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Would you like BGR to close the doors and shutdown the site?
WE shouldn't even speak of such crazy things...might give someone a heart attack
[quote author=TheRevelation link=topic=20496.msg209352#msg209352 date=1142134436]
I never meant to upset anyone, but I think that sooner or later he will have to take donations or something. What everyone got so tore up about was my questioning of the settings of the users online. Its easy to see who was right about that now. Posters might not like what the Rev says, but I tell the truth. I just think that everyone should be treated the same.

Who is not treated the same?
Tell all of us what you mean by that statement.
We never got "tore" up about your comment about settings, i got upset when you started making comment about treating his wife and kids nice.

Did you major in "revisionist" history, or just live on revisionism street.

As far as I know we do are best to treat each an every member here fairly, and at no charge.
Let me say some of the things that have been said on here about people like some others have and I would be banned because I am not a suck up. Hows that?
Why are you talking about being banned?  Have you ever been banned?  If not, there's no way you can say such a thing.
I have not been banned. I just could not get away with some of the things other do. Is that simple enough?
How can you make such an assumption if it has never happened?  You're more than welcome to your thoughts, but you are wrong in this scenario.
Wow, I love this site.  I am on it everyday.  You are always going to have malcontents complain because they don't think something is fair or you are violating their freedom of speech.  I've worked on other sites with Forum boards that encountered the same problems.  Simple solution, set rules and expect them to be followed.  Kick anyone that won''t follow them.  Eventually all the trouble makers get booted and run out of free e-mail accounts.

Don't let it get to you though.  Personal attacks show the limitations of the mind.
[quote author=JMac link=topic=20496.msg210411#msg210411 date=1142266993]
Wow, I love this site.  I am on it everyday.  You are always going to have malcontents complain because they don't think something is fair or you are violating their freedom of speech.  I've worked on other sites with Forum boards that encountered the same problems.  Simple solution, set rules and expect them to be followed.  Kick anyone that won''t follow them.  Eventually all the trouble makers get booted and run out of free e-mail accounts.

Don't let it get to you though.  Personal attacks show the limitations of the mind.

Exactly. Now here is a guy I agree with. Set rules and use them across the board. Alot of what the problem here is that you have a bunch of kids moderating a board. This cursing and stuff, I would bet you QQ would not allow his own kids when they get older to be around. Leadership is a problem. Heck most of the mods here have stated that they have been booted from the other site for rules violations, what do you expect this site to be.

Now lets see how long I last saying what alot of others on here believe, but are fearful to say for being banned. Now womeone step up to the plate and address these issues.( That would be your cue QQ).
We've been studing our constitutional rights here at school.  One thing we talked about was that there's no freedome that tat doesn't bear responsibilites.  So, for instance, even tho freedome of speech is guaranteed, ti don't mean you can say just anything you want.  There have to be rules or peoplw will abuse there privliges.
[quote author=TheRevelation link=topic=20496.msg210466#msg210466 date=1142276517]

Exactly. Now here is a guy I agree with. Set rules and use them across the board. Alot of what the problem here is that you have a bunch of kids moderating a board. This cursing and stuff, I would bet you QQ would not allow his own kids when they get older to be around. Leadership is a problem. Heck most of the mods here have stated that they have been booted from the other site for rules violations, what do you expect this site to be.

Now lets see how long I last saying what alot of others on here believe, but are fearful to say for being banned. Now womeone step up to the plate and address these issues.( That would be your cue QQ).

I can ensure that the rules here are used the same across the board.  Nobody has special privledges, although some members are more well respected based solely on their posts.  Also, if you read the posts in this thread, you are the only one who is fearful of being banned.  Yet, you never have been.  While others have all said they love the site because they DON'T have a fear of being banned.  Why do you think you know what they really mean when they have all unanimously voiced their opinion in opposition of your thoughts?

[quote author=TheRevelation link=topic=20496.msg209258#msg209258 date=1142131601]

How did I bring his family into it? So its ok for people here to attack me and others, but if I say anything back then I get banned? I want a answer on this.

If you read your above quote you can see exactly how you've brought his family into this.  You are talking about a gentleman's children.  Also, you've never been threatened with an actual ban and have never been banned so that is your answer and makes your point mute. 
I am going to say this once more. There are others( and not just a few) on this board that feel the way I do. They are just afraid to speak. It seems like there are groupies on here that would follow someone off of a cliff. I say the site is good. BUT it could be much better if everyone would listen to some constructive criticism.

