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Secret Service looking into Ted Nugent violent anti-Obama message
The U.S. Secret Service is looking into a violent rant by "Catch Scratch Fever" rocker Ted Nugent in which he denounced President Barack Obama and his top advisers as "evil" and urged National Rifle Association members to help "chop their heads off in November."
"I'll tell you this right now: If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, again, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year," Nugent said. "We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November. Any questions?"
Nugent, , praised NRA members but warned that if they did not "get everybody in your lives to clean house in this vile, evil, America-hating administration, I don't even know what you're made out of."
"If the coyote's in your living room, pissing on your couch, it's not the coyote's fault. It's your fault for not shooting him," he said.He also denounced the administration as "criminals" and said a Democratic victory in November would mean "we'll be a suburb of Indonesia next year" — an apparent reference to Obama's boyhood time there.

LMAO.....You tell'em Ted!

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
LOL.......Go Ted!!!
Ted ain't afraid of no whore mongering Secret Service Agent!
He'll show them the freedom spirit flying eagle.
Whip their ass ted.
Hell yeah!
WOW! Go Ted!
^Ted is reacting the way I would expect most men to react. I question the wisdom of giving folks the idea things could get violent though. Since it is the Secret Service that is looking into the nature of his comments, Ted might be able to sway them to his way of thinking if he knows any professional girls he can call on.

I wondered how long it would take 'good ol boys' to get their fill of the Obama anti-logic. Where has the push back on all the force fed baloney coming down from the liberal been for so long? This is something that has irritated me for decades now. I totally hate it when some pinch nose liberal gets on a talk show or a political rally/speech, and "tells" me what I think. You know the dodge, they want to implant a particular talking point into the minds of the wide-eyed Democratic voting public and begin by saying "Americans want" Universal Health Care for instance. Wrong, what this American wants are less taxes and governmetal controls on every facet of his life.
Not very smart to put it like that, but that's Ted though, lol.
Ted will get his chance after Election time.
Ted says what most of us think.
Threatening to kill the President is no small thing.
TheRealVille Wrote:Threatening to kill the President is no small thing.

Indeed, not particularly small at all. However, Ted didn't actually threaten the life of the little fellow. If I had to bet on the Keystone Cops (with or without their prostitutes) in their sunglasses, black suits, white shirts, narrow black ties, and black wingtip shoes or Ted, I'd take Ted.
I met with two fine, professional Secret Service agents in OK today. Good, solid, professional meeting concluding that I have never made any threats of violence towards anyone. The meeting could not have gone better. I thanked them for their service, we shook hands and went about our business. Godbless the good federal agents wherever they may be.
-- Ted Nugent

i bet they was alot of Ass kissing
Ted's a moron
Truth Wrote:Indeed, not particularly small at all. However, Ted didn't actually threaten the life of the little fellow. If I had to bet on the Keystone Cops (with or without their prostitutes) in their sunglasses, black suits, white shirts, narrow black ties, and black wingtip shoes or Ted, I'd take Ted.
I watched a documentary once about them, you probably would lose your money. These guys don't play around in hand to hand, or weapons.
he just say's all that stuff so people will watch his concert's or hunting

show or the product's he endorse's will see this fall if he is a man of his

word's if obama is elected president again
TheRealVille Wrote:Threatening to kill the President is no small thing.

He honestly meant that he was going to wait until November and ride a bunch of wild horses to Washington and cut off Obama's head.

I got an email from him asking if I needed to borrow a horse.
vector Wrote:he just say's all that stuff so people will watch his concert's or hunting

show or the product's he endorse's will see this fall if he is a man of his

word's if obama is elected president again

I'm confident that Ted Nugent would say this stuff if he had no television shows and quit touring.
This just in...

Secret Service is putting this investigation on hold while they go "make it rain at da' club"

I don't know what that means...

That's just what they said.
Ted Nugent is a coward and a phony, and he makes me throw up everytime he opens his "America needs people like me, Im big bad Captain Freedom" bullshit mouth and talks about "killing hippies, and everybody else"...Ted Nugent was a DRAFT DODGING COWARD, JUST LIKE THOSE HIPPIES he talks about killing. I wish one of those secret service guys would just beat his punkass in the ground and be done with him. His 1990 interview when asked what he would have done HAD HE WENT TO VIETNAM, and he said "I'd have killed, been killed, I'd have killed all the hippies, I'd have killed everybody" makes me sick to this very day. You had your chance, coward. He needs to stick to playing guitar and shut his mouth. No, America DOES NOT need "Uncle Ted" to speak for them. America's already had its share of cowards. America needs to listen to the voices of men that sacrificed their freedom while he rested safe and comfortably in Detroit.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Ted Nugent is a coward and a phony, and he makes me throw up everytime he opens his "America needs people like me, Im big bad Captain Freedom" bullshit mouth and talks about "killing hippies, and everybody else"...Ted Nugent was a DRAFT DODGING COWARD, JUST LIKE THOSE HIPPIES he talks about killing. I wish one of those secret service guys would just beat his punkass in the ground and be done with him. His 1990 interview when asked what he would have done HAD HE WENT TO VIETNAM, and he said "I'd have killed, been killed, I'd have killed all the hippies, I'd have killed everybody" makes me sick to this very day. You had your chance, coward. He needs to stick to playing guitar and shut his mouth. No, America DOES NOT need "Uncle Ted" to speak for them. America's already had its share of cowards. America needs to listen to the voices of men that sacrificed their freedom while he rested safe and comfortably in Detroit.
Two people I wouldn't walk across the street to see are Ted and Hank Williams Jr.
Ted is currently being charged with illegally shooting a black bear in Canada.

