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Biggest FAIL'S or Blunders in Pro Wrestling
This is a topic I have wanted to start for awhile now. Hopefully all of the BGR Universe will have input on this disussion.

Let's discuss the Biggest FAIL'S or blunders in pro wrestling's history. That could be a botched move, a match should have happened but didn't, a face that was turned heel or vis versa, a gimmick, somebody getting a push way to early or getting way to many pushes....... Or whatever you think a FAIL or blunder might be in the pro wrestling industry.
Since I started this, I'll go first.

Biggest FAIL botched move: D' Lo Brown's Botched Powerbomb on Droz. If I'm not mistaken Droz recieved a broken neck from this move. PLEASE NOTE: I'm not in any way making light of the serious injury to Droz or that D' Lo Brown injured Droz on purpose, but this incident stands out to me as a major botch. Accidents do happen. But I can't recall a more serious injury to a wrestler.

Worst Face/Heel turn: Sting. Sure that turn may have changed the course of pro wrestling history. But had Sting stayed with the surfer gimmick through out the nWo's run..... there's not telling what kind of matches we would have seen if he stayed Face. Some people say that Sting didn't 'turn'. But I disagree... Sting was always the Face. He might have remained loyal to WCW after he went to the black and white.... however, he went over a year (maybe more) without wrestling. He dropped in and saved the day from time to time, but not actually wrestled. Sting's character totally changed.... Hair, Colors, Actions, Music.... from a crowd favorite to a mysterious character lurking in the rafters. IMO, that is a Face/Heel turn.
The SHOCKMASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Halloween Havoc 1996......

The Yeti come to the ring and "humps" Hulk Hogan.....
^ Below is a link to that match. Turn to 7:20 for humping action. Big Grin

This will be controversial but:

Biggest blunder ever is the Owen Hart situation.

*Not making light of it, but it certainly did not go according to plan.
When Sid Vicious came off the 2nd rope and snapped his ankle.
Bastion Booger, the "Boogerman"

Scott Hall Needs Rehab - Drunk & Wasted on PAL Indy Show

[YOUTUBE="Scott Hall"]EhP6TP-rspY[/YOUTUBE]
The fingerpoke of doom...

before the fingerpoke of doom.

Unforgiven 1999.
Al Snow vs. Big Boss Man

Kennel From Hell Match. The ring was surrounded by the original Bar style cage with the Hell in a Cell structure surrounding the Bar style cage and the ring area. In between the Bar Style cage and Hell in the Cell were "Vicious" dogs that were supposed to 'attack' anybody that tried to escape. The only way to win was to escape both cages and not to get attacked by the dogs.

Terrible match, terrible storyline........ Just terrible all the way around.

WideRight05 Wrote:The SHOCKMASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dusty gives behind the scenes commentary on the vShockmaster on the link below.


Katie Vick and Triple H...

And Dusty, I think I'm scarred for life now! lol

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