[quote author=TheRevelation link=topic=20496.msg210489#msg210489 date=1142280502]
I am going to say this once more. There are others( and not just a few) on this board that feel the way I do. They are just afraid to speak. It seems like there are groupies on here that would follow someone off of a cliff. I say the site is good. BUT it could be much better if everyone would listen to some constructive criticism.


And nobody is forced to be here.  This is a free site.  If they don't like it, they're more than welcome to leave.  Also, they're more than welcome to post their constructive criticism in the FAQ, Feedback, Help, Enquiries forum or in threads such as this or the do you like the new bgr thread. But with the numerous increases in members we receive everyday, we must be doing something right.  We are open to constructive criticism if they'd provide some.  But we're not very open to representing that someone is taking time and money away from their family and/or bringing anyone's family into a discussion on a sports message board such as you have.
[quote author=TheRevelation link=topic=20496.msg210489#msg210489 date=1142280502]
I am going to say this once more. There are others( and not just a few) on this board that feel the way I do. They are just afraid to speak. It seems like there are groupies on here that would follow someone off of a cliff. I say the site is good. BUT it could be much better if everyone would listen to some constructive criticism.


Well if they are so many others that feel the way you do,  were are they?  Funny you are the only one.  And if we wanted to be like BGP then we would charge for the site.   You go running off at the mouth and say that all the mods are  "bunch of kids moderating a board" well you have no clue and no facts.  Yes there are high school kids that are mods.  I would take any of those kids over you any day. You go on about constuctive criticism,  hell all you have done is put the site down.  If you dont like it get the hell out  because we dont need you here if thats all your going to do.  You go on and hide and keep putting  us down thats fine,  keep doing it because I get a good laugh out of it everytime I read it.
[quote author=TheRevelation link=topic=20496.msg210489#msg210489 date=1142280502]
I am going to say this once more. There are others( and not just a few) on this board that feel the way I do. They are just afraid to speak. It seems like there are groupies on here that would follow someone off of a cliff. I say the site is good. BUT it could be much better if everyone would listen to some constructive criticism.


Ok, first of all this site is the way it is for a reason. We are plain and simple JUST a free sports site in KY that has less rules. That's it! So far it has done well. We have over 3,000 members and growing! Wow! Obviously something is going right! We are continually improving and doing what is best for our members.  If you have constructive criticism to share then share in the appropriate section. If someone else or all those people that you think are afraid of speaking for fear of being banned have some constructive criticism, then please feel free to share. I'd love to hear what you think if something good could come out of it.

Also, when there is a problem here our mods and admins take care of these problems in a professional and timely manner. We have a great group of mods & admins. They are like family. They aren't groupies nor are they brain washed. They just know what they want and know what is right. No one makes anyone feel the way they do.

Our mods and admins are NOT just a bunch of kids. All of our mods & admins are over 18 except like 1 or 2 that are known very well. We have a variety of ages on BGR. Many of our mods & admins are in their late twenties, thirties, and forties. QQ and I are both 29 years old and are very capable of running & owning a website.  I have several websites (which is my job) and I know exactly what I am doing. Knowing what I am doing on a professional level has given me the opportunity to stay home with my two children.

Lastly, I'm still not getting your point. You are continually coming here and saying over and over that there are problems yet you are still here. If you could say what you really mean, that would be more helpful to me so I could figure out what you are wanting out of BGR.
In the meantime, here are some suggestions on making the most out of BGR and making it an enjoyable experience that you will come to love!
How about going into some of the forums and hold an intelligent conversation with some of the members?  How about telling us about yourself and letting us get to know you? How about making some friends here and becoming a "real" part of a lifelong sports community?
Whats funny is these same 18 year old people you call immature die everyday in IRAQ for dumbasses like you.

Anyway, our staff and our board is made up of all different ages. That is the way it should be too. That way we get a variety of input and feedback from all different age groups. Every generation of people all have different cultures or feelings towards things.

The majority of our moderators are mid twenties to early 30s. We have several 40 plus and a couple of 50 plus. Like I said we have a wide varirty of input from all age generations. 

Age doesn't define a persons quality. Our moderators are all quality people. The age is not at all significant in the case of a forum.

[quote author=TheRevelation link=topic=20496.msg209919#msg209919 date=1142201546]
I have not been banned. I just could not get away with some of the things other do. Is that simple enough?

such as???
[quote author=BlueGrassGirl link=topic=20496.msg210521#msg210521 date=1142284600]
[quote author=TheRevelation link=topic=20496.msg210489#msg210489 date=1142280502]
I am going to say this once more. There are others( and not just a few) on this board that feel the way I do. They are just afraid to speak. It seems like there are groupies on here that would follow someone off of a cliff. I say the site is good. BUT it could be much better if everyone would listen to some constructive criticism.


