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So this morning I woke up.. knowing I had some errands to run..
I got up around 9 am.. Took a shower did my first part of the errands for the day then headed back to the house for a quick bite to eat.

After that, I was going to go see my mom for a little bit - coincidentally my uncle lives beside of her. My hair is a little long - really fluffy - I think I'll see if he can give me a cut right fast. He agrees. Big storm rolls in while he is cutting my hair.. My uncle laughs and says "Wouldn't it be something if the electric goes out?" 2 seconds later, the electric goes out and stays out.. About this time i sit around hoping it comes back on before I have to go pick up my 2 year old from daycare.. It never comes back on. I look like 2-face from Batman at the moment.. Half of my head has 4 to 5 inches of hair on it, the other half is bald.. So I get a hat off of my uncle to wear - an ancient Dale Earnhardt #3 hat that was probably made in the 90's..

The storm gets worse. I am driving a showcar that is basically dropped to the ground so sticks, stones, mud, - not going good with this.. Not to mention all the rain that is pouring.. I can't even see out of my windsheild and I'm only doing 20 mph.

I finally decide to set off to the side of the road till the storm lets off. It finally lets off a little bit.. Still pouring the rain - not as much thunder and lightning so I keep going, just taking it slowly. On my way to the daycare I see cars in the side of the road, some pushed into the ditch.. Water just running through the cuts of the mountains, trees everywhere. I notice a burning to the right, lightning had struck and had set the hills on fire - but it was raining so hard it had put the fire out.

I finally make it to the daycare.. Once I get there I pull into the large parking lot only to find out I have pulled into 2 feet of water! No joke.. The water was hitting my windshield. So I kinda just pedal through the water, I finally get out of the water.. Next thing I know my car just "putt putt putts" it's last breath.. I try starting it.. No good. I get out, oil is everywhere. I call my ex and tell her my dilemma, she screams down my throat.. She finally meets me there.. no later than 5 minutes, the water in the parking lot has drained and I feel like a fool. I walk in to get my kid and pack him to my crazy ex lady and shes like "Do you want to take him home?" SURE! I'll just pack him on my back from here to the house. She laughs in my face and leaves. I wait for a tow truck for 2 hours. He finally comes and hooks up my car - takes it to the dealership where I have a warantee (in which they are super slow at fixing cars, but they can sure sell you one in a heartbeat!)..

My family has laughed so hard at my day, so hopefully it brings you tears of laughter as well.
LOL, you just cant make up stuff that good. I hope tomorrow is a better day partner.
Its days like that where you wanna kill yourself that make you a better man in the long run.
Trust, me weve all had our fair share.

You should have looked up and said "man im glad its rainin, been kinda dry" lol and all would have been saved.
lol what a bad day but at least you lived to tell us all about it.
Get outta that low rider Ballers & you would have only had a bad hair day. LOL.
Wow. I'm sure better days are around the corner.

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