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WWE Suspends Chris Jericho Indefinitely
WWE announced Friday that Chris Jericho has been suspended indefinitely due to an incident at Thursday night’s WWE live event from São Paulo, Brazil.

During the main event match between Jericho and WWE Champion CM Punk, Jericho took a Brazilian flag from ringside and kick it. Because denigrating the Brazilian flag is illegal in the country, police came to the ring and ordered Jericho to apologize or be taken to jail.

The flag stunt was NOT planned or approved by WWE officials and was Jericho’an act Jericho improvised to get heat. Here’s WWE’s statement:

Chris Jericho suspended

Chris Jericho as been suspended indefinitely due to an irresponsible act of denigrating the Brazilian flag at a WWE live event in São Paulo on May 24. WWE has apologized to the citizens and the government of Brazil for this incident.
WOW! Got to be smarter than that.
#4 has updated Chris Jericho's suspension length from indefinite to 30 days

It's good to see this won't be dragged out any longer than necessary. Jericho admitted fault immediately and the length of the suspension should pacify anyone who was offended
I find it funny that Brett Hart wiped his butt with an American flag in the ring and nothing happened. I know it was part of the show and the WWE is suspending Chris Jericho as much for public relations and public image as anything but come on. Screw Brazil.
^ unfortunately Westie, it's not illegal to wipe your butt with the American flag in the US Sad
Stardust Wrote:^ unfortunately Westie, it's not illegal to wipe your butt with the American flag in the US Sad

True, but the WWE controls suspensions within their organization not Brazil or the U.S.
^ Good point
I just heard this evening that RKO is out for 60 days due to a wellness issue.
Ernie you heard right. Orton has been suspended for 60 Days
WWE's main event core is looking...well really thin right now.
Orton has had many troubles with painkillers, just like his did before him. Apparently this issue is with oxicodeine. Orton has been very smart with his money. I look for his days as an active wrestler to slow considerably. I look for him to hit the WWE films studio's fulltime, and since the Marine 3 is filming right now, I would not be shocked that they send him straight to production and make some kind of appearance with the Miz, who is the star of the film.
^Why do they keep making the Marine? It keeps bombing!
^ In the last shareholders meeting, WWE Films announced they have 8 films in production for 2012. All of them are expected to go straight to DVD. They claim to make money on all of them. I can't see how they make money, they are terrible! But I guess the inexpensive method of entering films into circulation keeps them going. I don't think they have had a film to get any critical acclaim since the Scorpion King with the Rock.

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