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Wrestlemania 28
New John Cena T-Shirt Being Sold At WrestleMania 28

WZ was the first to report on Friday that former WWE star A-Train, real name Matt Bloom, had arrived in Miami for WrestleMania this weekend.
Coachman Teases Batista at WM
Thanks to Brandon A. for sending this in:

Former WWE star Jonathan Coachman was commenting on highlights for a baseball game from last night during which he said a player's name, "BAUTISTA!" He then said something to the effect of, "Sorry, practicing for Wrestlemania tonight."

Current WM Weather Forecast
At this point, is reporting that there is only a 10% chance of rain in Miami tonight, and the current temperature is around 83 degrees. It's supposed to drop to around 75 by the end of the night.
Who Does Warrior Think Will Steal WM?
Former WWE star The Ultimate Warrior posted the following on Twitter:

The Ultimate Warrior
WM 28...time for WWE Superstars of today to shine. Feel THEIR power. All of them warriors for today. Watch @CMPunk OWN it. Always Believe, W
-John Cena vs. The Rock

Hell in a Cell Match:
-The Undertaker vs. Triple H. Shawn Michaels will serve as the special guest referee of the match.

WWE Championship Match:
-CM Punk © vs. Chris Jericho

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match:
-Daniel Bryan © vs. Sheamus

WWE Intercontinental Title Match:
-Cody Rhodes © vs. Big Show

-Randy Orton vs. Kane

12 Man Tag Team Match For Control of Raw and Smackdown:
-Team Laurinaitis vs Team Long

Team Laurinaitis: David Otunga (Captain), Mark Henry, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, Drew McIntyre & The Miz
Team Long: Santino Marella (Captain), R-Truth, Zack Ryder, The Great Khali, Kofi Kingston & Booker T

Divas Tag Team Match:
-Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos vs. Beth Phoenix and Eve Torres
Cannot wait!!! I think this is going to be a really good one.
According to several backstage WWE sources, Daniel Bryan vs Sheamus for the World Heavyweight Championship will open tonight's WrestleMania 28 PPV.

Also, WZ has been told that Brodus Clay is expected to appear at WrestleMania in some capacity tonight.
[YOUTUBE=""Once in a Lifetime" Rock vs Cena special"]player_embedded&v=W_MGivgNTxQ[/YOUTUBE]
I hear that Brock Lesnar has indeed singed a Contract with WWE and is in Miami for Wrestlemania tonight.

SD Are you watching it? If you are can you keep us updated? I don't have satellite and watching it on my computer sucks, like literally
Good God, Lillian looks HOT!
Entire preview is centered around Rock/Cena
Sun is out, doe not look like any rain
We have an incredible WHITE Sheamus vs. Daniel Obryan for the World Heavyweght championship
The have AJ dressed HOT instead if HS clothes
Pretty even pop for both guys
OMG - Brogue kick and 5 seconds into the match Sheamus is the Champ
Music is incredibly loud, so you cannot tell the true crowd reaction, but everyone is just standing there
Well, they were worried about making sure they allowed enough time for the Main Event! Horrible booking! Thats what you get in WM???????? Cheap bullshit finish. No story between two good story tellers.

What do we get, five minutes of BS backstage crap with Team Laurenitus. Horrible!
Orton/Kanr next
Thought that one would be interesting between Shaemus and Daniel O'bryan...that's a shame.
5 minute walk by Orton to the ring - Get in the ring and get this one over!
The ring looks smaller than normal
No cheers at all for Orton
Fans appear to faVor Kane
Kane chokeslam from the toprope for the win

This should allow Kane and Cena to restart their feud
Cody Rhodes © vs. Big Show
antino is shown talking to Mick Foley and a Captain from 'Deadliest Catch' and he says WWE puts it on the line every week just like they do. Santino plugs their season premiere, then the captain asks them if they ever ate crab legs before. Foley says they have their own method of doing that, and he uses Socko to break them open while Santino uses Cobra. Ron Simmons walks in behind them and they turn around, then he pauses for a moment before yelling DAMN! and walking away.
An emotional Big Show crying legimately after a 1 punch knockout win for the title
Cody runs away from Big Show, so Show gives chase and Cody dropkicks him through the ropes. He tries to dive on Show on the floor, but Show catches him and throws him back in the ring. Show chops him in the corner and drops him with a club to the back, then scoops him up and slams him on the mat. He sends Cody back in the corner and punches him a few times, then he stinkfaces him before whipping him into the opposite corner. Cody comes back with a few dropkicks that take Show off his feet, then Cody pounds on his back and gets a near fall. Cody works on Show's legs to keep him down, then he twists Show's leg around his own before snapping it down on the mat.
Cody goes back to twisting Show's leg, but Show shoves him away and he gets up and clotheslines him before catching him in the corner. Cody jumps out of the ring and slams Show's arm down on the top rope, then he slides back in the ring and hits a Beautiful Disaster. Cody runs off the ropes and goes for another one, but Show catches him off of the springboard and spears him down on the mat. He waits for Cody to get up, then he blasts him with a WMD punch and makes the cover to become the new IC champion.

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