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North Laurel vs Harlan County Scrimmage on 7/12/12 Updates!!!!
Hey fellas, just checking in to see how the North Laurel vs Harlan County scrimmage went this past thursday 7/12/12. I was on my lunch break driving around the school and saw Harlan County's bus there so I knew it had to be an old fashioned battle of the Larkeys like we so all too often... From what I did see though was a lot of pad popping and really tough, physical football by both teams going at it between each other. I was surprised to see full pads on the players this early in the season, but it is great to be back in the swing of things. Hoping anyone would have any updates as to who looked better in full pads and who really stood out player wise. Harlan looked good to me but i felt North Laurel really ran plays during LIVE, FULL GO, Full PAD action better than Harlan did!

GO JAGUARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Full scrig? Can teams do that now?
wildthang3 Wrote:Full scrig? Can teams do that now?

Wildthang i'm assuming this was a legal scrimmage, i'm sure they wouldn't risk getting in trouble by scrimmaging so out in the open for everyone driving by to see. Just my opinion though..

and yes this was a full out scrimmage from what I saw both teams were lined up against eachother in full pads and moving the chains. I really liked how intense the coaches were getting involved with the scrimmage!! Good to see such great motivators out there from North Laurel. They young Larkey must do a great job of putting together what quite possibly could be the states best coaching staff!! I would assume that North Laurel won the scrimmage as I saw them dominating Harlan most of the time!

Go Jaguars!!!!

Harlan Co. did not go to a scrimmage. My boy left with the team and attneded a lineman camp. What you witnessed was a camp not a scrimmage. Big difference. He told me a few teams were there like Berea and Wayne, he also went last year. Lots of instruction and coaching.
no I'm very confident this was a scrimmage and not a lineman camp. I don't doubt your son went to a lineman camp or maybe what they called this scrimmage was a "lineman camp", but I saw skill guys running rts, qbs throwing passes, as well as lineman blocking d-lineman as the defensive backs covered the recievers.

Now i'm beginning to think something illegal went on here that I witnessed in that i'm finding out teams should not have been scrimmaging this early in the season, and although they may have called it a "lineman camp", it was by far a team scrimmage. Them larkeys are some silly billys I tell ya

Again I know what I saw that day, i've seen linemen camps before, this was no lineman camp
Well it's obvious what your intentions are in this thread posting the type of pictures that you have. Regardless you are wrong, and misinformed I paid my son $20 for additional insurance since it is a camp and not a school event. Not sure how skill kids were there cuz coachnlarkey was at the Practice field with. Oaxh Creech and others running practice with the. While the lineman ent to laurel county.
Sorry to ruin your witch hunt with your fake name. lol
I highly doubt either Coach Larkey would have a full-pad scrimmage this early in the year. They know the rules.
northlaurelfan is jsut some dude trying to start a bunch of lies, if you look at his public profile you can see he started his account the day of the 12th. If i had to guess just for the purpose of this thread. HC's skill kids were in Harlan praticing with Coach Larkey, coach Creech and a few others.
He is full of crap...Period. HC did not take skill positions. I know everything that went son was there.
This is a poor attempt to try and start some gossip. This was only a linemens camp and if you were really there, you would have known that!!!
northlaurelfan Wrote:no I'm very confident this was a scrimmage and not a lineman camp. I don't doubt your son went to a lineman camp or maybe what they called this scrimmage was a "lineman camp", but I saw skill guys running rts, qbs throwing passes, as well as lineman blocking d-lineman as the defensive backs covered the recievers.

Now i'm beginning to think something illegal went on here that I witnessed in that i'm finding out teams should not have been scrimmaging this early in the season, and although they may have called it a "lineman camp", it was by far a team scrimmage. Them larkeys are some silly billys I tell ya

Again I know what I saw that day, i've seen linemen camps before, this was no lineman camp

See guys- Harlan city will do anything to try to defeat us! I say this means war!
lol, considering you arent aloud to have contact yet, i hope it didnt happen....

Atleast i dont think you can, maybe the rules have changed. I thought you werent aloud to have full go until like Aug 1st or something.

Unless the rules have changed, i could be wrong.
On the flip side, just about every team in the state will have a "scrimmage" when they go to football camp. Most teams find another team at the camp and run a few plays. Nothing wrong with it.
Wow...the first day this was held , there was only partial 8 on 9 sessions, the second day only got 1 practice in and that was an individual breakdown session..The only skill players that were there were the players who had a linebacker or linemen position on defense...and to go and say north looked better , and got the best of us...You are out of your mind or have no clue how football is played!

lame    /leɪm/ Show Spelled [leym] Show IPA adjective, lam·er, lam·est, verb, lamed, lam·ing, noun
1. crippled or physically disabled, especially in the foot or leg so as to limp or walk with difficulty.
2. impaired or disabled through defect or injury: a lame arm.
3. weak; inadequate; unsatisfactory; clumsy: a lame excuse.
4. Slang . out of touch with modern fads or trends; unsophisticated.

