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Why are so many candidates still trying?
TheRealVille Wrote:The 2011 budget was enacted on April 15, 2011, as Public Law 112-10Look it up. That is the 2011 budget. Faux News is not being honest with you, or you are not being honest.

Did you say look it up? I can post links all night if you want them.

Even Bob Beckel wouldn't try to say there has been a budget. Heck, the DNC wouldn't try to sell that one.
TheRealThing Wrote:Did you say look it up? I can post links all night if you want them.

Even Bob Beckel wouldn't try to say there has been a budget. Heck, the DNC wouldn't try to sell that one.
My link is from the government's website. I'll take it over some conservative rag on the net. The budget is there in black and white to read.
TheRealVille Wrote:My link is from the government's website. I'll take it over some conservative rag on the net. The budget is there in black and white to read.

Right, Investor's Business Daily is a "conservative rag". And you claim others cannot refute the blather you're putting out? :igiveup:
TheRealThing Wrote:Right, Investor's Business Daily is a "conservative rag". And you claim others cannot refute the blather you're putting out? :igiveup:
No matter, the 2011 budget is there in black and white, with the Law number. Which exposes your 1000+ day claim as a falsehood.
Continuing appropriations act, 2011
the other guy Wrote:Continuing appropriations act, 2011
Yea, that's what the budget is called for 2011. It's still the budget for 2011, and passed as Public Law 112-10.

Quote: Making appropriations for the Department of Defense and the other
departments and agencies of the Government
for the fiscal year ending
September 30, 2011, and for other purposes. <<NOTE: Apr. 15,
2011 - [H.R. 1473]>>

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, <<NOTE: Department of
Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011.>>

This Act may be cited as the ``Department of Defense and Full-Year
Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011'

The table of contents for this Act is as follows:

Division A--Department of Defense Appropriations, 2011
Division B--Full-Year Continuing Appropriations, 2011
Division C--Scholarships for Opportunity and Results Act
to TheRealVille you are wasting your time with some of these guy's

they are like that old mule in the field with there blinders on

but i still like proven them wrong
The Senate’s chief referee has issued a key ruling against Majority Leader Harry Reid, POLITICO has learned — a move expected to bring unwanted election-year pressure on the Nevada Democrat to act on politically dicey budget bills.

Newly appointed Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough, whom Reid recommended for the job, has decided that last summer’s deal on the debt ceiling and spending caps does not preclude the Senate from taking up other budget resolutions this year. The ruling could force vulnerable Democrats to cast tough votes that hurt them in November, a situation Reid and other leaders are eager to avoid as they work to protect their fragile majority.

Read more: a version of President Barack Obama’s own $3.6 trillion budget proposal, which the House unanimously rejected last week, also could come to the Senate floor, ensuring an embarrassing replay of last year when not a single senator voted for the president’s budget.

Read more:
TheRealVille Wrote:No matter, the 2011 budget is there in black and white, with the Law number. Which exposes your 1000+ day claim as a falsehood.

I agree, if you insist on a state of willful ignorance, it doesn't matter what really goes on in the world around you. I know one thing, if there were any semblance of a federal budget for over 36 months now, thousands of media wouldn't keep reporting we haven't had one. And, that's across the board, absolutely no one is trying to say we have passed a budget during the Obama presidency, not even the liberal mad dogs at MSNBC would take that one on. Evidently they're relying on you to spread the word.
TheRealThing Wrote:I agree, if you insist on a state of willful ignorance, it doesn't matter what really goes on in the world around you. I know one thing, if there were any semblance of a federal budget for over 36 months now, thousands of media wouldn't keep reporting we haven't had one. And, that's across the board, absolutely no one is trying to say we have passed a budget during the Obama presidency, not even the liberal mad dogs at MSNBC would take that one on. Evidently they're relying on you to spread the word.
So you are saying they aren't using the above as their passed budget? How did it stop a government shutdown last April then? I wouldn't comment much on willful ignorance much, when you refuse to see that they are using Public Law 112-10 as the budget for the year.
TheRealVille Wrote:So you are saying they aren't using the above as their passed budget? How did it stop a government shutdown last April then? I wouldn't comment much on willful ignorance much, when you refuse to see that they are using Public Law 112-10 as the budget for the year.

Here is what you keep going on about----


[[Page 125 STAT. 38]]

Public Law 112-10
112th Congress

An Act

[SIZE="5"] [COLOR="cyan"]Making appropriations for the Department of Defense and the other
departments and agencies of the Government [/COLOR][/SIZE]for the fiscal year ending
September 30, 2011, and for other purposes. <<NOTE: Apr. 15,
2011 - [H.R. 1473]>>

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, <<NOTE: Department of
Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011.>>

This Act may be cited as the ``Department of Defense and Full-Year
Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011''.

An appropriations act is not a federal budget. The government had to get this passed so the military could continue to oprerate in LIEU of a federal budget.
TheRealThing Wrote:Here is what you keep going on about----


[[Page 125 STAT. 38]]

Public Law 112-10
112th Congress

An Act

[SIZE="5"] [COLOR="cyan"]Making appropriations for the Department of Defense and the other
departments and agencies of the Government [/COLOR][/SIZE]for the fiscal year ending
September 30, 2011, and for other purposes. <<NOTE: Apr. 15,
2011 - [H.R. 1473]>>

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, <<NOTE: Department of
Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011.>>

This Act may be cited as the ``Department of Defense and Full-Year
Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011''.

