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Obama announces he supports same-sex marriage
Proud of my President today.

Quote:(CNN) -- President Barack Obama said Wednesday he supports same-sex marriage, raising the political stakes on an issue over which Americans are evenly split.
The announcement was the first by a sitting president and put Obama squarely at odds with presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.
"At a certain point I've just concluded that for me, personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married," Obama said in an interview with ABC News.
Obama once opposed same-sex marriage. He later indicated his views were "evolving."
"I had hesitated on gay marriage, in part, because I thought civil unions would be sufficient," the president said. "I was sensitive to the fact that -- for a lot of people -- that the word marriage is something that provokes very powerful traditions and religious beliefs."
But, Obama said, his thinking shifted as he witnessed committed same-sex marriages and thought about U.S. service personnel who were "not able to commit themselves in a marriage."
It was not immediately clear how the development might play out at the voting booth.
A Gallup Poll released Tuesday indicated 50% of Americans believe same-sex marriages should be recognized by law as valid, with 48% saying such marriages should not be legal.
What will he change his mind on next? In 2008 he said his Christian values taught him marriage was to be between a man and a woman. He said God had a part in that.

What will be his next distraction from what is important? I have a feeling he would leave his family and marry a goat if gets him a second term. ANYTHING to not talk about the economy...ANYTHING.
Personally I am ashamed and disgusted of your president. I dont claim him.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:What will he change his mind on next? In 2008 he said his Christian values taught him marriage was to be between a man and a woman. He said God had a part in that.

What will be his next distraction from what is important? I have a feeling he would leave his family and marry a goat if gets him a second term. ANYTHING to not talk about the economy...ANYTHING.

IMO that would be an upgrade anyways.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:What will he change his mind on next? In 2008 he said his Christian values taught him marriage was to be between a man and a woman. He said God had a part in that.

What will be his next distraction from what is important? I have a feeling he would leave his family and marry a goat if gets him a second term. ANYTHING to not talk about the economy...ANYTHING.

But then again he has proven time and time and time again he has never been one to begin with. Surely nobody should be shocked?
I figured he had already been a supporter...not a big surprise. Just a move to try to gain votes from the gay side.
^ For Barack Obama, it's all about him being in the White House. For the rag tag group of weirdo's that make up the voting base he represents, it's all about keeping the checks rolling in, or defying God by passing unholy and rebellious laws which, seek to overturn the natural order He intended.

He's still mealy mouthing about it all though, hedging his bets by saying it should be up to the individual states to enact laws forbidding or legalizing gay marriage. That way in his mind, he can endorse the depravity while keeping his hands clean. Sort of like Pilate's symbolic hand washing while sending the Lord to be crucified. At any rate, not using the federal government to push the states around is a new tack for Obama.
^ Agreed. I hope to goodness people learn from this. Unfortunately I am concerned he will find some way or another to get re-elected. I wonder how Jimmy Carter would be portrayed by the media if he were in office during this time...the media gave up on him, but they are not giving up on obama no matter what.
WideRight05 Wrote:^ Agreed. I hope to goodness people learn from this. Unfortunately I am concerned he will find some way or another to get re-elected. I wonder how Jimmy Carter would be portrayed by the media if he were in office during this time...the media gave up on him, but they are not giving up on obama no matter what.

So true, but I can assure you of this. The media of that day and time were a completely different animal than what you see now. I'm serious, if somebody would have come out with the lies, half truths and misdirection we see from the left and their lap dog propaganda outlets that pass for news agencies today, there would have been a unilateral uproar like you cannot believe. I guarantee Cronkite or Brinkley would never have lied for anybody on the air. Lying just came into vogue with the Clinton administration, and now, it's in hyperdrive.
TheRealThing Wrote:^ For Barack Obama, it's all about him being in the White House. For the rag tag group of weirdo's that make up the voting base he represents, it's all about keeping the checks rolling in, or defying God by passing unholy and rebellious laws which, seek to overturn the natural order He intended.

