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Next Coach at Shelby Valley?
Anthony Hampton was the interum head coach this season...who will be the head man next season?

I personally think they should try to go away from this area, and bring in someone from down, or out of state...someone that politics mean nothing to...because from what I can understans SV is one of the most political places in KY...not that there aren't some great coaches here, and in there community, but IMO it would be in SV's best interses to pick someone who can turn SV into a football power aswell as a basketball one! :rock:
why would they get a new head coach?
Who knows,Valley doesn't have alot of support in the community or in the school for that matter,as far as football is concerned.One thing was for certain this football season,these kids could play with some of the best in the region....It seemed to me as if they believed in themselves and in doing so,raised their level of play.Someone must be given credit for this because they didn't seem to play with this same desire and determination in past seasons.But the biggest difference between this season and seasons past was their hitting ability!!! These kids were tuff!!!!! If an ''interem'' head coach can change a team that much in one season, what could you expect if he had 2,3 or even 4 years to implyment his style of play.My vote goes out to the guy who produced results,maybe not in the win collume, but in the gaining respect long has it been since a valley team was only down by 7 points late in the 3rd quarter to a 2time defending state championship team by the name of BELFRY?????? Coach Hampton, if given the chance, may just have the wildcats battling for a regional title in just a few short seasons.
Ive haerd 2 names mentioned from across the state line and they would definitley "pick business up" have the kids in the Valley area to be successfull and with people out of the "political scene" I think youd really excell....Guys you have the best middle school program ive ever seen you cant do what Mr.Newsomw has done on coaching alone you gotta have the kids and you gottem and Dorton as well..With the names Ive heard these 2 will tear that "bearier"down and unite the programs to make one helluva team.
One is a helluva head coach with an offensive knowledge that is awsome..the other a defensive stratagist that has great success,,,,I hope you guys turn into Big Dogs in the near of luck..
Not to ask a stupid ?, but I haven't kept up with it at all, didn't they just hire a new coach this year? Howard? What happened with that. I was under the understanding he was a great coach.
i tell u if a school needed a coach they should go after matt workman the assistant to hager at sheldon clark he is a excellant coach he coached me through middle school and high school
Well the only reason TE #82 said that is because he toke them far in the playoff's but the only reason that he did is because leslie co. messed up!:golf:
no thats not why i think the matt workman is not a assistant he is a great one dont get e wrong.. he is ment to be a head coach he has a great coachin mind he is great offensively and defenceivly
I would like to see Valley do well but I really don;t see it in the future!The board messed things up the 1st time.Donnie Daniels would have been the best choice. Maybe Hampton and the current staff might get it done.GOOD LUCK TO THE vALLEY!!!!:getwell:
Two words........David Osborne. :theman:
Jim Davis!
i-dono Wrote:Anthony Hampton was the interum head coach this season...who will be the head man next season?

I personally think they should try to go away from this area, and bring in someone from down, or out of state...someone that politics mean nothing to...because from what I can understans SV is one of the most political places in KY...not that there aren't some great coaches here, and in there community, but IMO it would be in SV's best interses to pick someone who can turn SV into a football power aswell as a basketball one! :rock:

Heard that..Good post
Greg Newsome
If Bubba Combs applied, I would choose him. He was a warrior at Betsy Lane and MSU. I think he coaches at Nelson County now
GOPCHAWKS Wrote:If Bubba Combs applied, I would choose him. He was a warrior at Betsy Lane and MSU. I think he coaches at Nelson County now
I heard he has.
Zek Wrote:I heard he has.
If he has, he probably won't even get a sniff, because he isn't in the good ole boy system there. Who knows though.
It is all political! If the election wasn't this year then you would see Anthony Hampton on the headsets!
Anyone heard about the SV position? When are the interviews?
why do they lose there coaches so much
It's like a soap there, backstabing, and not knowing what they have when they have it!
I really don't know what to say about this really anymore. but i heard that they are getting a coach from tenn. and he suppost to be a great one that has been there and done that. but like always valley will be the underdawg next year.

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