Ok, first of all this site is the way it is for a reason. We are plain and simple JUST a free sports site in KY that has less rules. That's it! So far it has done well. We have over 3,000 members and growing! Wow! Obviously something is going right! We are continually improving and doing what is best for our members. If you have constructive criticism to share then share in the appropriate section. If someone else or all those people that you think are afraid of speaking for fear of being banned have some constructive criticism, then please feel free to share. I'd love to hear what you think if something good could come out of it.

Also, when there is a problem here our mods and admins take care of these problems in a professional and timely manner. We have a great group of mods & admins. They are like family. They aren't groupies nor are they brain washed. They just know what they want and know what is right. No one makes anyone feel the way they do.

Our mods and admins are NOT just a bunch of kids. All of our mods & admins are over 18 except like 1 or 2 that are known very well. We have a variety of ages on BGR. Many of our mods & admins are in their late twenties, thirties, and forties. QQ and I are both 29 years old and are very capable of running & owning a website. I have several websites (which is my job) and I know exactly what I am doing. Knowing what I am doing on a professional level has given me the opportunity to stay home with my two children.

Lastly, I'm still not getting your point. You are continually coming here and saying over and over that there are problems yet you are still here. If you could say what you really mean, that would be more helpful to me so I could figure out what you are wanting out of BGR.
In the meantime, here are some suggestions on making the most out of BGR and making it an enjoyable experience that you will come to love!
How about going into some of the forums and hold an intelligent conversation with some of the members? How about telling us about yourself and letting us get to know you? How about making some friends here and becoming a "real" part of a lifelong sports community?

[quote author=torQQue link=topic=20496.msg210550#msg210550 date=1142288351]
Whats funny is these same 18 year old people you call immature die everyday in IRAQ for dumbasses like you.

Anyway, our staff and our board is made up of all different ages. That is the way it should be too. That way we get a variety of input and feedback from all different age groups. Every generation of people all have different cultures or feelings towards things.

The majority of our moderators are mid twenties to early 30s. We have several 40 plus and a couple of 50 plus. Like I said we have a wide varirty of input from all age generations. 

Age doesn't define a persons quality. Our moderators are all quality people. The age is not at all significant in the case of a forum.


Nice post the both of ya.
[quote author=TheRevelation link=topic=20496.msg210466#msg210466 date=1142276517]
[quote author=JMac link=topic=20496.msg210411#msg210411 date=1142266993]
Wow, I love this site.  I am on it everyday.  You are always going to have malcontents complain because they don't think something is fair or you are violating their freedom of speech.  I've worked on other sites with Forum boards that encountered the same problems.  Simple solution, set rules and expect them to be followed.  Kick anyone that won''t follow them.  Eventually all the trouble makers get booted and run out of free e-mail accounts.

Don't let it get to you though.  Personal attacks show the limitations of the mind.

Exactly. Now here is a guy I agree with. Set rules and use them across the board. Alot of what the problem here is that you have a bunch of kids moderating a board. This cursing and stuff, I would bet you QQ would not allow his own kids when they get older to be around. Leadership is a problem. Heck most of the mods here have stated that they have been booted from the other site for rules violations, what do you expect this site to be.

Now lets see how long I last saying what alot of others on here believe, but are fearful to say for being banned. Now womeone step up to the plate and address these issues.( That would be your cue QQ).

I appreciate the fact that you call me a kid......and I was never banned or suspended from any other forum board.
So maybe I dont fit your example.
You have yet to address your comments about QQ's family. Even though you have brought on an onslaught of post against you for your comments we have never threatened to ban nor suspend you.

You may not be linked to the foolyouguru, but you do have an agenda, a petty one at that.
I would love to sit down with you face to face and ask you one simple question.
What is your problem with QQ and this site?

