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Russell Football Update!
Anyone heard any updates on if Ivan is going to return this year?
By all accounts as of right now he is going to be coaching this year. I went by one of the summer weight training days and he was there and it sounded to me that he will be on the sidelines this year.
He may coach from the press box. I know he wants to be there. Not sure if he is physically capable.
I was at the last practice before the two week dead Period, coach collapsed to the ground as he attempted to stand up. Just don't see how he can make it, or for his health try to make it in this heat. Maybe just me but I think a coach should be able to be out on the field leading his players. Don't take offense and start bashing me, I'm just saying that's my opinion
Ivan has been thru allot since February. We are all well aware that the job is Ivans and his only as long as he wants it. Russell has outstanding coaches that work for Ivan and anyone of them can run the team if Ivan is not feeling good. I for one feel that He will surprise a lot of people come game day. He may be in the press box as Fball indicates but I see him walking the sidelines.
I would think it would be easier for Ivan to be on the field than to climb all those stairs to the press box. He could even have a golf cart take him back and forth from the sidelines. So do 2 a days start tomorrow?
Russel's program has been ran by a legend for many years!! he is a great coach
They better live up to their potential this year because the following year is going to be a rough one.
Russell should just drop football and start something rodeo or something.
RAM-A-DEVIL Wrote:Russell should just drop football and start something rodeo or something.

If everybody you keep telling to drop football does it the Ams will just be stuck playing with themselves.
Well from what I saw the other day Russell is not very big on the offensive or defensive line but in this type offense you don't have to be very big. I'm not real sure how the backfield looks because I didn't see them run any plays. I seen COACH out on the field and he was still in the wheelchair, and still needs a walker to help him stand.
Still runnin the Wing T formation out at Russell?

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