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Wondering why.....
my thread on the yankees was closed in the MLB section?
Another reason of why this place has went to hell and NO ONE of the original members have much to do with it anymore. We have some of the dumbest damn threads in the world that are started, get ZERO replies, yet they stay open? WTFUCKKKKKKKKK!!!
We have the super mod father who has ruined this site.
He thinks its cool to steal photos from other news sites and copy/paste them on here. We see a thread with 10, 15, 20 replies and we get all excited and think there is some actual discussion going on, then we realize ONCE AGAIN its just a bunch of mumble jumble photos and bullshit stories he has stolen from newspaper articles.
THIS SITE SUCKS LONG DONKEY cock now, and he is the main reason. ASK ANY OF THE LONG TIME MEMBERS.

So, before you ban me or whatever the hell you wanna do................ feel more than welcome to

p.s.......... Ric Flair used to kick the shit out of dusty rhodes' fat ass. :welcome:

and please dont bother with a pm or infraction. just have the balls to do it.
A fitting way for a member of the original Mob to go out... We will miss ya Ring lol...

The Mob shall rise again.
lol im waiting to hear the sound of a effing tommy gun lol
Ring'Em Up Wrote:my thread on the yankees was closed in the MLB section?
Another reason of why this place has went to hell and NO ONE of the original members have much to do with it anymore. We have some of the dumbest damn threads in the world that are started, get ZERO replies, yet they stay open? WTFUCKKKKKKKKK!!!
We have the super mod father who has ruined this site.
He thinks its cool to steal photos from other news sites and copy/paste them on here. We see a thread with 10, 15, 20 replies and we get all excited and think there is some actual discussion going on, then we realize ONCE AGAIN its just a bunch of mumble jumble photos and bullshit stories he has stolen from newspaper articles.
THIS SITE SUCKS LONG DONKEY cock now, and he is the main reason. ASK ANY OF THE LONG TIME MEMBERS.

So, before you ban me or whatever the hell you wanna do................ feel more than welcome to

p.s.......... Ric Flair used to kick the shit out of dusty rhodes' fat ass. :welcome:

and please dont bother with a pm or infraction. just have the balls to do it.

I would love to admit that I did it just to piss your dumb ass off even more, but I can't take credit for it (DAMN'IT) As for you not coming back around, :hilarious:

I'm sure the one who did it can admit to it, I'm sure he can let you know so your little hurt feelings can get all better. Finally, why ban someone who is purely so entertaining and brings such great insights to the site. We need your continued excellent insight on such topics of:


Grandy jus killed one. About 700 feet.

I couldn't tell you why it was closed, but it brought such tremendous knowledge and entertainment to us all!!! :truestory:

By buddy, I'm going to miss you:Sad04:
I remember you on here from way back in the day. Wish you all the best man and hate that things ended the way they did for you. Thank you for being a donating member and helping this site grow.
Stick all 100,000 of your bogus posts straight up your ass, Dusty. I cant name 3-4 people on this site that has more knowledge of baseball than I do. Thats taken part, coached, umpired, studies the history, past and current, of the game. And YOURE not one of them.
When you came around, thats when i quit contributing meaningfully. Cause you ruined this place in so many ways. Yeah, Q got busy and allowed some others to step up and take control, but he made a bad decision with you. What do you HONESTLY think youre contributing when all you do is go steal scores, stories and photos from newspapers and copy/paste them here?
Just ask around with the FEW members still active who have been here since '05-'06.
And while you're managing a way to fit all those bogus posts up your ass, see if you can find a way to fit your funny little emoticons in there as well. Im sure you'd get a kick out of them writhing in and out as well.
Im out. To my bois PT, Seger, Hoss, PB5, BCA, Wide, and ya'll, ..................
AHH BOYS. lol.

People still talkin bout me but it's all gravy, so many people love me somebody gotta hate me.
^ I'm going to miss you and all your self-indulgence that makes you feel so good. Your self pleasuring skills are something we should all learn from and take a lesson in. It's going to be missed, but just like in life, forgotten pretty quickly.


Let me tell you how I rock, pocket full of gwap. Bottle in the air, livin without a care.
[Image:]Someone has some issues

Can you plays Taps on here somehow? Addios !!!
Ohhh, love the pic of Pelosi!!
Bob Seger Wrote:Confusedalute:

Can you plays Taps on here somehow? Addios !!!
[YOUTUBE="Goodbye Ring"]S-Xrlf3taEo[/YOUTUBE]
Ring, I love ya bro..I hate that it had to come to this. Its not everyday the mob loses a made member. But if you must go out, go out.. (Drum kick!) "SHOT DOWWWWNNNN!!!! IN A BLAAAZE OF GLOOORRRRYYYY!!" ...

In the end, it was Lord Dusty that pulled that golden trigger.

However, this weekend, I WILL be opening up that new bar, since our last one was burnt to the ground by Tribe and her thug associates. Yeah you know, that place that caused turbulence, turmoil and bitterness amongst the forces of OUR bar and the BGR hangout. Colors and territory, baby. Thats what we hang our hats on..
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Ring, I love ya bro..I hate that it had to come to this. Its not everyday the mob loses a made member. But if you must go out, go out.. (Drum kick!) "SHOT DOWWWWNNNN!!!! IN A BLAAAZE OF GLOOORRRRYYYY!!" ...

