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TNA Victory Road PPV Results
# 1 Contenders Match

James Storm defeated Bully Ray - Storm get's to keep his #1 Contender Spot

X Division Championship

Austin Aries © defeated Zema Ion

Tag Team Championships

Samoa Joe and Magnus © defeated Crimson and Matt Morgan

At the end of the match, Crimson speared Matt Morgan and said he was the winner of the match. This allowed Samoa Joe and Magnus to hit their finisher for the win.

TNA TV Title

Brother Devon defeated Robbie E © - New TV Champ

late in the match, there was a ringside scuffle involving a steel chair and apparently Brooke Hogan got involved from the crowd area. Brother Devon made a comeback in the ring hitting a spinebuster for the win.

Knockouts Championship

Gail Kim © defeated Madison Rayne

AJ Styles and Mr. Anderson defeated Daniels and Kazarian

Late in the match, all four men were fighting in the ring. Eventually it ended up with Anderson and Daniels on the outside. In the ring, Styles hit the Clash on Kazarian to get the win.

Kurt Angle defeated Jeff Hardy

Late in the match, Jeff Hardy hit the Swanton on Angle, but as he made the cover, Angle managed to reverse it into his own pinfall grabbing the ropes to secure the pin.

No Holds Barred

Bobby Roode defeated Sting

Towards the end of the match, Roode brought a steel chair into play. Sting got control of things and hit the Scorpion Death Drop. However, he also hit his head on the seat of the chair as he did the move. With Sting KO'd, Roode was able to put an arm over him for the win.

Post-match, Roode went after Dixie Carter with a chair, and eventually Sting recovered to chase him out of the ring. Roode came back in though and smashed a chair across Sting's back, then duct taped him in the corner. He went after Dixie but dropped the chair. He took facepaint off Sting's face and then smeared it on Dixie's face before eventually yelling at her and leaving the scene.
Wow, not a single surprise. TNA is the new WCW during the Bischoff/Hogan years. Every PPV has the outcome of their PPV's given on television every week leading up to the event. I just watched the last two weeks of Impact before I got on here and I swear I read this and thought to myself, yep, I saw that coming!

Ughh, can they not swerve the viewers at all?? Terrible booking!
What's the deal with Roode putting his hands on Dixie Carter? I mean really? They have a guy putting his hands on a woman booked? Just plain stupid
Strikeout King Wrote:What's the deal with Roode putting his hands on Dixie Carter? I mean really? They have a guy putting his hands on a woman booked? Just plain stupid

Did you not see him SPIT in her face three weeks ago? Spit, stuck in her hair, ran down her eye, in her mouth! If you don't think Dixie Carter gave the greenlight, there is NO WAY IN HELL that he would have done it! Trust me, he would have got the Crap kicked out of him by all the boys if he took liberties! That just does not happen!

It's not the first time the women have taken bumps. Women taking bumps is called "Cheap Heat". Chep Heat has been used forever to cement a guy as the villain or top heel. That's all this is. And, it's not booked without the woman giving the greenlight. Most of the women are the one's who go to the bookers. Though I don't know it, I would be willing to bet that Dixie approached the boys and prompted these actions of late. She is trying to get herself over and is trying to get over on the opposite side of how Vince got over. She, as the owner, is doing the exact same thing that Vince did during the Attitude era, she is just doing it on the face side!
Stardust Wrote:Did you not see him SPIT in her face three weeks ago? Spit, stuck in her hair, ran down her eye, in her mouth! If you don't think Dixie Carter gave the greenlight, there is NO WAY IN HELL that he would have done it! Trust me, he would have got the Crap kicked out of him by all the boys if he took liberties! That just does not happen!

It's not the first time the women have taken bumps. Women taking bumps is called "Cheap Heat". Chep Heat has been used forever to cement a guy as the villain or top heel. That's all this is. And, it's not booked without the woman giving the greenlight. Most of the women are the one's who go to the bookers. Though I don't know it, I would be willing to bet that Dixie approached the boys and prompted these actions of late. She is trying to get herself over and is trying to get over on the opposite side of how Vince got over. She, as the owner, is doing the exact same thing that Vince did during the Attitude era, she is just doing it on the face side!

That clears it up but in reality no guy should ever hit a woman
Strikeout King Wrote:That clears it up but in reality no guy should ever hit a woman

It's not reality. Roode putting his hands on Dixie should only be taken in context EXACTLY they way that Jason in Friday the 13th kills a woman! It's not real!
Stardust Wrote:It's not reality. Roode putting his hands on Dixie should only be taken in context EXACTLY they way that Jason in Friday the 13th kills a woman! It's not real!

I know, what I meant in Reality is outside of wrestling like physical abuse no guy should ever hit a woman
^ Well if I didn't beat my wife 3 times per week, then she might think she can talk back to me. I can't have that now SK!!! Wink
I didn't see the PPV, so it is hard to comment on it, but, for me, TNA has been like late 90s/early 2000 WCW for the last 6-7 years. Lame, uncreative booking and not really making any new stars. Roode should have beaten Sting clean. To have your Champion, and in all reality, the only star quality wrestler in your organization beat a 50 plus year old semi-retired wrestler by accident is ridiculous. I really want TNA to do well but stuff like this just kills it for me.

Also, if anyone knows, how did TNA draw in Corbin and Pikeville? A friend of mine texted me and said that he went to the Corbin show and there were barely 400 people there, but an OVW contact of mine says they drew over 2,000.
It wasn't a bad show.

I'd give it a C-

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