Examples: (a) Staking out a football camp to bring phony rules violations to BGR; (b)Comparing NL football in ANY practice or game to HC.
wildone89 Wrote:See guys- Harlan city will do anything to try to defeat us! I say this means war!

It is definitely a cheap trick, but Harlan Independent has more than proven they do not take sports seriously enough to put in this much effort, even if they might have a good season in 2012.

Much more likely this was an HC rival...such as PCC, Whitley, Bell, etc. Or maybe someone with an ax to grind against NL/(younger) Coach Larkey. Who knows?! Either way, file this under RE and his younger brother TARD.
Who's camp was it? I mean who was putting the camp on? I have no dog in this fight but I will say I do not remember seeing this camp being advertised. Doesn't mean it wasn't but I like to keep up with the camps in this area for my son.
Also, Runitupthegut, as long as they count those camp scrimmages as one of the two scrimmages, then it is fine but if the team has 2 official scrimmages and goes against a team at camp, then it is a violation. Now 2 teams can go to camp and 7 on 7 with helmets only and it not count as a scrimmage.
No way Larkey and Larkey scrimmaged, especially if Wayne Co. and a few more Teams around. Probally just a lineman Camp.
Tobin Frost Wrote:It is definitely a cheap trick, but Harlan Independent has more than proven they do not take sports seriously enough to put in this much effort, even if they might have a good season in 2012.

Much more likely this was an HC rival...such as PCC, Whitley, Bell, etc. Or maybe someone with an ax to grind against NL/(younger) Coach Larkey. Who knows?! Either way, file this under RE and his younger brother TARD.

Don't count out someone from South Laurel trying to stir trouble, every encounter I have had with them has been one of arrogance and high and mighty. I'm sure other schools fans can back this up about the south fans.
West 80 Wrote:Don't count out someone from South Laurel trying to stir trouble, every encounter I have had with them has been one of arrogance and high and mighty. I'm sure other schools fans can back this up about the south fans.
Why would you want to bring south into this stupid conversation and don't forget welch and larkey are like brothers and Coached togather for years under his dad
footballfan23 Wrote:Why would you want to bring south into this stupid conversation and don't forget welch and larkey are like brothers and Coached togather for years under his dad

Just going on past run ins with South fans.
exactly, only a linemens camp, nothing more!!!
Wayne County has not participated in anything with Harlan County or North Laurel this summer. I dont know how they even got brought into the conversation.
johnnyd Wrote:Wayne County has not participated in anything with Harlan County or North Laurel this summer. I dont know how they even got brought into the conversation.

looks like what I was saying is becoming more and more true!! I did not see Wayne County there nor any other team that day other than North Laurel and Harlan.

I know what I saw that day, I have no reason to lie, and it was two teams full scrimmaging!!
northlaurelfan Wrote:looks like what I was saying is becoming more and more true!! I did not see Wayne County there nor any other team that day other than North Laurel and Harlan.

I know what I saw that day, I have no reason to lie, and it was two teams full scrimmaging!!

Well according to other posters it must have been a bad scrimmage since coach larkey of Harlan co wasn't even there and neither team had qbs or skill guys. I do know several schools host skill camps, line camps with full gear, as do some colleges. Since colleges are very expensive, that is why some schools host their own camps, not every team wants to go, but some do. I guarantee two schools won't be scrimmaging out in the open this time of year.
Your pictures show about 3 different color jerseys and a bunch of coaches and kids in a circle that looks like a drills
I stand to believe anyone from Harlan Co before I believe anyone from Laurel Co.
That does not look like North Laurel property to me.....
Get over it northlaurelfan it was a lineman camp. You can take pictures of alot of things and say they are something they arent. There are lots of pictures of Bigfoot and the lochness monster but they dont exist. This is just total fabrication. How come u didnt go over to the sideline and take ur pictures since your a huge northlaurel fan. If your such a big supporter im sure they wouldnt have minded. You really think that if they were going to do something illegal they wouldnt do it on the Hal Rogers parkway?
Oh and one more know getting on here and spouting off lies causes problems and your messing with peoples jobs and livelyhoods. How would you like it if someone did this at your job? A coaching salary isnt much these days but it does help provide for these coaches families. So unless you can show a picture of the chains and 22 people on the field then you need to stop what you are doing. Some guys running around and 2 teams on the same field proves nothing.

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