individual rights than me on this board but we disagree about what constitutes a "right." I see big city mayors threatening to run Chick-fil-a out of town because of their owners' personal religious beliefs as a threat to their constitutional rights of free speech and freedom of religion - you applaud their threats and apparently believe that they are justified.

I strongly believe that individual, consenting adults should be free to do whatever they want in their own homes but I do not believe anybody has a right to demand that society recognize whatever relationship that they choose to be recognized as a "marriage." Marriage is a societal (and/or a religious) institution and it is up to society or the religion to which one chooses to join to define it. If society decides to expand the definition of marriage to include gay people, then so be it, but marriage should not be redefined by a minority and forced upon the majority. Stunts like their planned gay "kiss-ins" at Chick-fil-a restaurants are not winning gay marriage advocates any converts.

I have had many Muslim, Hindu, and Christian friends, as well as a few avowed atheists and agnostics. I have even defended Scientologists periodically in this forum. With the exception of fundamentalist Muslims, I have found that religious people tend to make great neighbors and coworkers. There are hundreds of millions of good Muslims in this world but an alarmingly large minority of Muslims view the rest of us as the equal of the dogs that they despise. So, I exercise a little more care when deciding which Muslims to associate with.

I periodically delve into theoretical physics and most of the current scientific theories of how the universe was created do not seem any more incredible than the explanation in the Bible. In fact, the theory that there are an infinite number of parallel universes that began as singularities with near infinite mass require quite a bit of faith. That is why I asked you about what you believe what constitutes evidence of a deity that is different than God, as He is described in the Bible. The overwhelming majority of people in this world (including myself) will never be able to grasp the mathematics upon which theoretical physicists base their theories of the formation of the univers, and there seems to be at least as much difference between their competing theories as there is between the major religions of the world.

Thank you again for taking the time to write a serious response to my questions about your religious beliefs.
I didn't applaud, or say if I agreed with them or not, I just stated what they said, and their intentions.

As for your post, I applaud that you talked to me in a very respectful manner, and thank you for that. As promised, I am trying to learn to be respectful of Christian beliefs, as that is the hardest religion for me to accept, because I personally know so many mean and crooked Christians. I'm sure it's not the only religion that has that type of persons, but I can only go by the religious people I have met, which is limited to Christians. I truly believe their Jesus is a very different person than a big percentage of his followers that I have met, though I have met a few that "live the life", and I treat them with the utmost respect.
TheRealVille Wrote:I didn't applaud, or say if I agreed with them or not, I just stated what they said, and their intentions.

As for your post, I applaud that you talked to me in a very respectful manner, and thank you for that. As promised, I am trying to learn to be respectful of Christian beliefs, as that is the hardest religion for me to accept, because I personally know so many mean and crooked Christians. I'm sure it's not the only religion that has that type of persons, but I can only go by the religious people I have met, which is limited to Christians. I truly believe their Jesus is a very different person than a big percentage of his followers that I have met, though I have met a few that "live the life", and I treat them with the utmost respect.
:Thumbs: I have never met a Hindu that I have not liked but I am sure that there are many mean and crooked Hindus in the world as well.

The fact that most of the people who claim to be religious in this country are Christians means that we both can probably cite more Christian phonies as examples than those claiming membership in other churches. That does not mean that those people are, in fact, Christians, as the most dishonest, loathsome people among us would not think twice about falsely claiming to be Christians for personal gain.

It turns my stomach to watch dishonest politicians courting voters in churches or by staging photo-ops with influential religious leaders purely for political gain. Unfortunately, such poseurs can often cite chapter and verse with the best of them.
Is this some type of Kumbaya moment going on here?
And then, you have the nky types.
wonder what type I am
nky Wrote:wonder what type I am
You are under the class that stirs up shit.
nky Wrote:Is this some type of Kumbaya moment going on here?
If it is, hopefully it will be short-lived. RV is the only poster that I can count on to disagree with me nearly all the time - and I prefer arguing over discussing. Confusednicker:

(Well, there's vector too, but reading short disjointed passages of fractured English gives me a headache. I would rather argue with the voice on my GPS.)
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If it is, hopefully it will be short-lived. RV is the only poster that I can count on to disagree with me nearly all the time - and I prefer arguing over discussing. Confusednicker:

(Well, there's vector too, but reading short disjointed passages of fractured English gives me a headache. I would rather argue with the voice on my GPS.)
I usually disagree on politics with any conservative, but I have many best friends that are conservatives.
TheRealVille Wrote:You are under the class that stirs up shit.
TheRealThing Wrote:Liberals love to extoll their own virtues which, are nothing more than inflamed secular humanism. In their minds, they are noble creatures who elevate all men to an imaginary higher plane of existence. That is, everybody except conservatives. Those dogs can just crawl off somewhere and die. LOL! I for one, am very thankful money or the forces of political correctness cannot coerce the founder of Chick-fil-a to compromise his standards. One only gets so many opportunities to proclaim the majesty of Christ on the world stage, I thought he did a great job of fulfilling the call. This is the nature of the true believer. It's hard for others to accept that, for the believer, not compromising one's stand for Christ, is one of the most important things in life. Roseanne Barr's words are pretty representative of the hatred and contempt liberals feel for conservatives. Is it not amazing how readily they jump out of the woodwork to land on anybody who serves the Living God?

It's all okay as long as there is no mention of God or Jesus. We don't want to offend the hindus, the muslims, but it's okay to stomp on the Christians all day long.

It's awesome that Chick Fila has taken this big stand. They are taking a hit in the media, from liberals...

But at the end of the day, I think business will go up. I don't know exact numbers, but I would guess that a majority of people are for Chick Fila on this issue.
TheRealVille Wrote:I didn't applaud, or say if I agreed with them or not, I just stated what they said, and their intentions.

As for your post, I applaud that you talked to me in a very respectful manner, and thank you for that. As promised, I am trying to learn to be respectful of Christian beliefs, as that is the hardest religion for me to accept, because I personally know so many mean and crooked Christians. I'm sure it's not the only religion that has that type of persons, but I can only go by the religious people I have met, which is limited to Christians. I truly believe their Jesus is a very different person than a big percentage of his followers that I have met, though I have met a few that "live the life", and I treat them with the utmost respect.

TRV, I enjoyed reading your posts earlier and am glad to see you post your background on religion. What you are seeing is an example of the exact stuff that Jesus himself fought against. Jesus never yelled at the prostitutes, thieves, or anyone that committed sins (which, was everyone lol). He took them under his wing and led them to God.

However, he had a completely different attitude toward the religious leaders at the time. Many of them were corrupt, often looking down on people because of their economic status, etc. These are the people that Jesus tore up, and these people mentioned in your posts are going to have to deal with God one day. If these conceited people you know were 100% correct, we would not need Jesus as our savior because we would be perfect.

I am going to be judged for a lot of bad things I have done over the course of my life. I struggle to do what I want to do, and I feel like that when there is an opportunity to do something good, I miss out on it. Paul has an interesting take on this in Romans chapter 7. TRV, please don't let those people influence your opinions toward Christianity.

Finally, I noticed your post about Churches with the pastors flying the big jets, big salaries, etc. Although it is okay to receive compensation for your work in the Church (1 Corinthians chapter 9) I do agree some of these pastors make more than they should. This, was also a problem that was addressed by Jesus and he is not happy with it. Jesus, through John, sends a message to seven churches at the beginning of Revelation. Some of them had inner problems, some of them he encouraged because they were being persecuted at the time, and one in particular - the Church of Laodecia - became known as the "lukewarm" church. This "lukewarm" church had a lot of the problems going on that you have mentioned in your posts with the Church today.

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