He's still mealy mouthing about it all though, hedging his bets by saying it should be up to the individual states to enact laws forbidding or legalizing gay marriage. That way in his mind, he can endorse the depravity while keeping his hands clean. Sort of like Pilate's symbolic hand washing while sending the Lord to be crucified. At any rate, not using the federal government to push the states around is a new tack for Obama.

Only now, this crowd shouts , "Give us queers, give us queers".
Bob Seger Wrote:Only now this crowd shouts , "Give us queers, give us queers".

:hilarious: Sometimes all you can do is laugh. Did you in your wildest dreams ever think you would witness lunacy afoot in the US of this magnitude?
TheRealThing Wrote::hilarious: Sometimes all you can do is laugh. Did you in your wildest dreams ever think you would witness lunacy afoot in the US of this magnitude?


Maybe I have just been naive. I guess you can expect some of this stuff to be present in the weirdo capitals of the world such as LA and Frisco, but before getting involved with this forum, I never imagined that there were people living right here among us in this area that are as vile, corrupted, mentally sick, and as evil minded as what they are. Man, have we ever got em right here with us.
How does a man who claims he is a Christian support gay marriage?
Looks like ole Joe put him in a tight spot and now he's trying to garner some votes.

Whether you like him or not, he's lying about one thing atleast.....A. Being a devout Christian or B. Supporting gay marriage.
Joe Biden has put him in a tight spot more than once!! I enjoy Joe. He's been the most entertaining VP we've had in a long time. Remember the debates??? He was so obviously enchanted by Sarah Palin!! His smiled so much and so big that he nearly swallowed his face.
It's about damn time we have a politician with enough of a sack to admit they support rights for gays. Proud of him.
And you can be a devout Christian and support/gay marriage at the same time you fucking idiots.

You all talk all that shit...then you go home and **** your girlfriend. You're committing the same type of sin you're criticizing others for!

I'm a Christian, and support rights for gays, am I a liar?? Retards...
^ He's lying about both RUTG. And I'd say he's lying when he says he'll let the individual states decide about the legality issue of gay marriage. If he'd any intent to allow states to be sovereign why, pray tell, is his administration suing Arizona's Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio? As this video record confirms, literally thousands of illegals INVADE the US every month of every year. How many thousands of foreign operatives would it take to disrupt American life? My take on this is there are already enough to do it. And further, who knows what nationality they are? Could be anything from Iranians to Afghans.

We're about due for another "Gun Walker" secret op. These guys all need to be armed, right?
Awful emotional on this issue Vundy, and you said you are proud of Obama's sack. Starting to worry about you.:devilflam

Seriously, I think Obama loses in Nov. and loses big.
vundy33 Wrote:And you can be a devout Christian and support/gay marriage at the same time you fucking idiots.

You all talk all that shit...then you go home and **** your girlfriend. You're committing the same type of sin you're criticizing others for!

I'm a Christian, and support rights for gays, am I a liar?? Retards...

No you absolutely cannot. There may be some of you out there that want to convince yourselves of that, so in essance all you are doing is only kidding yourselves.

Also I can assure you that I fit in none of the other criteria you mentioned.
vundy33 Wrote:And you can be a devout Christian and support/gay marriage at the same time you fucking idiots.

You all talk all that shit...then you go home and **** your girlfriend. You're committing the same type of sin you're criticizing others for!

I'm a Christian, and support rights for gays, am I a liar?? Retards...

No offense Vundy but, where did you get that idea? God does not condone sin, and I have posted enough verses from the bible on here to demonstrate that fact. Homosexuallity is clearly outside the lines according to the scriptures, and I don't believe for one second that the consciences of those in the grips of that particular sin don't bother them everyday.

Romans 1:21-28 (KJV)

21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.

24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26[SIZE="3"] For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. [/SIZE]
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

I'm not saying homosexuallity is wrong, but the Lord did, and He isn't confused about the matter. That's what I have been trying to say. Why are men trying to legislate and redefine God's laws? No good can come of it. Here is the penalty;

Romans 1:32 (KJV)

32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
vundy33 Wrote:And you can be a devout Christian and support/gay marriage at the same time you fucking idiots.

