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Paintsville Or Johnson Central-who Goes To Rupp?
Belfry will go to rupp, forget the rest.
Paintsville always go to Rupp!!! Most of the time the Coaches don't let their players tag along!!
good one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree Ace
it will be one of the two, you can write that down.
who ever it comes down to im sure it will be a good game. because both teams seem to always put on a good game. both teams are very talented. good luck to both.
The 15th region is to open for anyone to single to teams out of the rest and say which is going to RUPP... thats foolish theres no way you can predict that now... im not saying JC or P-ville wont go to RUPP, im simply sayin the 15th has to much talent to choose just 2 teams...
4-way race between Paintsville, Johnson Central, Pike Central and Belfry
Who knows, wait until March.
i say paintsville wont even make it to the finals....i say it will b between Belfry, JC, and PC
hey sc has beat JC and lost by 1 in overtime to you have to put them up there too....Belfry was a game you would have to watch after that 111 piont game the haven't put up over 70 so belfry will not make it too played p-ville at p-ville you will not win there if it was 10 on 5 so just wait for SC to start playin some ball
To be honest, I think that it will be down to more than just two teams to win the region. Remember come tourney time, anything can happen and it usually does. One bad game, and your season is over. Sometimes it can even come down to one play and your season is over too. So dont count out all the other teams in the region or your season will be over along time before you thought it would be.
I'm new to BGR, but I am not new to 15th region basketball action! To narrow it to two teams, which either one if not both could fall in their districts, is crazy!:omg:
JC if they become more consistent if not they dont have a chance.
Well since this post is between Paintsville and Johnson central.....
Paintsville FOR SURE! They are a good ball team, and with the determination, and love for the game, they will go all the way!
This thread is rediculous. How can you narrow who is going to win the regional tourn. down to two teams with as much time there is before the tourn. even rolls around. I don't even think these will be the two teams to come out of their district.
neither but i say a big disappointment toward these 2 teams
Y make a thread like this..... Neither one of them teams can make it to rupp... AC has just as good of shot as them
This post is crazy...
I like the golden eagles better than the tigers
Who knows???
It's January for goodness sake.
Who knows if either team will suffer injuries or go through turmoil???
And personally, I believe there will be 8 teams with a chance to win it once it gets to the EXPO center.
i think this thread is ridiculous as many others have pointed out on here the region is wide open just like it is every other year their is no 2 or 4 teams that can win it there is more about 8 teams...As now there are around 5 teams that are the faviorites...Do they have a chance yes but so does every one else...
"U Know Not!!" Wrote:Y make a thread like this..... Neither one of them teams can make it to rupp... AC has just as good of shot as them

Ur kdding me right?..AC couldn't play their way out of a wet paper bag. How could you even mention that calibur of a team with Johnson Central and Paintsville when Jc just beat them 20+ points and could have made the deficit even more rediculous. I will ignore your post and try to associate you with the less intelligent and idealist ac posters on this site. Its fine to be a fan but let's try to be realistic.

Staying on topic though, i would give my props to JC for now, with the unexpected downplay Paintsville has displayed lately and would agree with statements that Paintsville cannot play as well on the road. These two teams will face off for the first time in 06 tonight at Runyons domain. Looking for a big crowd and an exciting game thats up for grabs. Two very talented teams that lack consistency. Good luck both teams.
"-STAT-" Wrote:4-way race between Paintsville, Johnson Central, Pike Central and Belfry

I agree but all the sudden P-burg is really good thanks the coming of age of Barnette. I think it is a toss up.

Paintsville suffers under solid defense. JC has yet to be consistent. Belfry has not yet played everyone in the region nor has Pburg, or PC. It is still a toss up.
this tread is stupid.... who ever made it needs smaked cuz there no way this will be the two team i think the school i David could kill p-ville
The region is wide open...Johnson central has a shot as well as Paintsville, but dont count your chickens before they hatch!!!Guess we will find out come MarcH!!!

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