In the end, it was Lord Dusty that pulled that golden trigger.

However, this weekend, I WILL be opening up that new bar, since our last one was burnt to the ground by Tribe and her thug associates. Yeah you know, that place that caused turbulence, turmoil and bitterness amongst the forces of OUR bar and the BGR hangout. Colors and territory, baby. Thats what we hang our hats on..
Found some of the old threads during the revolution back then, when moderators went WAAAAAAYYYYYY too far.

Thread banning linking Chat Rooms links:

Thread about "ManIs" "PC" Double Accounts and more about the Chat Room Being Against the Rules, even though now it is legal on here to say WHATEVER lol:
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Ring, I love ya bro..I hate that it had to come to this. Its not everyday the mob loses a made member. But if you must go out, go out.. (Drum kick!) "SHOT DOWWWWNNNN!!!! IN A BLAAAZE OF GLOOORRRRYYYY!!" ...

In the end, it was Lord Dusty that pulled that golden trigger.

However, this weekend, I WILL be opening up that new bar, since our last one was burnt to the ground by Tribe and her thug associates. Yeah you know, that place that caused turbulence, turmoil and bitterness amongst the forces of OUR bar and the BGR hangout. Colors and territory, baby. Thats what we hang our hats on..


LOL, pass me all the credit:Thumbs: Dusty had zero, natta, nothing, to do with it. Dusty was pulled into it and still did nothing! But Dusty LOVES the exposure, so he'll take 100% of the credit....[Image:]
Panther Thunder Wrote:Found some of the old threads during the revolution back then, when moderators went WAAAAAAYYYYYY too far.

Thread banning linking Chat Rooms links:

Thread about "ManIs" "PC" Double Accounts and more about the Chat Room Being Against the Rules, even though now it is legal on here to say WHATEVER lol:

Rule #9 sure doesn't apply anymore...
^ A lot has changed in three years. Now you can call out, make fun of, and make stuff up on Staff Members and not get banned....
So why is Ring giving Dust such a hard time and leaving the site over it when it wasn't Dust?
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
Stardust Wrote:^ A lot has changed in three years. Now you can call out, make fun of, and make stuff up on Staff Members and not get banned....

That's a pretty awesome rule you douche bag!!! Big Grin :1:

Panther Thunder Wrote:Found some of the old threads during the revolution back then, when moderators went WAAAAAAYYYYYY too far.

Thread banning linking Chat Rooms links:

Thread about "ManIs" "PC" Double Accounts and more about the Chat Room Being Against the Rules, even though now it is legal on here to say WHATEVER lol:

Thank God some of those "leaders" arent around anymore.
There were many dosuchesback in those days. And yes, i had a different account long before RIUTG existed and quit posting because of stuff like this.
Doing what we done here was the best thing that could have ever happened.
Its als the reason those certain members dont come around anymore, they cant boss and intimidate people like they use to.....i love it.
SD wasn't the one that closed the thread. I was. Couldn't you come up with a different name title something like Granderson hit a 700 foot home run instead of Yanks? There's more players on the Yankees then just Granderson so when you named the thread Yanks, we didn't know who you were talking about until we read it and it hadn't gotten any replies. I know there's threads created all the time, some from me that don't get any replies and they always find the bottom of the forum

I'm sorry if I offended anyone!
Strikeout King Wrote:SD wasn't the one that closed the thread. I was. Couldn't you come up with a different name title something like Granderson hit a 700 foot home run instead of Yanks? There's more players on the Yankees then just Granderson so when you named the thread Yanks, we didn't know who you were talking about until we read it and it hadn't gotten any replies. I know there's threads created all the time, some from me that don't get any replies and they always find the bottom of the forum

I'm sorry if I offended anyone!

The only time you offend me is when you won't admit Mark Henry is your favorite wrestler.
Your way off there Westy. I will admit he's a good heel and the WWE needs to keep pushing him as a heel and actually give him the title for a change instead of having it go back and forth with Sheamus/Daniel Bryan and CM Punk/John Cena/Randy Orton and others (even those 2 wrestlers haven't had it in a while)
^ Dang I guessed wrong haha. I totally thought it was Real Badman that deleted that thread. He's the only mod on here that really gets sand in his vag over stuff like that.
Strikeout King Wrote:SD wasn't the one that closed the thread. I was. Couldn't you come up with a different name title something like Granderson hit a 700 foot home run instead of Yanks? There's more players on the Yankees then just Granderson so when you named the thread Yanks, we didn't know who you were talking about until we read it and it hadn't gotten any replies. I know there's threads created all the time, some from me that don't get any replies and they always find the bottom of the forum

I'm sorry if I offended anyone!

To me you went a little overboard on this SK. We have all of these stupid "what are you....?" threads on here and then you close this one?:eyeroll: Kinda reminds me of one of those stunts that some of those overzealous power freaks on here used to pull.
It can be re-opened if anyone would want it too.

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