An appropriations act is not a federal budget. The government had to get this passed so the military could continue to oprerate in LIEU of a federal budget.
Yea, that. But you aren't showing the whole first few paragraphs. The bolded is what the government is running on. If you look through the whole thing, you can see where the money is going(a budget). This is what the United States government is using for it's budget for 2011.

Quote:Making appropriations for the Department of Defense and the other
departments and agencies of the Government for the fiscal year ending
September 30, 2011, and for other purposes.
<<NOTE: Apr. 15,
2011 - [H.R. 1473]>>

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, <<NOTE: Department of
Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011.>>

This Act may be cited as the ``Department of Defense and Full-Year
Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011''.


The table of contents for this Act is as follows:

Division A--Department of Defense Appropriations, 2011
Division B--Full-Year Continuing Appropriations, 2011
Division C--Scholarships for Opportunity and Results Act

Below is just one of the sections I picked out for your reading pleasure. Assuming you know the meaning of a budget, you with see within this section where the money is allocated(budget).


Sec. 2201. Notwithstanding section 1101, the level for ``Department
of Transportation, Office of the Secretary, Transportation Planning,
Research, and Development'' shall be $9,819,000.
Sec. 2202. Notwithstanding section 1101, the level for ``Department
of Transportation, Office of the Secretary, National Infrastructure
Investments'' shall be $528,000,000:
Provided, <<NOTE: Applicability.>> That the amounts included under such
heading in division A of Public Law 111-117 shall be applied to funds
appropriated by this division by substituting ``$0'' for

Sec. 2203. Notwithstanding section 1101, the level for ``Department
of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Operations'' shall
be $9,533,028,000, of which $4,559,000,000 shall be derived from the
Airport and Airway Trust Fund, of which not less than $7,473,299,000
shall be for air traffic organization activities and not less than
$1,253,020,000 shall be for aviation safety activities.
Sec. 2204. Notwithstanding section 1101, the level for ``Department
of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Facilities
Newly appointed Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough, whom Reid recommended for the job, has decided that last summer’s deal on the debt ceiling and spending caps does not preclude the Senate from taking up other budget resolutions this year. The ruling could force vulnerable Democrats to cast tough votes that hurt them in November, a situation Reid and other leaders are eager to avoid as they work to protect their fragile majority.
TheRealVille Wrote:Yea, that. But you aren't showing the whole first few paragraphs. The bolded is what the government is running on. If you look through the whole thing, you can see where the money is going(a budget). This is what the United States government is using for it's budget for 2011.

Below is just one of the sections I picked out for your reading pleasure. Assuming you know the meaning of a budget, you with see within this section where the money is allocated(budget).

I'll try one more time, an allocation is the practice of setting apart a portion of the total amount of money appropriated in this act. Surely a man of your stature knows a legislator from your district, get him to expain it to you. But, don't let him know you think we've had a federal budget during the last 3 years or he'll think you're joking. Apart from that, of the emphasized portion of my post, "and the other departments and agencies of the Government", I would have thought you'd realize I put that part in there for a reason. Obviously it's not just for the military, but that is the biggest reason for it.
TheRealThing Wrote:I'll try one more time, an allocation is the practice of setting apart a portion of the total amount of money appropriated in this act. Surely a man of your stature knows a legislator from your district, get him to expain it to you. But, don't let him know you think we've had a federal budget during the last 3 years or he'll think you're joking. Apart from that, of the emphasized portion of my post, "and the other departments and agencies of the Government", I would have thought you'd realize I put that part in there for a reason. Obviously it's not just for the military, but that is the biggest reason for it.
Good luck on getting RV to acknowledge that he has lost this debate. It won't happen no matter how overwhelming the facts are.

Here is a video of that braintrust of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Shultz demagoguing this issue of FNC. You would think that if the U.S. Senate had passed a budget, the DNC Chairperson would say so. Instead, she blames Republicans for the Senate's failure to vote on Obama's budget, despite her party having all of the votes that they need to pass it. Pretty funny stuff - DWS can always be counted on for a good laugh - but to her credit, she did not lie by claiming that the Senate had passed its own budget.

DNC Chairperson Defending Senate Failure to Pass a Budget
Only one one candidate left for "the good ole boys".
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Good luck on getting RV to acknowledge that he has lost this debate. It won't happen no matter how overwhelming the facts are.

Here is a video of that braintrust of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Shultz demagoguing this issue of FNC. You would think that if the U.S. Senate had passed a budget, the DNC Chairperson would say so. Instead, she blames Republicans for the Senate's failure to vote on Obama's budget, despite her party having all of the votes that they need to pass it. Pretty funny stuff - DWS can always be counted on for a good laugh - but to her credit, she did not lie by claiming that the Senate had passed its own budget.

DNC Chairperson Defending Senate Failure to Pass a Budget

Hilarious, this is what I have been saying. They (Dems) sidestep every meaningful question from the honest media, and immediately start demagoguing the republicans. The only time they do well is when somebody like Chris Matthews serves them up a softball that has been rehearsed for the purpose of making republicans look bad. It's literally all they have to use these days. The lead dog in the process, our Crier-in-chief and his adoring lackey, DWS, can't talk without blaming the republicans or George W for everything wrong. After listening to Romney last night, I believe we at last have a candidate who will not allow Obama to turn attention away from his abysmal performance as president of the United States. I really think it's game on!

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