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Steiner Tells Fans to Turn Off Impact
Scott Steiner's latest Twitter rant is urging fans to turn off Impact Wrestling during segments featuring Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff. The following are recent Steiner Tweets:

Getting alot of support from evrybody bcuz im sayin what they wish they could

Even guys from back in WCW who hogan kept his thumb on and Eric was an asshole to

Tonite is a good nite for you fans to help save TNA,so all u fans of AJ Roode Angle Abyss Sting Morgan Magnus Kazarian

Everybody who was a fan of Tna b4 bitchoff hogan n Pritchard fuckd Tna up,tonite during the show

If u see hogan bitchoff or his son turn the channel..wait 5 mins and turn it back you wont miss amything

Except their bullshit..and it will give u fans a voice thru the nielson ratings

Lets show these assholes that we dont want their bullshit and its time to save TNA from the same fate as WCW
I like the twist of letters of "Bischoff"
He wont have a job much longer. lol
Even playing a role, you never tell people to turn off the tv or change the channel!!!!
Vince has the same attitude towards the Steiner brothers that he did with Macho and Luger, thus Big Poppa Pump will never find himself back in WWE
Steiner has done this kind of stuff before...all the way back to WCW. Below is a link to a shoot on Ric Flair in 2000. He was suspended for a short time from WCW for this.

^ I remember that shoot, I was floored when he did it. I know they were taking liberties on Flair back then, but you could tell it was too over the top to be anngle
Steiner has been out of TNA for about 2 months.

But honestly...Steiner is amazing.
^ What do you mean? He has not been a good in-ring performer in 15 years! Actually, he is horrible compared to his days before Big Poppa Pump.. Genetic freak, yes! Good wrestler, Hell No!
I mean in general, with his bluntness...its amazing.

I mean he's not as good wrestler as he use to be, I agree.

But he entertains me so much with his rants.

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