Dont listen to them QQ, and please dont shut the site down you have done to much hard work and dedication for it all to be gone. Your awesome and keep it real!
Ill tell you what this is the best sports forum Ive seen and keeps getting better by the day. I was told about this sight by a good friend and relative and have been here ever since. I don't live in eastern Kentucky no more Ive been gone for 18 years and it fills like home reading about old schools I used to play football and basketball against. I haven't been on BGR very long but  ill help any and all I can for people I really don't no. I don't no any moderators, I do no one administrator I don't no QQ or his wife. But by reading most threads on here they all are very nice people. I'm looking forward to  meeting you all sometime. If people would just step back and think how short life is. I think we all need to give a little like this sight. There doing this out of the kindness of there heart. Because I no it makes them feel good inside helping people get together and it doesn't cost a dime to make friend on here. don't worry about the little things in life that we cant control. Be happy and give a little. I no it makes me feel good when I give or help out.         GOD BLESS!!!  Keep up the good work .  :thx:
[quote author=Doc Holliday link=topic=20496.msg210609#msg210609 date=1142292273]
[quote author=TheRevelation link=topic=20496.msg210466#msg210466 date=1142276517]
[quote author=JMac link=topic=20496.msg210411#msg210411 date=1142266993]
Wow, I love this site.  I am on it everyday.  You are always going to have malcontents complain because they don't think something is fair or you are violating their freedom of speech.  I've worked on other sites with Forum boards that encountered the same problems.  Simple solution, set rules and expect them to be followed.  Kick anyone that won''won'tow them.  Eventually all the trouble makers get booted and run out of free e-mail accounts.

Don't let it get to you though.  Personal attacks show the limitations of the mind.

Exactly. Now here is a guy I agree with. Set rules and use them across the board. Alot of what the problem here is that you have a bunch of kids moderating a board. This cursing and stuff, I would bet you QQ would not allow his own kids when they get older to be around. Leadership is a problem. Heck most of the mods here have stated that they have been booted from the other site for rules violations, what do you expect this site to be.

Now lets see how long I last saying what alot of others on here believe, but are fearful to say for being banned. Now womeone step up to the plate and address these issues.( That would be your cue QQ).

I appreciate the fact that you call me a kid......and I was never banned or suspended from any other forum board.
So maybe I dont fit your example.
You have yet to address your comments about QQ's family. Even though you have brought on an onslaught of post against you for your comments we have never threatened to ban nor suspend you.

You may not be linked to the foolyouguru, but you do have an agenda, a petty one at that.
I would love to sit down with you face to face and ask you one simple question.
What is your problem with QQ and this site?


I never meant the calling the family out like you took it.  What ticked me off to begin with was the fact that I was mislead about the numbers showing online. Everyone got all tore up when I just asked about it and things escalated from there. Look at those numbers there and they are set at 45 minutes(?) or thats what it says and I am not so sure I believe that after not being told the truth the first time. Another thing look at the registered posters numbers. How many do really post? Count them for yoursefyourselfthan 200. Can anyone sign up as many times as they wish under different names?
[quote author=TheRevelation link=topic=20496.msg211007#msg211007 date=1142340481]

I never meant the calling the family out like you took it. What ticked me off to begin with was the fact that I was mislead about the numbers showing online. Everyone got all tore up when I just asked about it and things escalated from there. Look at those numbers there and they are set at 45 minutes(?) or thats what it says and I am not so sure I believe that after not being told the truth the first time. Another thing look at the registered posters numbers. How many do really post? Count them for yoursefyourselfthan 200. Can anyone sign up as many times as they wish under different names?

How were you lied or mislead about the numbers showing online?  You mentioned a suggestion to set the time down to 15 minutes and then you were informed that it was currently set to 500 seconds.  Your reply to that was (paraphrased) "why are the old number of people online so much higher than now?"  You were then told that the number of 660 was set when the timer was marked at 2 hours.  You were also informed that the most ever on at the same time was 424 members.  You were also told that because there were that many numbers on simultaniously was the cause for the site running very slow and thus the reduction to allowing a maximum number of 150 members on at a single time.  By allowing only 150 members on simultaniously, the site could run smoothly and there wouldn't be large delays in posting and loading pages. 

You're only valid point was that you informed by an administrator that the timer was set to 5 minutes.  People make mistakes.  Do you not find it reasonable that someone would confuse 5 minutes and 500 seconds?  Everyone may have a blonde moment from time to time. 

Currently the timer is set to 45 minutes.  Of course during this time of the year the number of members online are going to drop off significantly.  Football season is over.  Basketball season is nearing the end.  So is cheerleading (I think).  It's fairly obvious that across the state that basketball and football are the 2 biggest topics of discussion.  So it makes perfect sense for less members to be online during this time.  Discussions will dramatically pick back up starting in mid to late July and all the way through football season and into basketball season.  Thus, the site will be showing many, many more members online.
[quote author=TheRevelation link=topic=20496.msg210489#msg210489 date=1142280502]
I am going to say this once more. There are others( and not just a few) on this board that feel the way I do. They are just afraid to speak. It seems like there are groupies on here that would follow someone off of a cliff. I say the site is good. BUT it could be much better if everyone would listen to some constructive criticism.


