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South Floyd Volleyball 2006-07 Season
Great Post FSK!!!And I agree completly that some girls are not going to have as much expirence as others, however i think that SF will definatly surprise some people.
well i guess we will just have to wait and see how good of a team the BURG and AC has baby...cause anyone can get on here n say any school is the best and others suck but its what happens on the court that makes one team better then another..and sf is gonna have a pretty BIG team far from small...
Good Point raidervolley.
I think South Floyd has as good a chance as anybody next year. They have some great players returning. Yeah, they lost a lot, but they lost a lot the year before and look how well they performed this year. I don't think Coach Smallwood and Coach Little will quit until they win the District or the I think they will do fine as long as they girls stay dedicated.
i agree...:thumb:
how many seniors did they lose
well im not for sure but they lost some good players,but still have some good players still on the team(AMBER,steph,ALLIE,and also sam issacs)
they were 6 seniors...Tiffany, Leslie, Katie, Kasey, Tasha, And Megan....
really thatas a big loss lets hope and i have faith in the girls at SF thatn they can recuperate from such a loss.
Yea that is a big lose...but u gotta look at what those girls did last season..i believe there were 9 seniors the year b4 and Leslie and Katie was the only 2 juniors that had experienced alot of playin time on vs and then they had to work with a totally different group of girls and i have to say they DOMINATED most the i dont expect ne thing less from the girls next year...hopefully they can learn how to work together..well i juss think they should b
This Year i think that sf will have a pretty good team..yes they might be losing Leslie Megan Katie Tasha Tiff Kasey..But They Wil Have A Few Gurls Comming Up Sich As..A starter from last yr Amber Tackett a soph. A Soph. Step Slone If She is Over the injury from last yr..A Soph. Sam Isaac..AN 8th grader Bailey Hamilton..Freshman Danielle Tackett 2 Bad That Trista Damron Os Moving To Prestonburg and wont be able to play her sophmore yr at south floyf
Wut about ally??? she was better than trista. I think
I've talked to Trista and it's not set in stone that she is going to Prestonsburg yet. Bailey is an extremely good player and I think that she will definately surprise people.
they should have a decent season.......
Hey Who Is This Cause She Has No Chance!!!
they should do ok
"volleygirl_sf" Wrote:Hey Who Is This Cause She Has No Chance!!!

Huh? who has no chance?Im
me 2 raidervolley...yeah i talked 2 trista today at school and she isnt going anywhere unless her parents decide otherwise and she said she didnt think they as of now she will definately be at sf for her sophmore year
I think that the girls will do fine next season. I am also glad to hear Trista isn't going to P-Burg. She really is a talented player. I have watched her play and helped coach her a little and I think she has a lot of talent. I also think they have a pretty good coaching staf up there at SFHS. I mean look what htey have accomplished since Smallwood and Little took over. It unbelievable. A 20-5 season and a 21-8 season. That is pretty good! I think that we can expect nothing but good things from these girls.
"FranciScottKey" Wrote:dude raidertime u have no idea what ur talking about i agree with whoever that was this will be a rebuilding yr for sf and also hard working younger players make no change if u lose the people who have experience and know how to work the court and rlly set up the ball.without anyone to teach these younger season of players their gonna have to start over except for a few talented players.Steph will be back this yr ive talked to her and she said she was gonna play again this yr.Amber tackett definetely is returning even if i have to put her there myself,Allie daniels a good younger player an upcoming sophmore.theres alot of young talent coming from the jv team from last yr.but with having only a few players left from last yr none of the girls will be senniors so we will have a pretty unexperienced team and that means girls like amb tackett and steph slone sam issacs and allie will have to take some girls under their wing and show them a variety of techniques and the fans or the hi hat crazies will have to hope for the best because ive been hoping ever since last yr that this yr would be the yr for sf.Any way i dont agree all the way the only talent ive seen from AC is gatorade and thats not saying heres to Sf floyd and another yr at kicking AC and all those other teams asses.LETs GO south FLOYD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From What I Can Find Out, South Floyd Is Losing A Lot Of Experience, And In Sports, Experience Counts. I Have Heard That They Have Had A Good JV And Freshman Program, So The Potential Is There To Be A Decent Team. Potential Is Like A Glass Sitting On A Counter. Is The Effort Going To Be Put Forth To Go And Fill That Glass With Water, Or Are You Just Going To Look At It And Hope That Someone Comes By And Fills It For You. From What I Have Heard, They Are Going To Be A Lot Of Players That Have The "POTENTIAL" To Play At South Floyd. The Question Is, Are They Going To Develop Their Skill Sets So They Can Play And Contribute, Or Are They Going To Be Content Watching Other People Play. I Will Guarntee That Coach Smallwood Will Only Have Players On The Floor Who Have Put In The Hours Improving Themselves. From What I Have Read, The Players At South Floyd " TALK THE TALK " Now Are They Going To Do The Work So They Can " WALK THE WALK " Oh, And By The Way....Didn't AC Beat South Floyd Three Times Last Year....So I Wouldn't Rally Call It Kicking Their As*es, Would You. :Skull03: :giveup:

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