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Wrestlemania 28
Divas Tag Team Match:
-Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos vs. Beth Phoenix and Eve Torres
During the pre-show for tonight's WWE WrestleMania 28 PPV, Primo and Epico retained the Tag Team Titles in a Triple Threat Tag match against Justin Gabriel & Tyson Kidd and The Uso Brothers.

The finish came when Promo hit a backstabber for the pin fall victory.
What is your opinion of the early matches, other than the Shaemus/Daniel Bryan flop?
Maria Menounos pins Beth Phoenix
Hell in a Cell Match:
-The Undertaker vs. Triple H. Shawn Michaels will serve as the special guest referee of the match.
HHH and Taker duke it out in the middle of the ring before Taker gets HHH in the corner before whipping him across the ring. HHH gets his boots up and he takes it to Taker in the corner, but Taker fights him off and throws him outside. Taker punches him against the apron then he whips him into the cage and backdrops him on the floor. He picks HHH up and headbutts him against the cage wall, then he throws a few more punches before choking him on the apron. Taker throws him headfirst into the cage, then he slams him on the ring steps before picking him up and whipping him back into them.
Taker rolls him back in the ring but HHH hits a facebuster, then Taker shakes it off and clotheslines HHH before pulling him up and hitting a shoulder block. He holds HHH's arm and hits Old School on the top rope, then Taker sends him back out to the floor and he starts taking apart the steps. Taker hits HHH in the face with the steps, then he lays HHH on the apron and connects with a legdrop across HHH's throat. HHH defends himself with a quick DDT, then he slams Taker's head off the ring steps and pulls him on top of them and goes for a Pedigree. Taker counters with a backdrop, then he turns around and continuously punches HHH in the temple before slamming his head on the steps.
Taker backs up and runs at HHH, but HHH sends him into the steps with a spinebuster, but Taker holds on and puts him in Hell's Gate. HHH uses his strength to get up and slam Taker down to break the hold, then a bloodied HHH goes outside and brings some chairs into the ring. HHH smashes the chair off of Taker's head, then he wedges the steps against the turnbuckles and whips Taker into them headfirst. He continues the assualt by beating the hell out of Taker with a chair, then HBK tries to pull him away and he tells HHH to stop. HHH shoves him away and hits him a few more times, then HHH says HBK can end it if he really wants it to be over. HBK tries to tell Taker to stay down, but Taker says he can't stop and he gets up and walks into a hard chair shot by HHH.
Taker kicks out of a pin attempt and HBK once again tries to back him off, but HHH goes outside for more weapons and he tells HBK to end it before he does. HHH brings a sledgehammer back in the ring, and he argues with HBK in the corner as Taker struggles to make it back to his feet. HHH blasts Taker in the face with the sledge, but Taker kicks out at two so HHH measures up to hit him in the head again. HBK dives to pull the sledge out of his hands, then HHH tells him to ring the bell but HBK is hesitant to do so. He goes to check on Taker, and Taker puts him in Hell's Gate, then HHH breaks the hold by hitting Taker in the head with the sledge.
HHH goes back to hit Taker in the face with it, but Taker low blows him and puts him in the Hell's Gate while HHH tries to grab at the sledge. Taker completely chokes HHH out, but no one is there to make the call and another referee runs down to make the call and struggles to make the cover. He gets inside in time for Taker to hit a chokeslam, but HHH narrowly kicks out and an angered Taker chokeslams him too. Taker goes for Tombstone but HHH slides out right as HBK superkicks Taker, then HHH hits a Pedigree but Taker narrowly kicks out
A visibly upset HBK cringes in the corner, and HHH picks the sledge back up and throws HHH back out to the floor. Taker stands up and kicks HHH in the head, then he hits a few clotheslines and a big boot. Taker hits Snake Eyes and a legdrop before hitting a Tombstone, and HBK comes back in to make the count but HHH kicks out. HBK can't believe what is going on and watches from the corner as Taker and HHH fight to their feet by trading punches.
Thank you for the updates...this looks like it is a good one.
He blasts HHH in the head and ribs with it, then HBK tries to tell him to stop but Taker measures up and hits him in the ribs and back with it. HBK backs him off so Taker throws the chair away as HHH clutches at the sledge in the corner, and he takes a swing but Taker blocks it and shakes his head that it won't happen. Taker cracks HHH in the head with it and HBK turns his back, then HHH tries to pull himself up but Taker picks him up and hits a final Tombstone to pick up the win.
sounds like it was a hell of a match
Thanks Dust for the updates. Appreciate it
Josh Mathews is backstage talking about Flo Rida backstage when Heathe Slater cuts him off and says they should be talking about him instead. Slater says he should be part of Wrestlemania, then Flo Rida comes out and asks what he is doing. Slater calls him Florida and says he wants to be his DJ or help him out tonight, but Flo Rida just gets pissed off. He shoves Slater into a wall and his entourage pulls him away, then Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks run over and laugh at Slater, and Hawkins says he got punked out.
Strikeout King Wrote:sounds like it was a hell of a match

