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Rumors floating around that BGR will eventually start charging.. COMPLETELY FALSE!!
I don't know how they have gotten started. BGR will never charge.

The site was started to allow people to come together and make friends, talk sports and other areas of interests.

The main reason I created this site is to allow people to be part of something just as good as other sites without charging them for it.

I don't believe in making money off other peoples knowledge. If I charged thats essentially what I would be doing. I get the priviledge of reading wonderful content everyday. I dont supply the content here, you do. Why would I charge. Your friendships and knowledge are worth more than the money to me.

I assure you the intent of this website is not making money. I do this as a hobby. To me its a very productive hobby that allows to practice some of my computer knowledge, make friends and discuss sports. I also love making people happy. I wouldn't want anything more from it.

Well, some may ask.. Whats up with the google ads. I can assure the google ads are not there for profit.. When they are clicked BGR does receive a Click percentage from that. The money made through those ads is applied to hosting and bandwidth charges.

That alone doesnt cover the hosting. The rest of the money is paid out of my pocket.

Others ask, How can you keep going in the hole with hosting charges monthly and expect to keep this site up? As long as their are members here to contribute to the content and BGRs growth I dont mind going in the hole. I am willing to pay the costs out of my pocket to bring others a nice ALWAYS FREE community with servers/features as good, if not even better than the payed KY sports sites.

There will be a BGR shop opened shortly with BGR clothing. Selling a few of these will help cover costs and any extra will go into advertising only.

My mission is to become the biggest and best sports site in Kentucky. Its not about seeing how big my bank account gets.

Money can't replace family or true friends.

One other thing.. BGR will never have intrusive ads that pop up on you without your request. We may have some local advertisers eventually. (But this too is free) Local advertisers are welcome to advertise on BGR for free in exchange for advertising at their place of business. However, I would make sure the ads are not intrusive (meaning they wont be popping up in you face and they will not get in the way your content).

I never could understand why some places charge you for membership and then force intrusive ups and advertising at you. This to me is places that are only in the business for the money.
sounds awesome QQ!
Sounds great QQ, we are all thankful for all the hard word you put in.
AMEN 98!! Love the site QQ....I would be lost without it -- and was for a while when my computer was down.
I have been with this site for over a year now. It has been the best thing for me. This is my link to home. Like QQ said, I have made so many friends on here. As a matter fact a few of them feel as close to me as brothers or sisters and I haven't even met some of them yet...Hopefully that will change soon.

I appreciate all the work, time and dedication QQ puts into the site to make it what it is today. We have came along way in a year's time. I also contribute some of the success to our staff of Moderators and Administrators that are here to help members and to keep unwanted content off the boards as to give every member a pleasant experiance.

In a little over a year's time we have had over 8,984 Threads, 140,754 Posts, and we currently have 1,844 Members. I think by this time next year we will double those numbers easily.

Like QQ said, we're not in this for your money, we're here for the people. This site will never charge you the member for your opinions.

Thanks to all of our members for being here, and keep spreading the word that BluegrassRivals is the #1 source for sports talk in the state of Kentucky.
So if BGR won't be charging ... will it be retreating instead? :big grin:
Maui Nick Wrote:So if BGR won't be charging ... will it be retreating instead? :big grin:

Retreating ????? from what....?Rolleyes :lmao:
Maui Nick Wrote:So if BGR won't be charging ... will it be retreating instead? :big grin:

QQ -- thanks i really enjoy your site ... will clicking on the google ads take us straight to google ... if it does ...i will put that as a favorite and go through there first to get to google to help raise hits... hey every little bit helps
Thats great.....i didnt wanna have to pay to give my oppinion
Thanks QQ for a great site, hopefully in the near future we will accomplish your mission, we appreciate your dedication and hardwork.
Thanks qq, I love the site

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