Odd timing?
zaga_fan Wrote:Ted is currently being charged with illegally shooting a black bear in Canada.

Odd timing?

Zaga Fan.... Alaska,2009, not Canada. It has all been taken care of. That is one mistake you don't want to make in Canada.
Loon Wrote:Zaga Fan.... Alaska,2009, not Canada. It has all been taken care of. That is one mistake you don't want to make in Canada.

I heard it through the grapevine and didn't read into it.

I just thought it was funny that it happened two years ago, this junk happens, and then he gets hit with it.
Speaking of workers who continued to work during a strike, Trumka urged union members to "kick the shit out of every last one of 'em

In a detailed account of the York murder and subsequent investigation, Reader’s Digest noted that “UMW President Richard Trumka did not publicly discipline or reprimand a single striker present when York was killed. In fact, all eight were helped out financially by the local.” Eventually, the union agreed to let the company “dismiss the eight original defendants if they were convicted,” but when the company “issued letters of dismissal to the seven pickets who pleaded guilty,” the union filed a grievance on their behalf.[7] Trumka and other UMW officials were charged in a $27 million wrongful death suit by Eddie York’s widow. After fighting the suit intensely for four years, UMW lawyers settled suddenly in 1997[8] - just two days after the judge in the case ruled evidence in the criminal trial would be admitted.[9]

Speaking of workers who continued to work during a strike, Trumka urged union members to "kick the shit out of every last one of 'em".[3]

So Ted said something that at least in these times was a mistake. You can't put targets on a web page now, that's promoting violence. So how about Obama's big buddy Trumka. He promotes violence and someone is killed and members of his union were guility.
I am convinced that one of the only true vacuums in sxistence is located between the ears of the dullard, Dick Trumka. He is a convincing argument against social promotion.
the other guy Wrote:Speaking of workers who continued to work during a strike, Trumka urged union members to "kick the shit out of every last one of 'em

In a detailed account of the York murder and subsequent investigation, Reader’s Digest noted that “UMW President Richard Trumka did not publicly discipline or reprimand a single striker present when York was killed. In fact, all eight were helped out financially by the local.” Eventually, the union agreed to let the company “dismiss the eight original defendants if they were convicted,” but when the company “issued letters of dismissal to the seven pickets who pleaded guilty,” the union filed a grievance on their behalf.[7] Trumka and other UMW officials were charged in a $27 million wrongful death suit by Eddie York’s widow. After fighting the suit intensely for four years, UMW lawyers settled suddenly in 1997[8] - just two days after the judge in the case ruled evidence in the criminal trial would be admitted.[9]

Speaking of workers who continued to work during a strike, Trumka urged union members to "kick the shit out of every last one of 'em".[3]

So Ted said something that at least in these times was a mistake. You can't put targets on a web page now, that's promoting violence. So how about Obama's big buddy Trumka. He promotes violence and someone is killed and members of his union were guility.
Trumka was a thug when he was the UMWA's lawyer and president. He will always be an ignorant thug in a suit. Al Sharpton has incited riots that resulted in injuries and deaths, yet Obama's Attorney General calls him a friend and partner. Obama is doing his best to turn this nation into a thugocracy where mob violence by an angry minority passes for the rule of law.
Truth Wrote:I am convinced that one of the only true vacuums in sxistence is located between the ears of the dullard, Dick Trumka. He is a convincing argument against social promotion.
As bad as Trumka is, he was an improvement over predecessors like Sam Church.
Just want to add...just because some of you have disdain towards the President, don't let that or some prostitutes cloud you opinion of the Secret Service. These dudes are top of the line. I'm talking about the Special Agents, not the Uniformed Division, but they're good too. Most of the SA's are some type of SOF veteran, and are hard as hell. No reason to rag on them.
Ted Nugent has never shot at anything that has shot back. He would probably piss on himself if bullets came flying at him. He is a self centered, egotistical, one hit wonder, who has found his niche to keep his name in the news.

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