Speak on...just follow the rules.
If this site was shutdown I might as well cancel my internet ! I didnt discover this website untill December of '04 and I didnt for until a few months later ! I was considering on Paying for a service on but I joined this cause it was FREE! THX for creating this site and hopefully you will keep it going for many years to come ! I'm Out !
Man  dont shut this site down it ROCKS.....BluegrassPreps is twenty dollars a year to have a name on there and this site is free and as good as preps if not better....I work to and have a family and I dont get to attend many games at all so I love getting on here and reading stats and highlights....if u are tired of running the site hand it down to one of the other moderators or heck even me...i would like nothing more than to devote my time to provide this site to people like me and you.......Thanks for one of the greatest sports site ever...Keep up the good work!
Wow, i was bored and was looking at old threads & came across this one. I am so glad the site is still up and running. I am on here most everyday. I think i would have withdrawls & need meds if this site was ever to shut down. I enjoy it almost as much as eating. QQ & ever who else is responsible for this kudos. This is the best sports forum site i have ever been a part of & love it.
I talk with some players some times & they try to tell me things thats going on here or there & when i tell them i knew that yesterday or whatever they are amazed. They will say how did you know so fast we just found out today. I tell them about the site & they get interested & get on to check it out.
I think it is great for a lot of the kids to get on and see the support they have not only from there community, but from others as well. Its sad to say but some kids get more support here than they do at home. At least they know someone out there cares & are pulling for them to do & be there best.
Well i could rattle on for ever about all the positives of this site as there are so many. I will stop here & would once again like to thank all those resposible for the site.
^Well said.
Wow, I never knew this. Thank goodness we got a guy like QQ running this site we love and that is free.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
#1 Blackcat Fan Wrote:Wow, i was bored and was looking at old threads & came across this one. I am so glad the site is still up and running. I am on here most everyday. I think i would have withdrawls & need meds if this site was ever to shut down. I enjoy it almost as much as eating. QQ & ever who else is responsible for this kudos. This is the best sports forum site i have ever been a part of & love it.
I talk with some players some times & they try to tell me things thats going on here or there & when i tell them i knew that yesterday or whatever they are amazed. They will say how did you know so fast we just found out today. I tell them about the site & they get interested & get on to check it out.
I think it is great for a lot of the kids to get on and see the support they have not only from there community, but from others as well. Its sad to say but some kids get more support here than they do at home. At least they know someone out there cares & are pulling for them to do & be there best.
Well i could rattle on for ever about all the positives of this site as there are so many. I will stop here & would once again like to thank all those resposible for the site.
When the site does go down, I freak out lol.
#1 Blackcat Fan Wrote:Wow, i was bored and was looking at old threads & came across this one. I am so glad the site is still up and running. I am on here most everyday. I think i would have withdrawls & need meds if this site was ever to shut down. I enjoy it almost as much as eating. QQ & ever who else is responsible for this kudos. This is the best sports forum site i have ever been a part of & love it.
I talk with some players some times & they try to tell me things thats going on here or there & when i tell them i knew that yesterday or whatever they are amazed. They will say how did you know so fast we just found out today. I tell them about the site & they get interested & get on to check it out.
I think it is great for a lot of the kids to get on and see the support they have not only from there community, but from others as well. Its sad to say but some kids get more support here than they do at home. At least they know someone out there cares & are pulling for them to do & be there best.
Well i could rattle on for ever about all the positives of this site as there are so many. I will stop here & would once again like to thank all those resposible for the site.

Thanks for the kind words. The fantastic members are what makes this site possible. I love all the different personalities that make up our userbase. Without question, this site has come along way since its early days. I remember when there were only like 10 of us on here(all refugees from the other site) chatting and recruiting all night long. I never dreamed this site would become this popular. Closing in on 2 million posts. WOW!

I am just thankful that people enjoy it using it. None of it would have been possible without great support and contributions from the members. Thanks everyone for supporting BGR!

Just think, if they wouldn't have banned me back in 2004 or 2005 (at the other site) for using asterisks, I would have probably never started this site. I just wanted a place to discuss and speak my mind about my favorite HS team, but they sent me packing. After I was ran off, there was no other place online(at that time) to go, so I created my own.

I knew there would be market for it too, because they regularly ran off 10 members a night for petty shit.


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