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'Husband raped wife on wedding night'
A husband raped his new wife on their wedding night after she told him she didn't want to have sex, London's Daily Mail in London reports today.

The woman told the Exeter Crown Court she was so drunk after she returned home from the wedding reception that she told her husband she did not want to have sex.

But the Mail reports that the husband ignored her pleas and forced himself on her.

The man, who denies the allegations, is also charged with raping his wife on four other occasions during their two-year marriage, the Mail says.

The alleged victim reported the attacks to police after allegedly being raped twice in two days.

The prosecutor told the told the husband's attitude changed after the wedding and he developed a sense of entitlement, telling her 'You're my wife, it's allowed' when she complained about his attacks.

According to the Daily Mail, one of the alleged rapes occurred when his wife was heavily pregnant and another shortly after the baby's Caesarean birth while his wife still had stitches.

The wife told the court she did not invent the allegations.

"I was scared of him. I knew what a temper he has got. I was afraid he would take my babies. They are my life," she said. "'I was petrified. I know it sounds messed up but it is how it was. I had loved him to bits but I did not want to live like that any more.

"On our wedding night I remember saying no and saying just because I am married to him I still had the right to say no.

"I remember saying it and then passing out for a bit and then finding him on top of me having sex with me. I did not want sex at that stage. That was why I had said no."
The Mail reports that the trial continues.
It's really hard to prove rape when your married to someone.
The courts will have a hard time finding which one to believe.
Either put out or get out. I'm with the husband on this one. It's your wedding night. You're getting it whether you want it or not.
what kind of woman doesn't want to have sex on there wedding night. We just going to play rook and eat pizza? I do agree that it is hard to tell who is telling the truth, but 99.9% of men expect sex on there wedding night. I guess he didn't want to be that .1 % who didn't get it.
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3)Cougar Athletics!

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That's why you don't let your wife get that drunk...and if it does somehow happen, just make up for it the next night with some extras. Pretty simple. Don't rape her, lol...then she'll probably spit in your sammiches from then on out.
vundy33 Wrote:That's why you don't let your wife get that drunk...and if it does somehow happen, just make up for it the next night with some extras. Pretty simple. Don't rape her, lol...then she'll probably spit in your sammiches from then on out.

vundy, you crack me up!!
I wouldnt rape her, but I'd have that shit annulled by the time she was sober.
The guy was stuck between a rock and a hard spot. And made a bad decision.
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No such thing as rape its called
[B]Surprise SEX

^Only IF he yells surprise
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