You all talk all that shit...then you go home and **** your girlfriend. You're committing the same type of sin you're criticizing others for!

I'm a Christian, and support rights for gays, am I a liar?? Retards...


We are all born sinners and will sin until death. A Christian will indeed sin, some more than others. A Christian will feel remorse and shame for his sin and repent. He will also try his best to turn away from sin.The difference in our view is that not only do I NOT condone my own sin, I do not condone the sins of others. You, along with BHO have decided to pick which sins are to be "supported" or condoned.

Obama stood on Christianity a few years back and denied same sex marriage. Now he supports it. Is this because he doesn't believe in the Devine Word any longer? Or is it political? Political enough to sway in his faith?

Maybe because BHO says it, it overrules what sin is. After all, he loves being called a messiah.

One more thing. Why all the hate man?
OK really who in their right mind didn't believe he already supported same sex marriage. That's one of the top five causes of the left. Maybe the head line should have been "President Obama comes out of the closet on Same sex Marriage"
The tenets of Christianity do not change with the times. They do not "evolve". It appears that we have a goodly number of "cafeteria Christians" out there. It doesn't work.

Of course, anyone who ever believed that Obama was a Christian was a fool anyway. He is not a even a "cafeteria Christian" but rather a fake "situational Christian". He is whatever he needs to be to garner votes and money. He is dangerous. He has always been dangerous. He will always be dangerous.
vundy33 Wrote:And you can be a devout Christian and support/gay marriage at the same time you fucking idiots.

You all talk all that shit...then you go home and **** your girlfriend. You're committing the same type of sin you're criticizing others for!

I'm a Christian, and support rights for gays, am I a liar?? Retards...

lol, way to make yourself sound awesome.
First of all, no you can not. Read the above post since theyve already explained it for me.

And secondly, its very christian like to call everyone F'm idiots and retard dont ya think? Since your a devout christian and all.....
Vundy33 and his boy, Barry, are, from all indications, similar in their religious views. Of course, they are in good company with Barney Frank, Rachel Maddow, Ellen Degeneres. And, after all, Barney is engaged to a union welder.
On a scale of things I care about this election. Gay marriage is literally one of the very last.

Marriage is a state institution. It should be up to the states. The Fed. Govt has no place being involved in this. Of course there are a million things the Fed have no business being involved in, but they are anyways.

We are all born sinners and will sin until death. A Christian will indeed sin, some more than others. A Christian will feel remorse and shame for his sin and repent. He will also try his best to turn away from sin.The difference in our view is that not only do I NOT condone my own sin, I do not condone the sins of others. You, along with BHO have decided to pick which sins are to be "supported" or condoned.

Obama stood on Christianity a few years back and denied same sex marriage. Now he supports it. Is this because he doesn't believe in the Devine Word any longer? Or is it political? Political enough to sway in his faith?

Maybe because BHO says it, it overrules what sin is. After all, he loves being called a messiah.

One more thing. Why all the hate man?
I don't sin. Sin is a farce dreamed up by men to control other people. The bible has to be true for sin to be real. It's not.

1the formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife:

A lot of things are words, marriage is the wrong word, call it something else.
TheRealVille Wrote:I don't sin. Sin is a farce dreamed up by men to control other people. The bible has to be true for sin to be real. It's not.

We believe differently. Our opinions differ. No need in the two of us entertaining a debate on this subject, right?

I have zero ill feelings, and even though I think you're wrong, I don't think you are an effing idiot.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:We believe differently. Our opinions differ. No need in the two of us entertaining a debate on this subject, right?

I have zero ill feelings, and even though I think you're wrong, I don't think you are an effing idiot.
Cool. Bob and TRT will call you an idiot and a moron when you disagree with them, and they claim to be christians. Both have preached salvation to me also. If there was a heaven and hell, which there isn't IMO, I don't want to be no where near heaven with some of these guys. I wouldn't even want to stand near them in a thunderstorm.

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