I thought last year was better
Twelve Man Tag Team Match
Team Johnny vs Team Teddy
Dolph knocks Kofi down but Kofi comes back with a springboard crossbody, then Truth helps Kofi hiptoss Dolph and he follows with a legdrop for two. Drew and Khali tag in and Khali chops Drew in the corner before Booker tags in and hits some elbows and side slam for a near fall.
is this match an elimination tag match or one pin fall?
Team Johnny uses some quick tags to keep Booker on the mat, and Henry
Booker finally fights Miz off and goes for a tag but Henry pulls him away and slams him on the mat. Khali chops him out of the ring then Kofi and Truth throw Hornswoggle on Team Johnny, but they catch him and throw him aside. Kofi and Truth dive on them on the floor, then Santino headbutts Miz and goes for a Cobra but John Laurinaitis gets on the apron.
Santino ducks a clothesline by Miz and hits a Cobra, then Dolph breaks up the pin but Zack comes in and drops people with some neckbreakers. Zack goes for a Rough Ryder, but Miz launches him in the air and he ends up hitting Dolph with a Rough Ryder instead. Eve ends up getting in the ring and fist pumping with Zack, but Miz surprises him with a Skull Crushing Finale and makes the pin. Team Johnny celebrates in the aisle while Eve checks on Zack, and the rest of Team Teddy wonders what she was doing in the first place. Eve helps Zack up as he starts coming to, but she turns him around and kicks him below the belt and walks away with a smile on her face.
Team Johnny is backstage celebrating when John sees CM Punk and asks him why he isn't jumping for joy about the match result. He says Punk shouldn't worry, but he wants to see a good wrestling match and has an idea to make sure it happens. John says Punk has had a temper problem, and if he gets disqualified he will lose his championship to Jericho.
WWE Championship
Chris Jericho vs CM Punk
Punk locks up with Jericho then takes him down with a knee to the stomach, then he kicks him in the corner until the ref backs him off. Jericho gets up and slaps him, then Punk repeatedly kicks him in the corner until the ref gets to a five count. Jericho slaps him again, and Punk continues to hit him until Jericho asks about his father. Punk runs at him and punches him in the chest, then he slams him on the mat and climbs the turnbuckle, but Jericho rolls to the floor. Punk leaps onto Jericho on the floor, and the ref starts a count as Jericho screams about Punk's sister. He grabs a chair and slides into the ring as Jericho pleads with him to hit him, but Punk drops the chair and kicks him in the stomach.
Jericho comes back with a dropkick and an elbow shot, then Punk ends up on the apron and avoids a springboard enziguiri then goes for a GTS. Jericho blocks it and suplexes Punk onto the floor,
Jericho comes back with a dropkick and an elbow shot, then Punk ends up on the apron and avoids a springboard enziguiri then goes for a GTS. Jericho blocks it and suplexes Punk onto the floor, then he rolls him in and hits a underhook backbreaker for a two count. He screams at Punk to get up and applies a headlock, then Punk fights out but Jericho drops him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Punk kicks out of another near fall, then tries to springboard off the top turnbuckle but Jericho pulls him down by the trunks and gets another near fall. Jericho drives his knee into Punk's shoulder's, but Punk kicks him away then avoids a bulldog by shoving Jericho face first into the turnbuckle.
Punk ducks a clothesline by Jericho and chops him a few times before hitting a kneelift, then he drops Jericho with a clothesline and a neckbreaker for a two count. Punk measures Jericho up and hits a running knee smash, then he goes for a bulldog but Jericho counters and goes for a Lionsault. Punk gets his knees up but Jericho grabs his legs and goes for Walls of Jericho, but Punk twists his legs to break it and kicks Jericho in the back of the head. Punk bodyslams Jericho and goes for a top rope elbow drop, but Jericho elbows him on the way down and follows with a Codebreaker.
Punk ends up rolling to the floor and Jericho struggles to roll him in, but Punk surprises him with a GTS and gets a two count when Jericho makes it to the ropes. He continues to kick Jericho and hits a spinning powerslam for another near fall, then Punk pulls Jericho up and sets up for a suplex. Jericho floats over and they counter each other a few times until Jericho suplexes him on the ropes and hits a Lionsault for another two count.

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