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Coal Mining.
I dont know if anyone knows or cares but Arch Coal just laid off 750 coal miners throughout the Appalachian last week. 500 in Kentucky and 250 in West Virgina. I know some people on here might be against it or whatever but it's life here where I'm from. I dont know what EKY will be like without Coal. I just wanted to has for a prayer all the other coal miners in the that is going through the hard time or may experience the hard time in the future. Some people who are against dont realize how many families with childern will be effected by this.

Coal Keeps the Lights on!
In my thoughts and prayers every night!

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
God bless my friend. I will keep everyone in my thoughts and prayers.
Without coal Eastern KY will be a ghost town. People do not realize all the industries that would be affected in this area with out coal. The trickle effect would be devastating to all.
Ive spoken my thoughts on this many times.
On this thread ill just say that we need to do some serious changing in November.

I see it effect people everyday. My company hasnt been hit yet, but its about to be.
I've seen a lot of "debates" about mining on facebook...
and I'm using the term debating loosely...
but I don't think people really understand the impact that this will have on Southeast Ky.

If they find some type of alternative energy source it will NOT be harvested in Ky...
and even if it was...
all of the people that work for the heavy equipment dealers, the diesel mechanics...
heck - I used to work for an eye doctor and I would say that 60-70 percent of our monetary earnings came from coal miners and their families. They were the people that had the better income and the better insurance so they were able to do more business when they came.

We would be in our very own great depression down here.
When you shut down coal, your not just hurting miners.....

Your hurting the schools that recieve donations from these coal companies. How many scoreboard or stand in EKY high schools were paid for by donated money from coal companies?
Your hurting every aspect of the community in a lot of small towns. Like Zaga said, its no secret miners make really good money and in a lot of these small towns across EKY miners is what keep other businessess going because they spend there money there.
You hurt the diesel mechanins, as well as hydraulic shops, welders, undercarriage rebuilders, and dealers who do all of these things, such as Walker Cat, and Whayne Supply, and all of those jobs that go along with it.

Its more than just hurting a few coal mining families, you shut down this entire state without coal. Its just a fact.
On a brighter note however, while coal remains down, ive heard and seen several good things over the last month. Business is slightly picking up for a lot of companies. However, its very hard to tell whether or not the trend will continue. This time of year is suppose to be the "boom" time for coal, and in my 9 years in the industry, this is the slowest ive ever seen it, and from talking to some of the old timers, this is the slowest coal has ever been.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
I posted this in the "What's behind dissing of the President?" thread in the Politics and current events forum on 6-16-12.

One thing I didn't mention in my "Self Destruct U.S.A." post was the coal issue.

This is a Kentucky based web site. If Kentucky stops producing coal from strip mines and deep mines, our Commonwealth will fold. Plain and simple. Kentucky will be one of the worst economy's in the union. We will become an even more depressed state.

Coal mining is more than just a job.... it's a calling. Coal mining is in the blood of eastern Kentuckyians. Coal miners, coal truck drivers, electricians, processing plant operators, equipment operators, power plant workers......... when one coal mine shuts down, if there's 200 people laid off, there is atleast that many or more residual jobs that coal mining is a part of. And if Mr. Obama keeps on regulating coal like he is trying to do, the coal industry is over.

I live in eastern Kentucky. And folks, trust me...... we need coal to survive. Kentucky needs coal to survive, America needs coal to survive.

There was several BGR'ers that supported coal that either "Liked" this comment, quoted it or made some type of reply to it. And folks, let me just tell you something, no matter what you think of coal and coal mining...... Coal powers Kentucky. If coal folds, Kentucky folds. And not just EKY, but Paducah, Owensboro, E-Town, Louisville, Lexington, Covington, Winchester, Ashland, London, Somerset, Pikeville and everyplace in between.
No offense to anybody living west of I-75 or north of I-64.... but unless you live in EKY, then you really can't grasp how coal effects our Commonwealth.

I drive 18 miles to work and I go pass 1 strip mine and 2 deep mines, 1 coal processing plant, not to mention the countless coal trucks on the roads and the businesses that sell mining supplies/machinery. And I'm a county away from one of the largest coal powered power plants in the eastern part of the USA.

Now take in to account all the people that (forgive the pun) coal powers their lives. IF coal is regulated to where compaines cannot either keep up with the demands or choose not to attempt to adapt to the regulations and close their mine down; Think of the people that will be out of work. Hard working men and women who've dedicated their entire lives to a life in the mines. Most of them started when they were younger than 18 and have irrevesible health issues due to mining. I know several people that have lost family members in mining related accidents, but they still choose to mine coal for a living.

Taking honest, hard working, men and women that have coal dust in their bloodline and telling them after all those years of mining that black rock, that is over and you need to find another job..... That should be a job for the President.

My Church just moved into our new building on the property we bought a couple of years ago.
Can anyone take a guess where that land came from?
It is part of a reclaimed strip job.

We looked for land forever and it simply wasn't available.
Everything already has something on it, someone doesn't want to sell it, or it's a mountain.

The only possible way to have anything around here is to blow part of a mountain up.
Around where we live we have the Sportsplex, our new Church, the New Dennis Wooton school, a Moto-Cross track that is in process of being built, and I'm sure there are plenty more....
but all of that is there, or going to be there, because someone mined the area first.
zaga_fan Wrote:Also...

My Church just moved into our new building on the property we bought a couple of years ago.
Can anyone take a guess where that land came from?
It is part of a reclaimed strip job.

We looked for land forever and it simply wasn't available.
Everything already has something on it, someone doesn't want to sell it, or it's a mountain.

The only possible way to have anything around here is to blow part of a mountain up.
Around where we live we have the Sportsplex, our new Church, the New Dennis Wooton school, a Moto-Cross track that is in process of being built, and I'm sure there are plenty more....
but all of that is there, or going to be there, because someone mined the area first.

StoneCrest golf course and Prestonsburg sports park.... reclaimed strip mine.

Big sandy regional airport, Honey Branch industrial park, Big Sandy Federal prison.... reclaimed strip mine.
Prayers Bud
zaga_fan Wrote:Also...

My Church just moved into our new building on the property we bought a couple of years ago.
Can anyone take a guess where that land came from?
It is part of a reclaimed strip job.

We looked for land forever and it simply wasn't available.
Everything already has something on it, someone doesn't want to sell it, or it's a mountain.

The only possible way to have anything around here is to blow part of a mountain up.
Around where we live we have the Sportsplex, our new Church, the New Dennis Wooton school, a Moto-Cross track that is in process of being built, and I'm sure there are plenty more....
but all of that is there, or going to be there, because someone mined the area first.

This is what a lot of enviromentalist dont understand.
Reclaimed land opens the way for roads, houses, etc...and it helps in all aspects of life.
If any of you have been on top of a good reclaim job, its usually beautiful and breathtaking. If done right, it leaves the land looking much better than before.

I can think of around 20 different coal companies in Harlan/Bell County alone off the top of my head and i couldnt imagine how many jobs would be lost if something happened. I could set here and name almost all of them.
The bigger operations like Nally&Hamilton, Frasure Creek, Cam, etc, would be thousands of jobs.

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